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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/09/2020 in Posts

  1. 4 points
    The boys got their elk on that youth hunt, But this is my first elk. 7E was a hard hunt for me. I found some water that both cows and bulls were hitting at various times of the day. Total bonus, considering most of these elk are nocturnal right now. So I decided to take a walk and find the best path from the waterhole and do some still hunting. Turns out the Lord guided me to a cow about a mile out And I took her down. Day 4 ends the hunt. Took her back to camp and got her deboned. Tomorrow is elk burgers. The family is really looking forward to it. This was a solo hunt for me,And I forgot how everything freezes when you leave camp. That was a pain in the butt. Looking forward to going home tomorrow.
  2. 3 points
    Home made gnocchi in wild chanterelle vodka sauce with of all things 2017 elk fillet. Hashtag chest freezers such. Wish I could afford a stand up.
  3. 3 points
    It’s been a really fun hunt. Now we just need to finish the job.
  4. 2 points
    Spent the first few days getting skunked. Finally dug in and got further out there. One shot a piece with a 6.5 creedmoor at 590yards. First one dropped and the next walked out broad side, after impact it took one step then dropped in its tracks. The excitement that came afterwards is something I’ll never forget.
  5. 2 points
    Gets interesting around 21:00 in.
  6. 2 points
    There is nothing wrong with buying and selling to make a living. I just think it’s crap to use ammo as a commodity to trade on a secondary market to drive prices up. Some might say the same thing about houses. That investors who buy up cheap inventory and rent until the supply becomes scarce and then take advantage of favorable market conditions are the ones who make it tough for working men and women to ever break in to real estate. I don’t give two 💩 what you paid for your house or your ammo. I have the exact same brick in my safe (so please spare me the patronization). I am just sick of every Tom, Dick and Harry coming on here and selling their hoarded ammo and telling us they aren’t taking advantage of inflated prices and low inventory from panic buyers. On November 5 there wasn’t any ammo for sale. Then boom... Trump loses the election and now everyone is feeling very generous to sell their stash “for just what they paid”. Just call it like it is. “You got ammo, they want ammo.” How much they willing to pay? Your welcome for the free bump. PS Be careful with thunderbolt in semi-auto’s. The lead tends to gum things up.
  7. 1 point
    big boys and our(new) big bore toys .45/70--got penetration?
  8. 1 point
  9. 1 point
    I love the new upgrade! I now have 45 points for sheep!
  10. 1 point
    Thanks for bringing this up Outdoor Writer. Guess they needed to update the system so they could handle all the hate mail they're going to get after banning trail cams.
  11. 1 point
    They have had a notice on their main page about the system upgrade for over a week.
  12. 1 point
    SirRoyals next thread: Cameras don’t provide any advantages.
  13. 1 point
    I don’t know why you guys can’t understand the fact that azgfd can’t stop Joe wildlife watcher from having cams 24/7/365 . I feel bad for sir royal because he is emotionally involved with this . From the start I said screw the azgfd . I hope they don’t ban cams but if they do my friend Joe wildlife watcher will dammn sure have his out . For anybody that thinks they can snag a camera ask bc777 how that worked out for him .
  14. 1 point
    The whole trail cam ban is a double edged sword for sure and I for one am torn. On one side, i realize that hunting has become something that it was not meant to be and technology must be limited for it to take a step back towards what it is supposed to be. On the other side, just like all the 2A arguments, everything we give back creates another step for further bans. Do we NEED trail cams? No. Do we NEED 1000 yard rifles? No. Do we NEED side by sides? No. If we give up any of them, what is next?
  15. 1 point
    I voted for zero ban but I think the most reasonable compromise is a season. I know that ain't happening.
  16. 1 point
    not surprised. not sure you need a high school diploma to work for Game & Fish. the only people I know who could screw up a wet dream!
  17. 1 point
    I think that a ban is the best way to regulate trail cams. The problems will only continue without a ban.
  18. 1 point
    A Trail Cam Ban is really the only thing that makes sense. If the AZGFD was to have a season, or a 1/4 mile rule they would still have to deal with the headache of people calling and complaining about the use of trail cams being too close to water, or cams that were left up after the season closed etc.. If there was a season guides and DIY hunters would still leave the cams up and it would be too difficult and time consuming to control. The AZGFD has decided to move forward with the complete ban of trail cameras, they're tired of guides placing 200+ cams on each units water source, the need to check a game cameras SD card during prime hunting hours which screws up other hunters, and the unfair advantage a game camera allows a hunter in pursuit of an animal. What it comes down to is Fair Chase, and sitting on a couch while your cameras do all the scouting for you 24/7 should never be considered Fair Chase.
  19. 1 point
    What i can't wrap my head around, is why sportsmen would support taking away something from other sportsmen, just because they "don't like it". Level the playing field? Get out of here. Whats next, being upset because someone has 3 friends hunting with them when you have only 1 or 2? It being "unfair" because some one has swarovskis and you have Vortex? (That warranty though). Life isn't fair. Life isn't equal. Deal with it. But to go after a tool someone utilizes, but you don't.... Sounds a lot like socialism in the hunting community to me. I support all legal methods of hunting, even if I don't participate. I dont hunt with a muzzeloader, but im not trying to get the 500+ yard muzzeloaders banned. Very childish and immature behavior.
  20. 1 point
    Great News. God Bless and Merry Christmas.
  21. 1 point
    Mom is home, Hallelujah! God Bless each and everyone who prayed for us or otherwise sent positive energy our way! I can't thank you enough.
  22. 1 point
  23. 1 point
  24. 1 point
    Come out opening weekend or before. I’m trying to get everyone so we can kill a giant and have a kill pic like a football team photo.
  25. 1 point
    I wish there was a place to use them in So. AZ. Come on G&F, Pinal County get some water in Pichacho (sp).😢