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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/05/2021 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    Is "big trash pick up" going on in his neighborhood? Maybe a "blight" complaint by a neighbor? 🤣
  2. 2 points
    I could be friends with anybody that possesses the level of creativity and sense of humor needed to build a monstrosity like that. I love it, I really do! Hopefully who ever stole it returns it due to the frustration experienced when attempting to source the proper oil filter at autozone. ”year, make, model, sir?” I will keep an eye out while chasing smelly critters on my HAM hunt. If I find it, no reward necessary, maybe just let me drive it once. Best of luck
  3. 2 points
    Out of staters are only 10% of the problem but contribute 50% of the money. We need every resident to stop applying his wife, mother, dog and hair dresser. Getting rid of the rule averaging bonus points for party apps would be a solid first step.
  4. 2 points
    I have only looked at the portal account pryer to applying. I then apply get my receipts and have a 🍺 and relax. Then wait for Not Drawn.
  5. 2 points
    With most seasons over who all is looking towards Turkey season. I have turned in to a turkey nut over the years. Going to Florida for the Osceola hunt on the 20th of March. Going to see some friends there, get a little beach time in Daytona then head to hopefully hunt Georgia. Then off to Virginia to visit a good buddy I grew up with in PA. ,He's got a lot of land and Turkey's but there season doesn't open till later. Then off to Pa. and hang around till they open ,Still have Family and friends there to visit then hunt. Then I can Hunt any where on the way back to AZ. Have a Son in Illinois who is having his first kid, I will stop and visit. Then might hit Mizz. or Oklahoma on the way back if not burned out. Then back here I have the 2nd hunt in unit 1 ,my favorite place to hunt them. My Osceola will finish my Royal slam finally. Good luck To all You Bird guys this year. Hopefully I will have pics. and stories from different states.................BOB!
  6. 2 points
    I personally wish they make it such a pain to apply that out of staters would quit
  7. 1 point
    Before I commit to a bulk buy online at 70 cents per round, I thought I would give the CWT members a chance at some profit taking. If you have 100 to 1000 rounds you want to sell, let me know. Cash of course and will meet within a 20 mile radius of Peoria. Prefer 115 grain and brass cases. 602 3seven6-1five98 Thanks, Bill
  8. 1 point
  9. 1 point
    Mark Bean with his .375 Cheytac was pretty impressive. But I thought most everyone shot well.
  10. 1 point
    Never trust the experts on a forum. Lol
  11. 1 point
    One of the best target scopes out there.
  12. 1 point
  13. 1 point
    It is SPF but I have another one I can sell. I will send you a PM with my cell #
  14. 1 point
    Send msg to Stanley or admins and they will block them.
  15. 1 point
  16. 1 point
    So what I still don’t want them here
  17. 1 point
    I like the green because it is "brighter" than the red without blowing out my night vision like a bright white light will do. It also gives good contrast for my illuminated reticles. I have a red handheld wildlife technologies xlr250 and a xlr 100. I use the handheld for scanning. Much easier than scanning with gun mounted. Red is much easier on the eyes and makes their eyes pop just fine. even the 100 is quite sufficient for eyes but the250 is obviously MUCH brighter. My green light is a DIY gun mounted with remote switch. I just bought a cheap super bright LED off amazon and swapped out the white led for a green led. Works great. I have no doubt this could be done for a red light as well. Much better and brighter than a red/green filter.
  18. 1 point
    You should probably read the regs first
  19. 1 point
  20. 1 point
    I was fortunate enough to draw another deer tag this year and have been putting in alot of time in the hills the past 2 months. I had 2 bucks picked out for sure this year and knew it would be one of them or nothing. I packed in the day prior to the hunt and set up my camp. I managed to turn up a few nice bucks the evening before the opener but wasn't able to locate one of the bucks I was after. 3:45 came early the next day and I crawled out of my sleeping bag and started getting everything ready. Within a hour my brother inlaw showed up to hunt the morning with me before he had to work. We managed to get to the glassing hill with time to set up everything before the sun came up. I soon found my self glassing into the basin that I've seen my target buck in. I scanned the only turning over a few does. I was about to turn and glass below us for my other buck when some coyoties started sounding off below ous and deer came pouring over the cut above us. I saw what looked like a nice buck come out of the same area I've seen the big buck and although he was a solid deer he wasn't the one I was looking for. We glassed for another hour or so then started focusing our efforts on the shade. My brother inlaw called me over to his spotter and he had located a buck that he knew I needed to take a look at and make the judgment call myself. We sat and watched him for probably 15 minutes before I decided to pass. We continued to glass when I turned up 2 bucks. one was a smaller 4x4 maybe mid 80s and the other was a stud of a 2 point. As im watching the larger 2 point I see a deer making his way through some thick brush. I turned to my brother inlaw and said we need to figure out what that deer was. We knew that most of the bucks were still running together and he had to be a buck. We stared at a 40 yard circle for close to 20 minutes when my brother inlaw happened to glass the buck bedded in a small opening inside the thicket. He was just sat in a way that we though it was him but couldn't quite tell. We compared him to the videos we had back and forth for what seemed to be forever. Finally he turned jsut right giving us the look that we had been looking for to make conformation. Laying down below us bairly noticeable through the 15s was the one of the bucks I was after Pitchfork. We got set up and checked the range, we waited for what seemed like a eternity and finally he stood up. Shortly after he got up, I was able to successfully harvest this amazing buck. What a awesome, yet short hunt it was. I cant wait to do it again.
  21. 1 point
    I just completed two apps and receipts were e-mailed immediately. Seems normal to me.
  22. 1 point
    I think they use Dominion Software. That way they can take your money and throw out your application. Therefore they have a better chance of drawing a tag.
  23. 1 point
  24. 1 point
    I called a few in for my daughter like that, pretty exciting when they get that close. we were sitting on a cliff having a snack and bullshitting one day late afternoon. I'd grab out the call every once in while and blow on it. Claudia was giving me crap and saying " I cant figure out how you call in elk cause that sounds like Crap" Her bow layed behind her out of reach. we heard some rustling on the cliff coming up Kid goes " Dad you called up another hunter boy is he going to be pissed when he gets up here." I blew again. figured he would turn around. Nope looked over and a big butt bull was about 10 yards away and started grunting and snorting. Claudia makes a mad dash for her bow and the thing just watches her. he wanders to the top grass patch between he and her was a manzanita bush. she was behind it I was 10 feet behind her and he was right on the other side staring at her. so after a few mins of this cat and mouse game she decides to crawl under the bush to get closer to it and hopefully get a shot. she gets almost to the other side belly crawling, the elk puts its head down in the bush. I hear a "WOW you have pretty eyes" the bull snorted at her she got hit with spit. then he walks 10 feet away she gets up draws and he trots off to about 50 yards head on, she miss's he just looks at her knocks another arrow and just as she released he turned away and trotted off about 100 yards.. we played cat and mouse with that bull for a couple hours. it got dark we started heading back to the Jeep which was like 3-4 miles away. that stupid elk gave her 3 chances to shoot at it well after dark closer than 20 yards. he followed us all the way to the jeep we got loaded up and he just stood in the middle of 2 track watching us. I think they like screwing with people.
  25. 1 point
    this is henry david thoreau's advise. i think most people on here got this part covered We cannot see anything until we are possessed with the idea of it, and then we can hardly see anything else. In my botanical rambles I find that first the idea, or image, of a plan occupies my thoughts, though it may at first seem very foreign to this locality, and for some weeks or months I go thinking of it and expecting it unconsciously, and at length I surely see it, and it is henceforth an actual neighbor of mine.