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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/24/2021 in all areas

  1. 5 points
    I'm not opposed to shooting a wounded animal at all, however, if that guide talked to the hunters that are legitimately trying to track it down that day and you dont tell where it is, then there's a problem.
  2. 5 points
  3. 4 points
    Easy to neck these down for 25CM or 6CM too. Same brass I use in my 6CM before Lapua released the 6 brass. Ditch the crappy Hornady brass and buy the best.
  4. 4 points
    I shot this buck with a guide. He had been wounded by another hunter and had a broad head in him when we skinned him. One of the most exciting hunts of my entire life. My brother is in the pic and helped walk me in on him. I’m sitting here drinking coffee and looking at the mount as we speak (I don’t like scotch). Did I earn it? Should I throw the mount in the garbage? I guess I should go ahead and call myself a “wounded trophy deer hunter”.
  5. 3 points
  6. 2 points
    Brand new unopened Lapua 6.5 Creedmoor brass. Small Rifle Pocket. I ordered these a while ago and they just arrived recently. I no longer need them. I have 2 boxes of 100 available. I am asking $110 per box. I’m located NW Peoria.
  7. 2 points
    NR posting you tube videos on OTC hunts is worser
  8. 2 points
    This is why I shoot little trophies. Way less arrows in them
  9. 2 points
    When I pay a guide I hope he finds me a wounded buck that is slowed down enough so my fat butt can get to 20 yards, so I can take an ethical shot with in my range. Then my guide can cogratulate me as a guy who really "earned" it. Then I can take it to the Taxi and get a life-sized for my den and in the evenings I can drink a single malt and proudly look at my rack and think what a great hunter I am for only taking ethical shots at wounded trophy deer and think about that poor slob hunter and what a $hitty shot he is and how he probably never misses a forky. I tell you what you got to have nerves of steel to call yourself a wounded trophy deer hunter......
  10. 2 points
    Because he decided to come on here and tried to make his buddy out to be a victim of the big evil guide service. Since he decided to make his hunt a public discourse I wanted to know if he lobbed an arrow from 93 yds because he got excited about a giant buck. Because if I watched someone lob an arrow from an obscene distance and whack a deer in the arse I wouldn’t be inclined to help him recover it either. So go ahead and spare me the sh it happens line. We all know that.
  11. 2 points
    Just recently returned last week from 20 days in the desert. I left shortly after Christmas to try to fill my 2020 tag and then stay to hunt my 2021 tags. I usually hunt a little later in January to coincide with the rut, but I wanted to give 2020 one last hurrah as well. I was fortunate enough to fill my 2020 tag with 1 day to spare, and with the longbow to boot.(Decent older buck, I wasn't picky) I had no intention of using it to fill that tag but it just happened to be convenient at the time. (Crazy story in itself). With the Monkey off my back I decided I would shop for a really good buck during the rest of my hunt and also fill my javelina tags. I had a couple decent opportunities at some really great bucks under 50 yards that just didn't materialize, no shots fired. On the last day I decided I would shoot the first deer I could find a long as it had 6 points, and well I shot the first deer that I saw with 6 points. Not a trophy buck but I do love coues steaks.... Great times, got to hunt 9 different units, killed an animal in 4 different units, got to hang with my brother and a good friend in the woods for a few days also.... A couple cool buffleheads...
  12. 1 point
    Looking for some 45acp brass large primer only and some pistol powder Winchester 231 or let me know what you have also could use some large pistol primers
  13. 1 point
  14. 1 point
    I use sd card manager on my phone, it seems to be work good
  15. 1 point
    Soaking capes in a bucket full of salt water 12-24 hours then taking a comb to the cape usually helps out a lot . Some of the outfitters like El Chaparral and Wade Lemon have started having their clients capes tanned and shipping the cape to you later
  16. 1 point
  17. 1 point
  18. 1 point
    I don't think it matters archery hunters been putting pressure on for months .. Really Opening day is 3rd week of August.. After that the heat is on...
  19. 1 point
    No point in applying for elk. Save your points . I’ll take the bullet and apply and hopefully get any “crummy year”tags so no one else has to hunt weak antlered animals. No need to thank me.
  20. 1 point
    MSC value line #00227975, and 3 knurls of your choice. But, may be cheaper to have it done, pretty simple on a lathe.
  21. 1 point
    Apparently too far for you according to some. The only reason to ever miss with a bow is because the shot was too far... SMFH. Its like some guys only hunt online and never really get out in the field. A real bowhunter knows that misses happen, bad shots happen. Sometimes guys do shoot beyond their capabilities, but sometimes shitt just happens. To assume a bad shot was due to distance is unfair and only tries to further divide hunters. I wish I had that ice that flows thru some guys veins! Then again, if it only comes down to making a bowshot and not taking in adrenaline into the equation, id probably stop bowhunting. The day I lose that feeling, I'm gonna hang it up.
  22. 1 point
  23. 1 point
    Yeah and I heard indictments are coming for anthony wiener, the clintons, robert mccabe and jim comey too. Hey, i’m a big prepper and conspiracy guy but i’ve been burned so much on this $h1t that i’m to the point where I’ll believe it when I see it.
  24. 1 point
    cost of raw materials have been going up for years, there's only so much that can be absorbed before they have to raise cost. Then throw in insurance, wages not to mention everything else needed to keep a business running. on top of that throw in all the covid BS that companies have to due to keep up and running. it is Ironic that not many complain about the cost of groceries, in the last year those have gone up 20-50% in some cases doubled
  25. 1 point
    Anyone have a Vortex Ranger 1800? Are they better than the previous Rangers?