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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/09/2021 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    the last time Tony opened his mouth and insterted his foot like that is when he wrote his book about coues hunting.
  2. 2 points
    My wife and I had another successful Javelina hunt yesterday. It was really fun tagging out on 2 pigs in the same herd. I love hunting with my wife, she has become my favorite hunting partner!
  3. 2 points
    What an incredible line said out of pure excitement from my son! Glassed these piggies up about 1045. Got the wind and cover, made our way in. Two through the pump station with my 10mm and she was done. To say Levi was excited is an understatement.
  4. 2 points
  5. 2 points
    I don't want to ruin the fun here, but if you are serious, you are WAY off on how the draw works. Depending on species choice (I am assuming elk), you have 4 BPs going into this draw. If you are unsuccessful, you will be issued another BP, and have 5 BPs going into next year. Now, you can put in for up to 5 hunt choices. No matter whether you have 0 BPs or 30 BPs. You will be issued a random number for each of your BPs and one for this year's application. So totaling 5 numbers. Let's say you are given #s 1017, 2032, 5089, 8591, 19001 for your "lottery" numbers. The Bonus round goes for the top BP holders, up to 10% of the available tags for their units of choice. Unless you are putting in for cow elk hunts in bad units, you more than likely will not be in the bonus pass. Next is the first pass. They will start at #1, and whoever has #1 will get their 1st choice. #2 next, and so on. But, they ONLY look at choices 1 & 2 in the first round. By the time they get to your #1017, they will look at your 1st and 2nd choices. If there are tags left, you get a tag. If not, you are reissued a random number for the 2nd pass, where they look at choices 3 thru 5. Not usually many tags left in the 2nd round. Low population units, limited opportunities, cow hunts maybe, etc. Hardly ever any bull hunts in the 2nd round. For me, I only put in two choices. Edit: Nevermind. You are looking for GoHunt draw odds. I can't read for $#!t sometimes. Use 5 points. 4 BPs plus the application.
  6. 2 points
    The games wasn’t on till 4:30 though lol. I did 7 miles looking for sheds but only found this, then golfed 18, got home about 5 in time to get watch outdoor writer become my son. this dude said that’s a goat, was a sign Brady was going to win.
  7. 2 points
    First year in my life didn't watch one game all season or follow at all. Took my daughter out yesterday and got her first javelina
  8. 2 points
    got a few kids that werent mine into it, got quite a few adult friend into it as well. Mainly into Varmits everyone making ballistic jelly. The coolest one (not counting my kids) was this young kid whos mom worked with my wife in the early 80's. kid was maybe 12 at the time , I used to take him with me alot up on the nroth rim during the archery hunt and yote hunting up there and down here., we had a good time he was alwys fun to take out. over the years we lost tract, wife would bump into his mom ever so often. one day about 2 years ago my wife ran into him at the store. said he remembered every hunt and had a absolute blast. she found out he worked just across the street from US. The bad part I forgot all about this until this thread. I'm going to have to stop by where he works and see if he is around and say HI. cause now I feel like shoot. one thing I remember distinctly about this kid is every time I would come up to a cattle guard he would yell super loud "Grab your Balls" heck i'd be half asleep driving(yes true story) and wake up to a kid Screaming "HEY GRAB YOUR BALLS" were going over a cattle guard. he got such a kick on saying that. really funny over the years cause from that time on every time I go over a cattle guard with anyone I smile or laugh a tad then have to tell the story to the person I am with.
  9. 1 point
    Awesome find, I love petroglyphs. Interesting how the artist hinged that rams front legs and one on the lambs.
  10. 1 point
    Now get him to shoot a scope mounted one that the eye relief is set up to not shoulder it and see how easy it would be to shoot.
  11. 1 point
    I thought it was 20%??
  12. 1 point
    I wonder if Tony will admit he was DEAD WRONG!
  13. 1 point
    We gotta stop feeding the trolls on this site.
  14. 1 point
    I have a Glock 40 in 10mm with Leopold optic on it that I have killed javelina with. It's a lot of fun! I think I'm gonna use my Judge this year and see what happens.
  15. 1 point
    I always use what I currently have.
  16. 1 point
    Have some Hornady loads I don't need. didn't want to waste them in an AR. $20 for 55 grain and $25 for 53 grain supers
  17. 1 point
    I probably wouldn’t have watched it but I wanted to see how far outdoor writer had insterted his foot into his mouth. Super deep. Probably still stuck there this morning.
  18. 1 point
  19. 1 point
    Clay at Mogollon!! He did the one on the bottom right when I was living down there. He’s a very very close second to Brian Kadrmas at Dakota Taxidermy who has done most of my other work but I’m guessing you’re looking for someone in AZ
  20. 1 point
    If I was 25 yrs. younger, you'd have a sale so I could replace my 50+ yr; old M70 .264 that has been my go-to rifle for a long, long time. Good luck with the sale.
  21. 1 point
    Clay Goldman does good mule deer along with about everything else. Here are a couple he did.
  22. 1 point
  23. 1 point
    Oh my sillyness what an end to a ridiculous hunt. Was heading out for one more evening of failure when Big Browns gives me a call and so graciously offers to take us to his super secret A+honey hole. Off we went. We climbed a small miserable mountain and right away found elk. Wrong flavor though. Not to worry, Big Browns not only takes us to this amazing spot, he then FINDS the elk TOO. After a short mad scramble to get everything set up,my niece launches her FIRST bullet at her FIRST big game animal. 530yds. The hours of practice paid off and she laced miss daisy with an (almost) perfect shot. Tucked it right behind the front leg just clipping the elbow. After a VERY short run/fall....elk down. Then the REAL fun began. Big Browns and her dad head back to get the ranger and she and I head through the scrub to find the prize. It took us over an HOUR to find it because of a) thick nasty scrub and b) a little hidden gully that fooled us and c) sheer stupidity on my part for not getting walked on to her. No worries, we had plenty of time because Big Browns doesn't know how to change a tire. Luckily he has hillbilly friends that do and came to his rescue. A few cuts later and elk bags in the Ranger and HAPPY niece. It was really AMAZING. her dad had been down with bronchitis for over a week, This was the first chance he had to get out. Shouldn't have because he was hacking up a lung but didn't want to miss it"just in case". Thank you again to all who offered help. Absolutely made this a fantastic experience. THIS is what makes this forum a great place. And of course I can't thank Big Browns enough for making this happen(after ALREADY helping TWO other youths this morning!!!!). And to wildwoody for saving the day. Just......AWESOME. Thank you guys. we did get some video but I am WAY too tired to mess with them right now.
  24. 1 point
    She got one on the ground, congratulations
  25. 1 point
    If she is a new hunter the chasing bugles thing is fun and a sure way to get into elk, but can be a little challenging getting an ethical, high percentage shot. Grab a flat line map and check some tanks below the rim for activity. It is usually a little dry in October and those elk will be watering almost daily. I usually set up mid day on a vantage point with kiddos between 100-200 yards downwind of water or area you suspect elk are coming from and have always had great opportunities that way in a more controlled environment. If your scouting doesn't turn up anything you like send me a message and I can get you guys on a couple tanks that are historically producers. Take care, Mark