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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/15/2021 in all areas

  1. 6 points
    Are trip to Mexico turned out to be the toughest hunt I’ve ever had down there . We hunted a ranch that we had been to several times in the past. The drought had been severe leading to almost zero water and feed. Instead of seeing 40-50 deer a day we were seeing 15-20 only a couple mature bucks. I was lucky to find this one
  2. 3 points
    Trade 1000 rounds of 556 green tip? +cash on your end.
  3. 2 points
    2 - 20 acre parcels. 6 miles west of Ashfork. 4 miles n. Of I-40 , off the Crocton exit. Deer elk and javelina frequent the property. Awesome antelope country too! Hilltopviews of the valley below and the Peaks, Bill Williams, even Mingus in the distance. Always glassed up antelope accross the valley below. A trailer is located on one 20. We used it for weekend trips. Make a nice hunting camp. Off grid living required for area. Hillside is heavily treed with mature junipers . For more information. Call 602 762 6695. Gary Hanson
  4. 1 point
    Anybody wanna put up the 6mil I’ll volunteer to live in the main house and take care of maintenance etc! 😂
  5. 1 point
    Don't overthink it.... many, many elk died before all this FOC, 500 grain arrow talk became cool. Dont hit the shoulder and you are golden. Hit the shoulder, you better be close and have some serious KE.
  6. 1 point
  7. 1 point
    Good movie. Thanks for recommending it
  8. 1 point
    So the ammo is .44 cents and the box it comes in is $142
  9. 1 point
    The first post says .44 cents per round
  10. 1 point
    So I had a small muley rack that was pretty much wrecked. I cut off the horns as a keepsake and wrote it off as a total loss. On a whim I threw it out to Adam to see if he wanted to try and do something with it and he said he would give it a shot . We really had nothing to lose. I grabbed a replica skull from my neighbor and sent it all over to Adam to do his work. Low and behold a few days later he calls with the bright idea of trying to put velvet back on it. Sure, why not. after a few days he sends me some pics and darnit if he didn't do a pretty swell job of salvaging a throw away into a decent little wall hanger. Now this is nothing you would see on Houston's wall, but it fits just fine with my other poverty trophies. Besides, this was all about Adams work and not about the rack. Thanks for the awesome work Adam! From now on I am calling him Big Velvet instead of Big Browns! Before pic All cleaned up: A little woodwork (my contribution): On the wall: With friends:
  11. 1 point
    caught a few on top water this week, first hour of light... water temp was 56°
  12. 1 point
    L&F wants to redefine "take" to include "take" a picture of game without their written permission. LOL
  13. 1 point
    EPISODE 2 IS LIVE!!! On this day my brother and sister both fill their first tags EVER. The excitement of this day will always give me goose bumps!
  14. 1 point
    Finally someone that understands this! Great post!
  15. 1 point
    Yes because this ban or season idea is for using cameras for hunting. It doesn't ban using cameras. The Game and Fish cannot ban cameras on Forest Service Land. The Forest Service or BLM has to ban it on the land they control. The Game and Fish has no authority to ban using cameras outside of hunting purposes. If the Game and Fish bans cameras year round there will still be legal cameras up. If they create a season there will still be legal cameras up outside of that season. Your idea of everyone taking cameras down is just not possible unless you get the Forest Service and BLM on board.
  16. 1 point
    When I pull my unit 1 early rifle tag with 2 points.. who’s comin with?! 😜
  17. 1 point
    The winner will be anyone who doesn't watch it.
  18. 1 point
    If they can't stand for the Anthem, then I'm not going to watch them.
  19. 1 point
    Win what? Nothing going on tomorrow in my household that disrespects the flag.
  20. 1 point
    This is why I shoot little trophies. Way less arrows in them
  21. 1 point
    When I pay a guide I hope he finds me a wounded buck that is slowed down enough so my fat butt can get to 20 yards, so I can take an ethical shot with in my range. Then my guide can cogratulate me as a guy who really "earned" it. Then I can take it to the Taxi and get a life-sized for my den and in the evenings I can drink a single malt and proudly look at my rack and think what a great hunter I am for only taking ethical shots at wounded trophy deer and think about that poor slob hunter and what a $hitty shot he is and how he probably never misses a forky. I tell you what you got to have nerves of steel to call yourself a wounded trophy deer hunter......
  22. 1 point
    Do like some of the NR's do. They'll pool their money and send one guy on a guided OTC Arizona hunt one season and the next they all go back to the same spot with the knowledge that the guy learned the year prior. It has happened to a couple friends of mine that guide. Yuck
  23. 1 point
    Plus it sounds like it was killed 3 days later .... seems like fair game to me to anyone regardless of who it is.
  24. 1 point
    So the deer was wounded by your friend but lived, and duwanes guide found it again still alive, and his client killed it? Idk man, im not sure there’s anything to be mad about there except your friend butt shooting it.
  25. 1 point
    It’s too bad your buddy made a bad shot. I’m glad for the deer that Duwaynes client made a good shot.