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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/02/2021 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    Rangefinders! Should we get rid of rangefinders? Way more animals have died because of a rangefinder than a trail cam
  2. 2 points
    This is one law that will be very hard to enforce. Baiting is illegal whether you're a hunter or not. Cameras will not be illegal, just illegal to use in the aid of taking game. So if my cameras are out in a unit that I do not intend to hunt, but intend to watch antler growth, which is what I love most about cameras, I will be legal. How can anyone prove that I am using that camera to aid in taking game. Even if I do intend to hunt the area, how can you ever prove that a camera helped a hunter take a particular animal. It's obvious that you are pro-ban, which is fine, but your multiple haughty responses on the subject are getting old.
  3. 1 point
    I have an old T. Barker 12 ga that I wouldn't mind selling to get something nicer. These were made from sometime in the 1890's - 1910's in Belgium. It has Damascus barrels, so its limited to shooting black powder loads. Some might say not to shoot it at all. One barrel has a very small dent that does not affect the pattern it throws. To go with it, I have 25 full length brass shells and I can also supply load data. Its pretty simple to load them up, you just pour in the black powder, over shot card, cushion wad, lead shot or bismuth, and over shot card. The only tool you need is a short wooden dowel rod to fit in the shell as a compactor. They have never needed resizing. You can get the cushion wads and cards from Ballistic Products or Dixie Gun works. I will take $300 for the double and shells.
  4. 1 point
    Got a cool photo of this buck last week. I was 100 yards from him and he had me pinned. Zoom in and you can see he’s pretty unique. He was solo. Hopefully he’s with some does this weekend and is dumber than he was last week. 🙏🏻
  5. 1 point
    With most seasons over who all is looking towards Turkey season. I have turned in to a turkey nut over the years. Going to Florida for the Osceola hunt on the 20th of March. Going to see some friends there, get a little beach time in Daytona then head to hopefully hunt Georgia. Then off to Virginia to visit a good buddy I grew up with in PA. ,He's got a lot of land and Turkey's but there season doesn't open till later. Then off to Pa. and hang around till they open ,Still have Family and friends there to visit then hunt. Then I can Hunt any where on the way back to AZ. Have a Son in Illinois who is having his first kid, I will stop and visit. Then might hit Mizz. or Oklahoma on the way back if not burned out. Then back here I have the 2nd hunt in unit 1 ,my favorite place to hunt them. My Osceola will finish my Royal slam finally. Good luck To all You Bird guys this year. Hopefully I will have pics. and stories from different states.................BOB!
  6. 1 point
    This Tom won the last race we had with him , but today we came out on top. My pup in the first picture at the tree did phenomenal and Dogs in general kicked butt! Pack out was the best we have ever had and the best part about it is bc777 fines are about paid off. Got to give a shout out to Tyler and my crew for always going hard and making it happen. Thanks guys !
  7. 1 point
    I got my Rio(s) in Tx, Oscelola in FL., several easterns in different states -- MO, AL, OH & SC , Meriams(s) in AZ & CO and Gould's in Sonora.
  8. 1 point
    Atleast you have to be in the field to use the rangefinder. You can literally set 5 cameras out, come back in 2 months, figure out which area has more deer in it and make a game plan from there. Imagine if you had to scout those areas without cameras now. You have to hit each area atleast a couple days, sit there for hours and actually put in a little effort. Only after 10 days or so in the field, would you gain a little knowledge of the animals in the area. Then you have to commit to an area and hunt it with no camera watching your other areas. So if the animals change their patterns, you now need to start your scouting over and start actually putting time in the field. Its really easy to put cameras out, check said sd cards, narrow down your hunt area and start having some success. The odds that you kill the biggest buck on camera is still low, but atleast you are in the batter's box swinging away.
  9. 1 point
    I agree stanley. While game should be managed, it's not like trail cameras allow 50% more game to be taken. I wonder if Davis still drives one of these? I assure you this will keep his driving skills at their peak if that is his goal. Eddie
  10. 1 point
    Yep. Too easy to obtain. If a guy is not archery hunting he shouldn’t be on the archery hunt imo.
  11. 1 point
    They let people use airbows for “archery” hunts and they want to ban cams. butt backwards
  12. 1 point
    I have the first hunt in unit 1. Can’t wait
  13. 1 point
    I don’t usually post kill pix but what the helll if people can post pix of a lion with an arrow in the side of its face guess it won’t hurt. They don’t grow them much bigger than this in Az!
  14. 1 point
    This nutjob the same one who wanted to allow break ins and force homeowners to flee instead of stand their ground...because the thief "is clearly in need" of your wealth????
  15. 1 point
    Here's a good article that breaks the bill down. Lee couldn't get a single cosponsor for it because it's simply as crazy of a piece of legislation as she is. https://bigjolly.com/sheila-jackson-lee-goes-berserk-on-gun-control/
  16. 1 point
    I don't understand why they just don;t make "common sense" laws that make it illegal to kill people. If they just did THAT we would be a peaceful society and would have no need to regulate tools.
  17. 1 point
    I dont think they will talk about it, instead they will try and slip it in with the covid 19 bill, they wont want to alert the public as they know it wont be popular.
  18. 1 point
    There is too much in the verbage of this bill that is just simply not practical. There are not enough resources to make it happen. This won't stop them from trying though.
  19. 1 point
    The problem with this bill besides everything is it includes ALL firearms, ammunition, magazines not just ARs or AKs. Can you see your ex giving them an interview or an psych exam from everyone in the family when your the only one buying the firearm? But they will plea bargain a third or forth firearm offence from some drug dealing dirt bag down to probation and let him go within 48 hours then repeat until he kills someone, then they claim they need more gun control. Insanity!
  20. 1 point
    How do you know it's abandoned when you take it? For reference - Forest Service law is 72 hours. Not overnight. And I know this isn't forest service land but in the case of forest service land you'd have to sit on a piece of "abandoned" property for 72 hours straight to be able to even prove it was abandoned. The owner could visit it at any time and the clock would restart. Were you there at 2:01 AM when the owner may have been? Better re start the clock then. All of these people that misquote abandoned property laws are the worst. I apologize if it seems like this is all directed at you. Just addressing the problem as a whole but a lot of people seem to have this mindset.. and it's very common to see people "justify" stealing on the internet by saying it's abandoned property when they don't even know what that means. If I leave my tent up for 3 nights would you consider taking it? What the heck is wrong with people. If it's not yours don't take it
  21. 1 point
    What a fun hunt this has turned out to be, I was a little worried about hunting here again I’ve been in This unit once and it was a zoo. My wife was due late October this year and said I couldn’t put in for September hunts because of how close it was so we opted for a December tag knowing it Would be tough. Myself my son and two buddies got drawn fast forward to the hunt opening day didn’t see anything but quads and a couple really pleasant guides who weren’t to thrilled to see us in the same area. Saturday we finally found elk mostly cows and one spike which we couldn’t get a shot at. Monday morning my son stayed up on a hill we had service at to log into school and get his work done I found another spike that morning bedded him and went back to get my son he had to finish A test so by the time we got back up there it was a little later than I wanted, as soon as I put my binos on the tripod I found him again slowly feeding making his was to water we ranged him at 750 and had the wind in our favor my buddies stayed behind to keep an eye on him while I got my son a little closer. We ended up getting to 350 got him set up and he’s shaking and said his heart was beating like crazy I told him to take his time breath and wait for a clear shot, if you’ve hunted 22north you know how thick it is. He finally turned and his first shot went right over his back the bull looked up and just stood there his second shot hit him in the shoulder. He started to run down hill and he put another one in him dropping him in is tracks, I bet everyone in that unit could hear my screaming and going crazy. This was a moment I will remember forever! Still have three more tags to go so hopefully we can stumble on another one!
  22. 1 point
    Thanks to the couple guys that PM’d me! Had a tough hunt as it was a struggle to turn up water or elk with only 1 full day of scouting before the hunt. finally turned up 2 bulls feeding together the evening of the third day at about 300 yards. Couldn’t get a clear shot at the bigger of the two so I slipped in for a shot and well I ended up getting a bit closer than I expected.... 30 yards😂 guess I should’ve brought the Bow! Anyways the 300 did it’s job and I wrapped my tag on my very first Bull!
  23. 1 point
    Thanks everyone it was a great hunt, didn’t fill my tag but I wouldn’t change a thing, this was the best hunt I’ve been on.
  24. 1 point
    Good job! .... get the kids hooked, our future remains. Fill those other tags!
  25. 1 point