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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/21/2021 in all areas

  1. 13 points
    Just recently returned last week from 20 days in the desert. I left shortly after Christmas to try to fill my 2020 tag and then stay to hunt my 2021 tags. I usually hunt a little later in January to coincide with the rut, but I wanted to give 2020 one last hurrah as well. I was fortunate enough to fill my 2020 tag with 1 day to spare, and with the longbow to boot.(Decent older buck, I wasn't picky) I had no intention of using it to fill that tag but it just happened to be convenient at the time. (Crazy story in itself). With the Monkey off my back I decided I would shop for a really good buck during the rest of my hunt and also fill my javelina tags. I had a couple decent opportunities at some really great bucks under 50 yards that just didn't materialize, no shots fired. On the last day I decided I would shoot the first deer I could find a long as it had 6 points, and well I shot the first deer that I saw with 6 points. Not a trophy buck but I do love coues steaks.... Great times, got to hunt 9 different units, killed an animal in 4 different units, got to hang with my brother and a good friend in the woods for a few days also.... A couple cool buffleheads...
  2. 7 points
    amazing to me that out of all the hunters on this site, no one would have helped the first hunter with the “booner” buck. Instead watch the buck through glass, make a plan for the next day while the hunter is walking around blood trailing. Really Pathetic at best. Go ahead and justify on here that it’s just how it is, He made a bad shot, BS. I know many of people that would have tried to help the first hunter out. Then if it didn’t work out for him, try and kill the buck the next day, but not brag about how good they are. And really such a great hunt and hunter and guide because they finished off a BIG buck after it laid up all night, got stiff and didn’t want to move the next day. Way to finish him off guys. I’m impressed what 3k-5k can but these days.
  3. 5 points
    Mixed opinions on this subject and subsequent story. Anyone can fling an arrow (or bullet) and make a poor shot, then want to claim a big buck is "theirs", even though they can't find it again. It is fair game for another hunter. But, if I saw it happen, and watched where it went, I would be the guy that tried to get the hunter's attention and "walk the hunter in" and helped get another attempt at the buck. Not keep the location to myself of asked and then go after the buck when the hunter gave up. But...if I had been actively hunting the buck for days or weeks myself, and saw the event, but the buck was not mortally injured and escaped, it might be a different story. You had your chance, but blew it. My turn now. I have had my share of people trying to obviously beat me to an animal, or take a VERY unrealistic shot in an attempt to either get the animal before I could, or scare it away so I would not get an opportunity at it. Believe me, in those cases, if they made a poor shot and could not locate the animal, and I could, I would be a lot less inclined to help them find it and just wait them out. Call me an asshole if you want, but there are two sides to every story like this. Of course the first hunter wanted to find the buck he hit poorly and could not recover, but got irritated when someone would not help him locate an animal he was incapable of doing so himself. Of course the guide wanted his paying client to get a crack at the buck, even if it was previously poorly hit.
  4. 5 points
    Not really mad, just an unfortunate situation, more frustrating than anything, it kind of hard to compete with an army of glassers. Congrats to the hunter.
  5. 5 points
    So the deer was wounded by your friend but lived, and duwanes guide found it again still alive, and his client killed it? Idk man, im not sure there’s anything to be mad about there except your friend butt shooting it.
  6. 5 points
    It’s too bad your buddy made a bad shot. I’m glad for the deer that Duwaynes client made a good shot.
  7. 4 points
    Killing a buck wounded by another hunter is a non issue in my opinion. if the guides knew where a wounded buck was and intentionally didn’t help them in hopes of getting their client on it, that’s about as shady and unethical as it gets.
  8. 4 points
  9. 3 points
    Also not defending anyones outfit but Duanes is not the only one that does this. Driving with the hunter till they find the animal A3, mossback, etc they all do it. And that has nothing to do with trail cameras
  10. 3 points
    Sucks for the first hunter. But when there's a giant buck noone is gonna say wait let me go get the other hunters to kill it
  11. 2 points
    That sucks about your buddy wounding such a good buck. I think you did a good job describing the event without going into complete outfitter trashing. What you describe happens with lots of outfitters and it has become somewhat expected. Clearly a terrible shot that led to a deer suffering for a few days. Sucks, but it happens. I would most likely help a guy out find the buck the first day, but after that, that buck just needs to be killed to end the suffering. I'd make no attempt to locate the original wounder after day 1. I have no doubts that the guide made 0 effort to help, even on day 1. Its an expected result of the pressure guides have on themselves. It has become, Produce big animals for their clients or fade off into the background and lose potential future customers.
  12. 2 points
    Plus it sounds like it was killed 3 days later .... seems like fair game to me to anyone regardless of who it is.
  13. 2 points
    Buy American!!! (Except for beer, cigars and guns)
  14. 1 point
    Do like some of the NR's do. They'll pool their money and send one guy on a guided OTC Arizona hunt one season and the next they all go back to the same spot with the knowledge that the guy learned the year prior. It has happened to a couple friends of mine that guide. Yuck
  15. 1 point
    A friend of mine's son shot a 195 this year in The breaks with his bow. There is another alive similar. That's why this sold for so much. Arizona's tag was 315. There is a 185 desert that made it thru. We'll see what happens but great news for sheep!!
  16. 1 point
    Lets see how fast it crashes.
  17. 1 point
  18. 1 point
  19. 1 point
    I would like the Swarovski cap and the holster.
  20. 1 point
    I'll take the holster and Jim White adapter cup. I'll contact my son to see when he can pick up at your place and IM you. Thanks!
  21. 1 point
    May I please have the decoys? Thanks, Don I'll pick up at your door. text address 4802016570
  22. 1 point
    Did the TV thing several years ago....5 in my little red truck.
  23. 1 point
    I think we got catfished...
  24. 1 point
    that feaking pc crapola really f'd up this country
  25. 1 point
    Best price for the while shebang?