Looked at your profile to see where you live, noticed you are kind of new to the forum so if no one else had welcomed you... Welcome to the forum! Also wondered because i was curious how far away you were. I know an area particularly lion rich the reason being a combined amount of factors. I would love to thin them out and bring the deer back. It would be about a 3 hour drive for you.
My dream is a lion with a bow and ive been watching a lot of lion videos on youtube that got me thinking. Spot and stalk though.... its not necessarily impossible but most times a cat is glassed up (it seams) they are on the move making it dang near impossible. Yes it can happen, but i would not plan your success based on spot and stalk.
Another member once told me calling in a lion has more to do with knowing a lion is already in the area, via sighting, trail cam or fresh tracks. Blindly calling obviosly would be less successful. Also watch youtube vids, one had a link to different lion sounds and sold calls that really piqued my interest. I'll try and find it and post a link.
My first approach would be, calling with a good electronic call (good calls are expensive) like a foxpro. They do have lion sounds you can buy, as does the website i alluded to earlier. But! The key is Calling in an area you already know is lion rich, or you saw fresh tracks or have very recent cam footage.
Second approach, driving roads as its snowing or just freshly snowed. Drive slow, look out the window looking for a track crossing the road. Some obvious saftey things to mention. This a back road practice, 4x4 is a must and pay attention to the road! But once youve found a fresh track you just increased your chances big time. Follow if you want for spot n stalk because this will likely be your best chance at true spot and stalk, or survey your surroundings and set up the call. At this point i will assume you know about wind direction, thermal currents and all that.
Thats basically all i have to offer, but thats how i would approach it.