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  1. 20 points
    Not bad for a 4th choice tag 1 day hunt.
  2. 11 points
    I told him, everyone’s gonna think all we do is shoot stuff in the face lol. it was running, 350 yards. he shouldn’t have ran and he wouldn’t have got shot in the face.
  3. 10 points
    I shared my photo last night of a buck I was able to take but the highlight of my weekend was seeing this big ol buck my nephew Deagan was able to take. He just turned 10 earlier this year and was able to do the hunter’s safety online. We had a waterhole being used pretty regularly and had a solid 3x3 buck that was coming in consistently every other morning, even with the cooler weather. I told my brother in law, the best opportunity to get Deagan a shot would be to sit a trail on this drinker and have him get that 3x3. He agreed. Friday morning, they got up at 4:30 and drove to the waterhole. They parked 700 yards south of the waterhole and walked in slowly. First light came and nothing showed to the drinker. At first light, Deagan told his dad “hey I think I can hear something coming.” My brother in law Joe told him he didn’t hear anything but to keep his eyes open and try to stay quiet. 30 seconds later, this buck stepped out. Joe ranged him at 150 yards and Deagan said he had him in the scope. Deagan shot the first time and shot over his back. Being in a small canyon, the echo caused some confusion for the buck and he just stood there looking around. Deagan jacked another shell in and dropped the buck on his next shot, never needing to shoot again. Joe said Deagan jumped up and started fist pumping the air and was going crazy. What a great father/son moment they were able to experience. Best part is, they thought he had shot the nice 3x3 and instead it was a beautiful 4x4 that just happened to be the biggest buck using this waterhole. Deagan is hooked for life. I’ve attached a photo and video of this buck from before the hunt. FullSizeRender.mov
  4. 10 points
    Had a heck of a time on this hunt. Missed opening morning, friday night nothing showed up and the rest of the weekend was brutally windy. Member forepaw (Steve) had been coming out to help glass which was a huge help, thanks Steve! Last night looking for a little spike that disappeared into a thicket another one popped out as light was starting to fade. Called steve over to keep an eye on him while we moved into position. Got into position and bumped a doe who ran up right by where the bucks were hanging out. Got the rifle set up and this little dude came into an opening to see what the doe was running from. He stood perfectly broadside staring at us. Eenie made a perfect 200 yard shot. He immediately was upset and said "oh no i think i injured him", no buddy you got him. As he shot i saw him jump like he should have and bolt, with an audible crash in the brush. Went back to get Steve and headed up the hill. Had just enough light to take a couple decent pics. Super proud of Eeenie, he was a trooper. Mom came out to meet us and congratulate him on his first deer. Sissy wanted to get in the pic too.
  5. 9 points
  6. 4 points
    I sent my kid this old picture and said Happy Birthday Marines. but then she txt me this about 20 mins ago. shes Stalking a Buffalo and wants to see how close she can get. she said under 100 yards now. Kids going to end up in ER. She also sent me this picture. its her Recruiter friend who shipped her off to boot last year, He is now in the Same Training unit on the same Helos our daughter is in He is flight crew she is a mechanic. They had no idea both were there one was getting off helo and she was walking to helo. Small world
  7. 4 points
    An arrow was flung 30 minutes ago.
  8. 3 points
    Me and my youngest squab chased down a couple covey today.
  9. 3 points
    I want to start by saying thanks to the people who chimed in to my first post about being frustrated, mainly Bill for all his help and all his advice. I spent most of the summer and early fall scouting 24a with no luck. I couldn’t even find a doe. Every trip out to the Unit I learned something new but still couldn’t find a deer. Bill invited me to shadow his hunt in 24a and teach me about coues deer and I’m extremely grateful for that. I was discouraged to say the least. I figured even if I hadn’t spotted any deer I would still go hunt my hardest. Once I realized the north part of 24a was open, we started our hunt off haystack road. We hiked in about 2 miles and camped in some of the shittiest spots imaginable. Literally shitty. The cows were hogging all the flat spots, so we pushed them out and slept in their crap piles. Friday afternoon I finally laid my eyes on a group of magical does at 1000yards. Watched them for 2 days hoping a buck was in the area. No luck, so we decided to change our spots. After 2 nights of next to zero sleep, plenty of rain, and a ton of wind, we changed spots and did some “road hunting”. Driving and glassing, driving and glassing. No deer, just a bunch of hunters. Everyone I talked to was seeing doe’s, but no bucks. I took another look at the map, decided to go to the place I didn’t want to go.. way out, and way up. I found a cliff looking into a canyon, walked up to the edge and saw a doe at 70 yards. I knew it was a good spot. Spent a couple hours looking through my friends spotting scope while he sat in the truck browsing tinder.. or Christian mingle.com .. or whatever he’s into and found some does. At the point where I was asking myself “what in the heck am I doing out here?” I pan over and see a buck feeding on some bushes! I couldn’t believe my eyes... he had horns! Miraculously at the same time my buddy walks over and I’m shaking like a leaf. I ranged him at 711yards and decided no way was I taking that shot in the wind. Decided to cut the distance by 200 yards and see what the buck does. I hike down and glass the spot... he’s gone... My buddy on the spotter calls me and says “hey the buck has moved about 150 yards closer to you... wait.... there’s another buck.. he’s a TANK!” The two bucks move down to a water tank. I ranged him at 384yards. Dial my scope, zoom all the way to 16X... yup.. made that mistake.... and shaking like a leaf with buck fever I pressed the trigger... Got the rifle steadied... and he’s gone... My buddy calls me and said “dude you missed by a mile..... BUT YOU SHOT AT THE WRONG BUCK!!!!! The buck you want to shoot is 5 yards closer to you in the trail!” The buck starts walking, stops to smell the wind, and I poressed the trigger. Hit him about 6-8inches back from where I was aiming, and destroyed his spine... at that point I realized somehow I must have bumped .2mils of windage in the turret.... I watched him hoping he would bleed out for about 10 minutes before I decided to hike back to the cliff and come up with a plan. Maybe 25-30 minutes passed and he still had his head up. I was gutted. I still feel terrible that I didn’t one shot kill him... we moved spots on the cliff and I decided to shoot him again from 515 yards. Put one right through his lungs and he flopped over dead. We emptied our bags except the essentials and hiked down. My first year as a Hunter has been a roller coaster. But I finally laid my hands on an animal that I HUNTED.. an animal that I shot.. we took some pictures that I will cherish for ever, cut him up, and we packed him out in the dark.
  10. 3 points
    Wife sent this too me this morning.
  11. 3 points
    Decided to get up and go glass some farms of mine before I go hang stands on river. Came to first property and seen 3 WT does in a bean field. Then out comes a really nice mulie. They fed together. Winds are swirling bad so will check on him another day.
  12. 2 points
    Well, I was able to tag out Saturday afternoon. I was walking down a wash into the wind and kicked this buck up at about 50 yards. He went north and into a finger and stopped at about 200 yards. I was able to position myself for a clear shot and dropped him. I hadn't seen a deer all day and when he jumped from his bed, he looked bigger than he was and I just couldn't pass him up. I had a slight shooter's remorse hit me realizing my hunt was over but after looking him over and realizing I had tons of trail camera photos and videos of him, I was happy to have him. I can't wait to get out for the rut in January. Here are a couple hero shots with him and a velvet video from September. mybuck.MOV
  13. 2 points
    Tell ur dad he's the man! Super buck.
  14. 2 points
    We were waiting for him to get out of bed, but I spooked the buck because I was basically yelling about the amount of whistleblowers coming forward and how trump is gonna win.
  15. 2 points
    Character for days.
  16. 2 points
    Great wt. Congrats to your non photogenic Dad.
  17. 2 points
  18. 2 points
    That's cold Airborne, but fitting!
  19. 2 points
    Happy Birthday Marines!!! My father spent the last 3years of his 20 serving at the Pentagon in charge of recruiting from 1970, 71, and 72. He was the one responsible for implementing two slogans for the Marines that, as you can see, they still use to this day. "The Few. The Proud. The Marines" and "We're looking for a few good men". Lt. Col. David L. Althoff , ret.
  20. 2 points
    In the evening drink straight whiskey rather than beer, it will make for less trips outside during the night.
  21. 2 points
  22. 2 points
    Wife was shaking so bad and couldn’t let one fly on this guy. He was nice.
  23. 2 points
    Went to next property and found these guys in the thick stuff staying out of the wind.
  24. 2 points
    Last year, 12AE late, opening morning, 90 minutes into the hunt.
  25. 2 points