A Trail Cam Ban is really the only thing that makes sense. If the AZGFD was to have a season, or a 1/4 mile rule they would still have to deal with the headache of people calling and complaining about the use of trail cams being too close to water, or cams that were left up after the season closed etc.. If there was a season guides and DIY hunters would still leave the cams up and it would be too difficult and time consuming to control. The AZGFD has decided to move forward with the complete ban of trail cameras, they're tired of guides placing 200+ cams on each units water source, the need to check a game cameras SD card during prime hunting hours which screws up other hunters, and the unfair advantage a game camera allows a hunter in pursuit of an animal. What it comes down to is Fair Chase, and sitting on a couch while your cameras do all the scouting for you 24/7 should never be considered Fair Chase.