I don't want to ruin the fun here, but if you are serious, you are WAY off on how the draw works.
Depending on species choice (I am assuming elk), you have 4 BPs going into this draw. If you are unsuccessful, you will be issued another BP, and have 5 BPs going into next year.
Now, you can put in for up to 5 hunt choices. No matter whether you have 0 BPs or 30 BPs. You will be issued a random number for each of your BPs and one for this year's application. So totaling 5 numbers. Let's say you are given #s 1017, 2032, 5089, 8591, 19001 for your "lottery" numbers.
The Bonus round goes for the top BP holders, up to 10% of the available tags for their units of choice. Unless you are putting in for cow elk hunts in bad units, you more than likely will not be in the bonus pass.
Next is the first pass. They will start at #1, and whoever has #1 will get their 1st choice. #2 next, and so on. But, they ONLY look at choices 1 & 2 in the first round. By the time they get to your #1017, they will look at your 1st and 2nd choices. If there are tags left, you get a tag. If not, you are reissued a random number for the 2nd pass, where they look at choices 3 thru 5. Not usually many tags left in the 2nd round. Low population units, limited opportunities, cow hunts maybe, etc. Hardly ever any bull hunts in the 2nd round.
For me, I only put in two choices.
Edit: Nevermind. You are looking for GoHunt draw odds. I can't read for $#!t sometimes. Use 5 points. 4 BPs plus the application.