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4 pointsAnyone with less than 10 post in another state is a scammer, likewise anyone in this state with less than 10 posts is a scammer as well. The rest that post only in the forsale section are just buyers and sellers looking to make a buck, or take advantage of members here never to come back. Personally I would limit the forsale section to 50 min post but hey thats just me.
3 points
2 pointsDon't overthink it.... many, many elk died before all this FOC, 500 grain arrow talk became cool. Dont hit the shoulder and you are golden. Hit the shoulder, you better be close and have some serious KE.
1 pointAre trip to Mexico turned out to be the toughest hunt I’ve ever had down there . We hunted a ranch that we had been to several times in the past. The drought had been severe leading to almost zero water and feed. Instead of seeing 40-50 deer a day we were seeing 15-20 only a couple mature bucks. I was lucky to find this one
1 pointFound these last weekend out in the desert. Just out of a wash. Saw them at like 75 yards and got really excited! I love finding sheds!
1 point
1 pointOne of these? https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10214390093724295&id=1176590104
1 pointYeah. I figure due to mainly my draw length I was very limited on speed and one day someone told me if you cant shoot fast shoot heavy. But that was 1 week before my hunt so I didnt wanna change everything I worked on last minute. But now I have till september till CO OTC elk
1 pointI stoped on to Bruno’s today’s no 215’s average powder per lbs is $50
1 point
1 point
1 point
1 pointHow about this for a solution. Everyone be honest and ethical and not use "Game" cameras for aid in hunting. We never had them years ago and there was still success full hunts. It might even make us better hunters. It is nice to have technology but it would be nice to turn it down a notch and go back to our human Instincts.
1 pointSo I had a small muley rack that was pretty much wrecked. I cut off the horns as a keepsake and wrote it off as a total loss. On a whim I threw it out to Adam to see if he wanted to try and do something with it and he said he would give it a shot . We really had nothing to lose. I grabbed a replica skull from my neighbor and sent it all over to Adam to do his work. Low and behold a few days later he calls with the bright idea of trying to put velvet back on it. Sure, why not. after a few days he sends me some pics and darnit if he didn't do a pretty swell job of salvaging a throw away into a decent little wall hanger. Now this is nothing you would see on Houston's wall, but it fits just fine with my other poverty trophies. Besides, this was all about Adams work and not about the rack. Thanks for the awesome work Adam! From now on I am calling him Big Velvet instead of Big Browns! Before pic All cleaned up: A little woodwork (my contribution): On the wall: With friends:
1 pointYou can always steal cams, get caught, and then come on here and admit to/ apologize for stealing them.... most will forgive (might even praise you for ‘being a man’ and owning up to it).. it’s those darn seasons, fair chase, methods of take, and daylight hours that people get all worked up on when you’re caught bending the rules... remember the 4 rules of poaching TAB+1 Treat all animals as yours to take however you think is fair Always have a plausible story and justification of why you’re right Know where your trophy is posed and what’s beyond it for pictures plus When in doubt blame the G+F for being a liberal do-nothing body of politicians that are trying to take away your freedoms
1 pointmaybe both at about the same time, ... or neither! 😁 I remember when you could just go down to the G&F office & pick up one of the 800 archery bull tags for units 1, 2, 4, & 27 (combined units) if you didn’t draw a 5B or 6A tag!
1 point
1 point
1 pointAt least it’s only two weeks...used to be a lot longer. I remember when most hunts were due in early June and you didn’t know till end of July. You had 5-6 weeks till archery elk started from time you knew you were going. Guys who were low in the pecking order at work couldn’t get time off. Kudos to g and f for moving it to Feb and getting draw done in a couple weeks.
1 point
1 pointClay Goldman does good mule deer along with about everything else. Here are a couple he did.
1 pointWe noticed 2 things on the 3-4 herds that we have been chasing around the last 10 years or so. Very very few Reds and our herds seem to be split up a bit more.. herds of 12 are now 6. No idea if drought related, but I assume.
1 pointDay 4. Great faith in day 4. the Golden Child(T's daughter who has more luck than any 1 human being should have) showed up last night. Today will be good. Morning- right off we spot 1 ram and 3 ewes. of course they are on a sky island at 1600 yds. HARD pass. Afternoon- wind STILL SUCKS!!!!!! So maybe she's not all that goldden after all. We start heading back down the mountain. Over a little rise at teh bottom of the ridge and "STOP!" T yells there's barbary ram at that water hole! We BAIL out of the sxs (I grab my gun) and T is down off the side prone. I yell out 530yds and he says "on it!". Fires. HIT!(sort of) and off the dang thing runs... This time I don't just watch though. I shoot and mr barbary takes a flop. Jumps up and flops back and rolls off the hill a bit. I was certian I missed and the ram was down from T's shot. We gather everything up and head down. He calls me over to have a look and tells me we need to figure out who's ram it is. I said, "well it's yours". It was a no brainer. He saw it, he shot it first and it was his. He disagreed. We ran back through the shot sequence and he AND his daughter made a very persuasive argument that it was MY ram. The Ram was shot twice. Turns out T shot it in the lower front lip and busted its lower jaw and front lower teeth. T is actually a VERY good shot but just had a monkey on this trip for some reason. I had NEVER seen him miss before this trip. Based on how the second shot completely disabled him, they convinced me I should have the ram. I graciously accepted and quite honestly almost cried at his selflessness. Yes, my friend just GAVE me a 30 inch ram that he could have rightfully claimed and NOBODY would have been upset. This entire experience was amazing and truly a TEAM effort. easiest pack out EVER the team
1 pointNot even the same category, one I don’t like to because I don’t wanna be overrun with nonresidents, the other is just flat out wrong and unethical. More power to the guys that wounded the buck, if I knew someone was deliberately keeping info like that from me it’d get ugly real quick.
1 pointFrom Duwane: Brett Kelly @couesicrew and I chased this buck for several days with different clients. One client missed this buck which was an absolute heartbreak. As a guide you know this is a once in a lifetime type of buck. Brett kept on this buck for five days. He is a tremendous glasser and has developed the ability to dig out big bucks. It would be no different with this monster. He continued to hide in really thick cuts but Brett stayed with it. The fifth day of hunting this brute would be the day that everything would change. Brett walked client Ron Maguire @rrmaguire Into this buck at 32 yards and Ron hammered him! Ron has paid his dues. He’s been out here about 6 different times with the OTC hunts, sometimes guided and sometimes on his own. He booked with us for the first time and this couldn’t have happened for a better guy. Anyone that knows Ron knows he has put in the hard work to set himself up for a buck like this. This buck is a true desert giant. This buck has ton of character with inlines, kickers and mass. Just a flat out stud buck and we couldn’t be happier for Brett and Ron. Great job and congratulations to the both you guys.