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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/23/2021 in Posts

  1. 7 points
  2. 3 points
  3. 3 points
    Apparently too far for you according to some. The only reason to ever miss with a bow is because the shot was too far... SMFH. Its like some guys only hunt online and never really get out in the field. A real bowhunter knows that misses happen, bad shots happen. Sometimes guys do shoot beyond their capabilities, but sometimes shitt just happens. To assume a bad shot was due to distance is unfair and only tries to further divide hunters. I wish I had that ice that flows thru some guys veins! Then again, if it only comes down to making a bowshot and not taking in adrenaline into the equation, id probably stop bowhunting. The day I lose that feeling, I'm gonna hang it up.
  4. 2 points
    In betting your going to tell us where on your next post Spammer
  5. 2 points
    Ah you again, You have a creepy obsession with me.
  6. 2 points
    It’s too bad your buddy made a bad shot. I’m glad for the deer that Duwaynes client made a good shot.
  7. 2 points
    Those of you who go out shooting and leave you $&!= out there, I would love to talk to you!!!!! I am getting real tired of cleaning up your crap. If you have no respect for the outdoors, anybody else or yourself, do everybody a favor and go spend money at a freaking range where they will make you pick up your $&!=!!!! You are the reason we are loosing access to our public lands.
  8. 2 points
    I went to the grocery store today cause I needed some (commodities) lighter fluid for the bbq. F-that i'm going to stay away from those places people are crazy and hostile in there. I havent been to a grocery store in for ever as my wife does the shopping, matter of fact I dont go to any store might have been to 5 or 6 in the last year other than a convenience store. Always wondered why she complained about it now I know. 1st place I stopped was walgreens, no one in line I started to walk up and some chick is saying Hey you cut in front of me. I'm like theres no one here. Shes like I was at this isle looking at something. Im like good then get your a$$ in line(yup used those words) she huffed and walked past me to the register. gives me a nasty look and walks out door. I ask the cashier if they had any fluid he said no and laughed and I walked out. 2nd place goto those small wally worlds, walk in grab the fluid walk to the line 8-10 people in the self check out line. no biggy to me I can wait. as I'm waiting this older lady goes hey if your paying cash that machine is only working on cash. I said sure if it cool with all you guys in line they said go. another lady has a ton of shoot and goes he wait i'm going to count my cash to see if I have enough. i'm like ok then count your cash and she stands there with this dumb look on her face like she forgot a load of dishs in the dishwasher or something. so I wait a bit then start to go and she yells HEY I am counting my Cash. I go cool keep counting walked up scanned and paid my 3 bucks of what ever it was, look back and said wow your still counting and its your turn. everyone else laughed she got pissed. and the hostile take over hadn't even started yet, tomorrow I am going to try to get gas
  9. 1 point
  10. 1 point
    Buy the gun and you guys will be set on bullets and brass and dies
  11. 1 point
    I shake teeing off in front of a crowd more than I do shooting a bow.
  12. 1 point
    Not the same but puring an iron and making the putt is pretty sweet
  13. 1 point
    Ttt Cody is a good dude. Buy with confidence. If I had the money, I would’ve already bought this!
  14. 1 point
    Awesome stuff right there...thanks for sharing!
  15. 1 point
    Way to go Max. I’m totally jealous
  16. 1 point
    Brah you got drawn for elk last year and you didn’t even know it. RIP
  17. 1 point
  18. 1 point
    Haha! I just watched the video....are you sure that buck wasn't killed 3 days before and they finally found it? That thing is STIFF!!! Holding it's own head up, they have to muscle it around to turn the head.....
  19. 1 point
    Do like some of the NR's do. They'll pool their money and send one guy on a guided OTC Arizona hunt one season and the next they all go back to the same spot with the knowledge that the guy learned the year prior. It has happened to a couple friends of mine that guide. Yuck
  20. 1 point
    Plus it sounds like it was killed 3 days later .... seems like fair game to me to anyone regardless of who it is.
  21. 1 point
    Mixed opinions on this subject and subsequent story. Anyone can fling an arrow (or bullet) and make a poor shot, then want to claim a big buck is "theirs", even though they can't find it again. It is fair game for another hunter. But, if I saw it happen, and watched where it went, I would be the guy that tried to get the hunter's attention and "walk the hunter in" and helped get another attempt at the buck. Not keep the location to myself of asked and then go after the buck when the hunter gave up. But...if I had been actively hunting the buck for days or weeks myself, and saw the event, but the buck was not mortally injured and escaped, it might be a different story. You had your chance, but blew it. My turn now. I have had my share of people trying to obviously beat me to an animal, or take a VERY unrealistic shot in an attempt to either get the animal before I could, or scare it away so I would not get an opportunity at it. Believe me, in those cases, if they made a poor shot and could not locate the animal, and I could, I would be a lot less inclined to help them find it and just wait them out. Call me an asshole if you want, but there are two sides to every story like this. Of course the first hunter wanted to find the buck he hit poorly and could not recover, but got irritated when someone would not help him locate an animal he was incapable of doing so himself. Of course the guide wanted his paying client to get a crack at the buck, even if it was previously poorly hit.
  22. 1 point
  23. 1 point
    When you know what your doing ...strippers find you
  24. 1 point
    I am not a bragger, but I already lived through 15 or 16 end of world events... just saying
  25. 1 point
    Sorry been a little busy trying to get my house up for sale.