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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/20/2020 in all areas

  1. 8 points
    It’s just a ram, 158 about. Pretty much Only took pics that make it look bigger. going to write a story and put some pics, I want to make sure I give thanks to everyone that helped us out.
  2. 7 points
    Couesdeerhntr, Appreciate your post. I to am very healthy, no underlying health issues and have no concerns about getting the virus. I wear a mask because I care about my neighbor, I have empathy and I feel compassion for others. Life is a gift and we are taught to love our neighbors as ourselves. If there is a 1% chance that wearing a mask could protect a vulnerable individual than I am all in and I will teach my family the same principles because I am modest, yes I have free will but that comes with consequences good or bad, and if the worst thing that comes is I teach my son that the world doesn't revolve around him and being uncomfortable is sometimes necessary to show true love and empathy than I guess I can sleep well. Stay safe all, Mark
  3. 6 points
    We didn’t make it out opening weekend due to work and school schedules. We went in early Monday morning. We were able to find a buck and get him killed about noon on Monday. We found another buck first thing Tuesday morning and got him on the ground too. It was my nephew Bryson’s first buck. He was pumped! We even found a dead head! check out the video:
  4. 4 points
    Nah, I’m stoked. I knew any ram we got would be earned and we would be proud of. Most rams about this size, a couple bigger. He was down to grind till the end and eat the tag holding out for a big one. I’m only disappointed it’s over. But it wasn’t getting easier, it was only getting harder. I made the call he had to shoot it if given the opportunity. I just hope he likes it. He says he does
  5. 3 points
  6. 3 points
    Yep, the experience was once in a lifetime. Pretty incredible hunt.
  7. 3 points
    Heck yeah ! You seem disappointed “just a ram “ ? I’m not a sheep guy but wouldn’t a 158” class sheep be respectable for the unit on a diy hunt ?
  8. 3 points
    The fact that you think a 6.5 Creedmoor is the only 6.5 proves ownership of said man bun.
  9. 3 points
    Haven’t taped him but probably 158. Decent mass but short. It was time. I feel like I should make another thread with pics and more concise
  10. 2 points
    Unit 27, late October coues deer hunt. We packed in and filled 2 of 4 tags. I also killed my best buck yet! video is live on the tube (it’s a little long but I cut a lot out. 9 days out there is tough to condense):
  11. 2 points
    Naw not really I happened to see the title and being 1st post and your nick figured you werent shooting a 6.5x55 sweede so had to be the man bun round
  12. 2 points
    Don’t get caught up in the hype of the Rona, just live life as you normally would . Being scared of the virus will only make you stress and die sooner .
  13. 2 points
    There are 100 different cartridges that fire a 6.5mm bullet. Are you only looking for bullets or loaded rounds? Gotta be more specific
  14. 2 points
    Shoot me a text and we’ll get it worked out. I can meet up with you tomorrow. 480.221.3610.
  15. 2 points
    I’ve got a box of Hornady Precision Hunter 143 grain ELD-X I can spare if that helps.
  16. 2 points
    Looks to be one of those Man bun shooters by the title
  17. 2 points
    The only Coues hunt I have ever done was a 24B December hunt. Had no idea what I was doing. Shot the biggest buck I saw in 5 days. I was quite underwhelmed back then....
  18. 2 points
    So I get on this site from time to time to share success stories and just reply to a few things here and there and I never really engage on the back and forth, but for some reason this post allowed me to join in. It has nothing to do with the attack on anyone’s freedoms or political views by any means. I Love every bit of my freedoms and would never give them up and would fight for every bit of them, but wanted to elaborate on this. The mask and vaccine are not for the the healthy person. From my little bit of education on covid and other viruses tells me ya the mask does little, it does help but does not stop it. I was always told that the regular mask will not protect me. Will it help Even at the tiniest bit? Yes. Even if your are healthy you can spread it a little even with no symptoms and yes I understand if you don’t want to wear one that’s on you. Germs are on everyone and from touching anything it can spread. Ya, not like if you are sick and sneezing and coughing, but you still can. I know, it’s America and if you choose not to wear one, no worries either, but wanted to give a little on what I know about germs and how they spread. Masks and hand washing helps everyone a little. It mostly helps people with diabetes or those that are overweight and/or have hypertension or other diseases that this virus attacks that didn’t expect this virus to show up out of the blue and affect. Ya we can drink some beers and talk about all sorts of reasons why or how we think the virus came about and I am always down for that kind of discussion. I understand the reason for people to not want to get the vaccine. Am I going to rush and get it? Heck No I am not. Not because I am an anti vaccination person, but because I just don’t feel I need it. I am not worried about it as much as I used to be through my year worth of education on this virus. Ya could it still affect me and maybe put me under for good? Ya it can, but for my age and health I’m not too worried according to the odds and probability. My little bit of conspiracy side thinks it might be big pharmaceutical jumping on a virus because they can make money off of it. that being said in my eyes if you are old and have some illness that it might affect then in my eyes it can only help.Like the flu vaccine, it will need to be taken every year and adds billions of dollars to big pharma pockets. Likewise, with the flu vaccine, how I understand it, it’s for the elderly and for anyone who has an illness that this disease will attack or anyone who feels like they need it, and I won’t judge them if they take it. It’s up to them not anyone else. That’s what makes America great. For some reason thru social media In my eyes we have got into this culture of pointing fingers and blaming and not really enjoying what we really have. It’s the decision to make our own decisions, but to always know they come with consequences, and if you are ok with that then It’s on you. if I didn’t really Answer why I actually posted and quoted this post here it is. The mask is not for the person wearing it and is for the small chance you do have it and are not showing symptoms or might just be starting to show your symptoms. I hope if you do have any cold symptoms you are not going out but again that’s on you.i do see this disease every three days and it’s real and killing some people. Does it kill everyone that it touches?heck no. Some didn’t even know they had it,But it does kill and is being added to everything else that can get us. What scares me the most is I see what’s it does to the lungs of people that it does make sick even if they don’t get admitted to the hospital it hurts the lungs and that alone scares me. No it does not attack the lungs on everyone but some it does and it creates a lot of damage. And what does that mean for that’s persons future? ThAt alone allows me to put on a mask when I walk into a place of business that has the right to refuse service to anyone and make there own decisions on how to run there place of business. If you took the time to read the post sorry for the long rant and I hope maybe it helps with a little.
  19. 1 point
    How does any one get caught by surprise by ammo shortages when its an election year. Happens every four years
  20. 1 point
    Thanks dude, you were a big help with that info early in on the process. It’s a real sheep hunt that’s for sure.
  21. 1 point
    been hunting hard coues aren't even thinking about it yet. a sad part about waiting for a December tag all the hype for 4ish days of rutting
  22. 1 point
    A short relationship but I had dubbed him "Whitetail" as his antler configuration looked much more like something from a Texas buck than an AZ muley. I don't think he could have any whitetail blood in him as I was up towards Kingman, which (I believe) is too far north and west of coues deer distribution but I could be wrong. One other kinda neat thing with this buck was he had "fangs" that looked like small, sharp canine teeth on his upper jaw. I've never seen this before on any deer.
  23. 1 point
    I put 4 stalks on this buck Friday but each time busted by one of his 11 does. Caught up with him again Saturday morning and made what I thought was a very marginal shot. Playing safe, I spent the rest of the day glassing, trying to find him with the optics to no avail. The following morning dropped into where he took off after the shot and found him within 200 yards. The arrow, although farther back then I would have preferred, did catch vitals so I'm sure he was done within a couple of minutes. Don't mind the long hair. It's Covid season and I'm living my best Tom Hanks from Cast Away.
  24. 1 point
    Hearing they are going pretty good in some spots with mature bucks with most of the doe groups in northern AZ. A two point was harassing a group of does behind my place yesterday morning. Some smart guys poached him with rifles a couple hours late. The Calvary showed up and eventually after some excitement the guy/guys got busted. Don’t use rifles in archery season boys and girls.
  25. 1 point
    Even though most people use to say backpage sucked everone misses it now There is nothing on the internet that comes close to backpage now