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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/28/2020 in Posts

  1. 12 points
    Well, last year it took 3 days to get a bull down. This time it only took a few hours. It wasn’t quite the way we drew it up, but I couldn’t be happier for another year with an elk-filled freezer. We left the camper at 0500 this morning and got set up on a small incline overlooking some meadows we’d seen elk in this past Tuesday. After hearing a few different shots around us, we figured the elk must have been in the next valley over and we missed our opportunity for an opening day, first-light kill. Around 0815 we decided to relocate to another ridge line a few miles south so we hiked back to the car and piled in. As we were heading back into the spot, my wife and buddy spotted 2 bulls trot across the road about 150 yards in front of the car. They said one was likely a young 4 point and the other was a more mature bull but they didn’t get a good look at it. We decided to park the truck and see if we could get on their trail. Luckily, a little bit of snow this morning helped us pick up the tracks of the 2 bulls and we were off! As we hiked up the hill, I spotted the younger bull and thought to myself that I was blessed enough with a beautiful 6pt last year, and this year I would be thankful just to fill the freezer and enjoy another year of elk meat. If I caught up to him and had a shot, I’d take it. Unfortunately, the young bull crested the hill and went out of sight. My buddy continued following their tracks while I stayed a bit to the right, trying not to directly follow their trail. All of a sudden we hear a truck somewhere else in the valley. I couldn’t see it, and I didn’t even know another road came back into this same area but all I could think was “this truck is gonna scare these elk off and I’ll never be able to catch up or find them again”. Well maybe that truck confused the elk because all of a sudden my buddy half whispers, half yells at me. I turn and look over in his direction and couldn’t believe what I saw. I was so focused on where I thought the elk had topped the hill that I wasn’t even paying attention to where my buddy was or what he was seeing. I look over and there is the mature bull, broken on both sides, trotting 20 yards in front of my buddy’s face and 40 yards from me. My buddy immediately drops to the ground and I bring my rifle up only to realize that I’m zoomed in at 9x and can’t locate what part of the bull I’m aimed at. I quickly dial back to my lowest setting (3x) and re-aim at the bull, but it dawns on me that my wife, father-in-law, and my buddy’s girlfriend were a couple hundred yards behind us and in the general direction I’m now aiming. I take a second to double check my shooting lane is completely clear, aim at the vitals as the bull continues trotting past, and squeeze the trigger. The bull stumbles about 200 yards before finally laying down under a tree, and a few minutes later I know he’s gone. It still amazes me how fast everything happened and how much I had to adjust/take into account for my quick, 45 yard shot. From my buddy spotting the bull coming back toward us to me pulling the trigger might have been 5-6 seconds but it felt like a lifetime. He’s not quite the bull I tagged last year, but he’s perfect to me. I couldn’t be happier for another successful elk hunt and another year of great elk hunting memories. I’m slightly disappointed we’ll be heading home earlier than planned this year, but it’s for the best of reasons: tag filled.
  2. 8 points
    I combined a bunch of footage from one of my trail cams in Southern Arizona into one video. I hope you enjoy!
  3. 6 points
    I will post a story and more pics when we when we get done driving all over the state. But for now here is my favorite pic. He’s not a giant per the tape, but there has never been a happier kid. He hasn’t stopped grinning since Wednesday.
  4. 5 points
    We are just finishing up our Christmas tree and my wife said I had to take down some of my normal decorations she made it a point to say. “And that dumb bobcat better not be in there” I mean.. I made sure there wasn’t a bobcat anywhere in sight. You think she’s going to notice?
  5. 3 points
  6. 3 points
    There aren’t any bucks in 36b. Best move to another unit.
  7. 3 points
    Thank you sir- I was shocked when they accepted my story! Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
  8. 2 points
    Hello all, I’m sure several of you are in the same boat as I am— excited to start your hunt first thing in the morning. Last year I had a semi-live hunt going on the site and really enjoyed sharing my first tag experience with you all. Luck would have it that I was drawn for the exact same hunt this year—the late bull hunt in Unit 27! I will post as often as possible keeping you updated on how things are going. Until then, here is my first bull elk from last year and some photos from scouting this past week! Hope you all enjoy following along, and I hope I can end this thread with a success post! Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving, John
  9. 2 points
    Looked back and didn’t see a post about it here... @bowhunter4life is in the Successful Bowhunters section of the current Eastmans. Nice bull and write-up! Nice hat too! 😁
  10. 2 points
    Well today was the last day of the JR hunt and my daughter was up for one last attempt. Got up at 0400 and high tailed it to a spot where we had multiple attempts and some decent bucks last weekend. With my work schedule and her school today was the only day we could go out. Got set up and waited for the sun to rise, it was much colder than we thought and she was not dressed as warm as she should have. I started glassing where I had seen numerous bucks but was only turning up does. I told her to glass this canyon where the sun was shining, I would look back occasionally and she was huddled up, rubbing her gloves together and sniffling because of the cold weather. About an 1 1/2 hrs into it I sit next her and start glassing her canyon. As soon as I put my binos up I see antlers, I got a buck and it’s a shooter!!!! She comes over, I range it at 277 yds down hill. She sets up and 5 minutes later a shoot rings out. The buck spins and goes behind some Manzanita. She asks, did I get it? I said it was hit but had no idea as to where it hit. I told her to keep an eye on the area and I would gather all the gear. As we started the descent, we kick up a really wide buck and it runs out of site, I was thinking the buck we shot couldn’t do that, plus I didn’t see any blood on him. As we get closer to the large tree as a reference point I tell her to get ready for a possible follow up shot. I start to get excited because we are near the area where the buck should be. I’m looking around and I see a lifeless body, I turn toward my daughter and give her a high five and massive hug. I congratulate her for her Thanksgiving buck!!! Hope everyone has a fantastic Thanksgiving, this definitely has made 2020 a much better year for me and being able to cherish this time with my daughter. This is definitely her biggest buck to date. This is also her 5th WT all from unit 33. Of course she had to get dad building up an appetite for a Thanksgiving spread later today.
  11. 2 points
    I don't use them. I don't like them. But I sure as heck don't need more government regulation. For those of you that want them banned, why?
  12. 2 points
    Im against any more regulations. Whats next, long range rifles, big binos, etc.......?
  13. 2 points
    Leaving early tomorrow to try again in 18A. Scheduled to return Dec. 1st. Also, picked up an OTC lion tag on the chance I see one. Happy Thanksgiving all. Eddie
  14. 1 point
    Many of us post our hunt stories with photos in separate threads, but I thought it would be nice if we would post just our grip-n-grin photos in one place too so that we could also see them all together in one place. So post em up. Here is mine from an early rifle cow hunt.
  15. 1 point
    I have a hard charging EP that has the same problem. Can't walk today because of a rough country hunt Weds. I take full responsibility for not enough preseason work and like you find boots just create a new set of problems. Have had bird dogs for many years and their feet have run the gamut. My Gordons have seemed to have the toughest feet but then again they don't run like a pointer. I wouldn't get rid of a family hunting dog because of soft feet. You just need more dogs. That's why I have 4.😊
  16. 1 point
    Those that do not care, so what you are saying is you are okay with taking away a hunting method hunters use? Just wait until your new president takes away your firearm's through taxation and other methods . I know a few bowhunters would not mind if Biden did as they are against long range shooting as they deem it unethical and not fair chase. Its interesting AZGFD is using fair chase as the driving force to ban cameras. The point is- unless all hunters support each other and stand in unity- we will keep loosing what we love to do! For the guides abusing cameras- remember they are all managed through azgfd and they collect $$$ every year from them- if they were really the concern why would they not correct the issue through the guide licenses?
  17. 1 point
    Based on the first pic, looks like God was there lending a hand.
  18. 1 point
    Cant wait for that guy to go in there and start crying again. Gonna have to start guiding the old fashioned way again.
  19. 1 point
    You talking about 7e right? I have been out here scouting and not one dirt tank has water. There's barely any water in the catchment/trick tanks. Nice not to have 2 feet of snow like year, but dang, I wish it wasn't this dry. Still trying to find some bulls, hopefully we'll get on some this weekend. Good luck to everyone on this late, dry hunt.
  20. 1 point
  21. 1 point
  22. 1 point
  23. 1 point
  24. 1 point
    I told him, everyone’s gonna think all we do is shoot stuff in the face lol. it was running, 350 yards. he shouldn’t have ran and he wouldn’t have got shot in the face.
  25. 1 point
    I have shot them in the head and they still stink. And stink bad.