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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/30/2021 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    How do you know it's abandoned when you take it? For reference - Forest Service law is 72 hours. Not overnight. And I know this isn't forest service land but in the case of forest service land you'd have to sit on a piece of "abandoned" property for 72 hours straight to be able to even prove it was abandoned. The owner could visit it at any time and the clock would restart. Were you there at 2:01 AM when the owner may have been? Better re start the clock then. All of these people that misquote abandoned property laws are the worst. I apologize if it seems like this is all directed at you. Just addressing the problem as a whole but a lot of people seem to have this mindset.. and it's very common to see people "justify" stealing on the internet by saying it's abandoned property when they don't even know what that means. If I leave my tent up for 3 nights would you consider taking it? What the heck is wrong with people. If it's not yours don't take it
  2. 2 points
    Got a cool photo of this buck last week. I was 100 yards from him and he had me pinned. Zoom in and you can see he’s pretty unique. He was solo. Hopefully he’s with some does this weekend and is dumber than he was last week. 🙏🏻
  3. 2 points
    Funny but they kinda ripped off this guys video from the start of the pandemic
  4. 1 point
    Custom Weatherby Vanguard 7MM Rem Mag Work done- -Thread and chambered 1-9 twist preferred barrel blank -Thread muzzle end for brake. I have a thread protector with it if you don't want the brake on it -Black nitride action and bolt -Graphite black cerakote on barrel and bottom metal -Bell and Carlson stock with action bedding -Laser engraving cartridge on barrel - I built the rifle so if you don't like something like the bottom metal design or the color, let me know and we can see about doing something that you like better. Ask for more pictures and info. $1500. No trades.
  5. 1 point
    I joined the club a few weeks ago when I finally was able to connect with a javi (story is on the AZ forum). I located them by smell which was quite strong. I killed a nice sow but she had hardly any odor at all, so was it the boar that stunk? The next day when I went to get the skull there was still a strong lingering odor in the area. I did the gutless method with several pairs of gloves, not my best work but the meat (what little of it!) seems fine. I pan fried a piece of backstrap as I never had javi before and it was delicious. No unusual odor cooking either. I'm kinda wondering what the fuss is all about. Or did I just get a good one?
  6. 1 point
    Scary stuff. Even scarier is the “president” puts his name on any piece of paper that comes across his desk without even looking at it. Athletes spend more time looking at a baseball card they are about to sign than he does a bill.
  7. 1 point
    Problem is the myth of seizing property after being left in the field takes on a life of its own and thieves use it as rationalization and justification to steal someone else’s property. Individuals are not empowered to take other people’s property. There is no way this is law and even if it was, the only agency that could be out there seizing property would be the county sheriffs. I’ve never seen a sheriff or any law enforcement officers with someone’s campsite, blind or cameras in the bed of their truck. They would have to leave a notice documenting what was taken if they did Thieves are out there stealing with no legal justification. Nothing else to say about it.
  8. 1 point
    this go for vehicles too?
  9. 1 point
    It's BLM. I don't know and don't care what the law is. I couldn't prove ownership. It's no big deal to remove a tag or mark over my name. I didn't plan on leaving it out there. I got sick enough the last day I hunted it I didn't think I would make it home from hunting. My boss offered to pick it up but I told him I would take care of it. Should have let him.
  10. 1 point
    I’ve got a TC omega I’d consider selling.
  11. 1 point
    I’m still waiting for my Enron stock to bounce back. 🤞
  12. 1 point
  13. 1 point
    Killed my 6 th coues buck on Jan. 7th. in the late PM coming to a small water seep. Rattled and grunted two spikes in the previous two days. While many of the water sources were not producing there was plenty around and I know the deer know many more. Fair amount of acorns on the ground. The rut yearly is triggered by the amount of light in the deer's eyes during that that time of year so the "rut" happens the same time each year but is extended longer the farther on goes in the US. I have killed bucks the end of the first week and also the last week of January and in the same area. If I only had two weeks to hunt them, south of HWY 10 , it would be the second and third week of January. So to answer the OP question, and in the area I hunt, NO difference this January season.
  14. 1 point
    For your close-up viewing pleasure of a dandy buck...
  15. 1 point
    I had a taxidermist up in round valley country keep a couple elk and a coues for 3 years. (Different guy). Finally had to just go get the capes and horns and walk on the deposits. Swore I’d never do that again and then did with two antelope heads to some clown in NM that ended up with a euro and a head mount for 4.5 years (outfitter recommended him and I listened). I was back there hunting a couple years later and mentioned my mess to the outfitter who had recommended him in front of some other clients and he acted like it had never been a problem. Later that month I got threats from the taxidermist on my personal cell, business phone and business Facebook for slander because none of the other clients left any work with him after hearing my story. Turned messy in a hurry with him threatening my business and my family. The guy was off his rocker. Forgot to mention when I did finally get my work back from him the first time after 4.5 years I had to have the mount redone with a new cape. It was the last animal my step dad killed before being killed in a car crash so now every time I look at it I have to relive that nightmare and think of the $1500 I have into a simple antelope head mount. So needless to say I NEVER EVER leave taxidermy with anyone but my go to guy anymore.
  16. 1 point
    Dang it! I need a guide I guess.
  17. 1 point
    Had a few guys hit me up about Kevin. Yep, he is still alive. Yes he is still in Eagar. He is working a full time gig now. It took me a serious amount of patience to finally get my bird back. 2 months promised turned into 9 months. I messaged him on FB, text message, and emailed. He would never answer his phone when I called. After he went silent, I started to research small claims for Apache County. Im the last guy that will sue anyone - its just not me. All I wanted was my bird back in whatever condition it was in and refund. Finally, finally, he messaged me back after my wife messaged his wife on FB and after I notified him via text, email, and FB that I would be taking him to small claims court if I didn't get results. In all honesty, I had my bird bad 3 weeks later. It turned out just like I figured it would and very nice. Kevin is very talented, just terrible with business which is a shame. I hope you other guys can get some resolution with your animals. One other member on CWT mentioned trying to contact him via FB on the living in round valley page. That was my last step if needed but it didn't have to go that far which I was thankful for. He has not moved so worst case a knock and talk might be warranted worse case. Best of luck guys. Here is the final product
  18. 1 point
    Every year near the end of the hunt I force myself to make peace with the fact it's not going to happen. It's not something I relish but time is running out so it's really just a coping mechanism. By the beginning of week 3 the forecast is looking sketchy so I decide there's only 2 days left to hunt to avoid bad weather on the way home. My neighbors and I have also been debating if it's better sitting in one stand the entire time or keep moving. Now that we have game cams it's frustrating to know you were in one stand and deer walked by another which is what happens too many times, so I've been waiting it out in the stand with all the action this year (now called the coati stand) under the theory one will walk by eventually. However I'm bored to death looking at the same scenery so I break with my new strategy and decide to try the other stand for the last few sits despite low deer activity. On Monday morning 1/18 (day 15) I'm back in the other stand not expecting much so my mind turns to the trip home. I took a javi this year which was a goal but coues will have to wait yet again. I'm looking at the weather forecast trying to figure out if I want to leave tomorrow night or Wed morning when I hear something. I slip the phone into my pocket and grab my bow. And just like that it's a buck and he's headed right down the primary trail that will be a 12 yard chip shot. I get to full draw right before he hits the shooting lane and not sure if he heard me or decides to change course but he stops, and then makes a hard right turn. I have to ease down to 1/4 draw trying not to spook him then he starts walking at a good clip so I'm back to full draw. But now he's moving too fast to try and hit a gap between the trees so I bleat to stop him. This is a very risky move, but for some reason he doesn't look at me, he just stops. Oh yeah, he's in rut mode. It's a 15 yd shot and based on past experience I aim low, but he doesn't duck so it looks like low hit in the chest, just behind the heart. He trots off like nothing happened. I know it's fatal, but I'm not taking any chances so I get down and look at the arrow which is stuck in the ground. White hairs confirm a low hit likely just 1 lung, which can make tracking difficult. I force myself to get back in the tree and wait an hour, which feels like the longest hour in my life. After that I take down the stand, realizing either he's dead or I'm done. Then I nervously take up the track. I don't see any blood but I'm not sure of the exact path as it's been almost 90 minutes. I went about 30 yards still not seeing any blood when I'm started by movement as he tries to get up 20 yards further away. Another arrow and it's all over. I hate less than perfect shots but waiting ensured it wasn't prolonged any further and a potential loss. Holy crap I finally did it, one of the biggest coues I've seen, a wall hanger for sure! Everything I hoped for! Funny how success after that much effort can be almost anti-climatic, but I was happy and the work ahead was satisfying. I want to sincerely thank everyone here who help me figure this out, and those who offered words of encouragement. This was by far the most challenging critter I've hunted, and will be my most cherished trophy. I can chase much bigger bucks back home anytime, but you guys have something way more special to hunt. Only those who have experienced it will really know just how special these little deer are.
  19. 1 point
    I must be getting old, she's hot and has wine.
  20. 1 point
    Hey guys, it took longer than expected with a few months waiting on a new computer but the full film is up now. Would love to hear your feedback. https://youtu.be/nr9g1BGPveQ
  21. 1 point
    After grinding for 3 days I finally found some otc metro javelina. Made a perfect shot at 38 yards and it ran 10 feet and dropped. IMG_1824.MOV
  22. 1 point
    my wife will be putting a lot of cams out this year...
  23. 1 point
    Community policing. They can't catch every poacher either, but you are ok with that law, or should we eliminate it because they can't 100% enforce it?
  24. 1 point
    Love the curves on this one
  25. 1 point
    I thought I was clear when I said I moved out of state 2 years ago which indicates I’m not an AZ resident any longer. I purposely added my number and have nothing to hide. I know how to buy a gun legally. Here’s a thought - mind your own business 1 person has added to this thread. Nothing but trolls on CWT anymore...