Had a few guys hit me up about Kevin. Yep, he is still alive. Yes he is still in Eagar. He is working a full time gig now. It took me a serious amount of patience to finally get my bird back. 2 months promised turned into 9 months. I messaged him on FB, text message, and emailed. He would never answer his phone when I called. After he went silent, I started to research small claims for Apache County. Im the last guy that will sue anyone - its just not me. All I wanted was my bird back in whatever condition it was in and refund. Finally, finally, he messaged me back after my wife messaged his wife on FB and after I notified him via text, email, and FB that I would be taking him to small claims court if I didn't get results. In all honesty, I had my bird bad 3 weeks later. It turned out just like I figured it would and very nice. Kevin is very talented, just terrible with business which is a shame. I hope you other guys can get some resolution with your animals. One other member on CWT mentioned trying to contact him via FB on the living in round valley page. That was my last step if needed but it didn't have to go that far which I was thankful for. He has not moved so worst case a knock and talk might be warranted worse case. Best of luck guys.
Here is the final product