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  1. 15 points
    For the early Nov hunts I like to go help my buddy Nate, we always have a great time chasing bucks in the hills. We looked over and passed up 19 bucks and got soaked on Saturday. When the rain cleared at dusk this buck was located and we quickly closed the distance from 1100 yards to 185 yards. Nice tall, long tined buck
  2. 9 points
    When you are the boss you need to make sure that friendship is separate from the workplace!!
  3. 5 points
    I had three buddies who had tags for the early hunt. One bud was a meat hunter and shot the first spike he saw opening day. Second hunter took his sat afternoon on a nice wide buck. Wednesday the last tag got filled on the hunters best (2nd) coues buck. We all did some quail hunting after and agreed it was a successful hunt regardless of the tags filled. Good luck to all tag holders.
  4. 5 points
    Accountability is key. Don’t be afraid to have conversations with associates and coach them. If it continues documentation and get HR involved.
  5. 4 points
    I was fortunate enough to draw another deer tag this year and have been putting in alot of time in the hills the past 2 months. I had 2 bucks picked out for sure this year and knew it would be one of them or nothing. I packed in the day prior to the hunt and set up my camp. I managed to turn up a few nice bucks the evening before the opener but wasn't able to locate one of the bucks I was after. 3:45 came early the next day and I crawled out of my sleeping bag and started getting everything ready. Within a hour my brother inlaw showed up to hunt the morning with me before he had to work. We managed to get to the glassing hill with time to set up everything before the sun came up. I soon found my self glassing into the basin that I've seen my target buck in. I scanned the only turning over a few does. I was about to turn and glass below us for my other buck when some coyoties started sounding off below ous and deer came pouring over the cut above us. I saw what looked like a nice buck come out of the same area I've seen the big buck and although he was a solid deer he wasn't the one I was looking for. We glassed for another hour or so then started focusing our efforts on the shade. My brother inlaw called me over to his spotter and he had located a buck that he knew I needed to take a look at and make the judgment call myself. We sat and watched him for probably 15 minutes before I decided to pass. We continued to glass when I turned up 2 bucks. one was a smaller 4x4 maybe mid 80s and the other was a stud of a 2 point. As im watching the larger 2 point I see a deer making his way through some thick brush. I turned to my brother inlaw and said we need to figure out what that deer was. We knew that most of the bucks were still running together and he had to be a buck. We stared at a 40 yard circle for close to 20 minutes when my brother inlaw happened to glass the buck bedded in a small opening inside the thicket. He was just sat in a way that we though it was him but couldn't quite tell. We compared him to the videos we had back and forth for what seemed to be forever. Finally he turned jsut right giving us the look that we had been looking for to make conformation. Laying down below us bairly noticeable through the 15s was the one of the bucks I was after Pitchfork. We got set up and checked the range, we waited for what seemed like a eternity and finally he stood up. Shortly after he got up, I was able to successfully harvest this amazing buck. What a awesome, yet short hunt it was. I cant wait to do it again.
  6. 4 points
    Found a boat load of lead. Must be good huntin' these parts!
  7. 4 points
    Learn each team member and their strengths. Be present and ask how you can help them find success. Congrats and good luck!
  8. 4 points
    Do not lower the bar. Set the standard and hold your crew to it. And be nice
  9. 3 points
    Had an awesome day out with my daughter
  10. 2 points
    Starting a new position Tuesday running a crew. I’ve always had ideas of how I’d do it but when I was told I actually get to, all those ideas flew away!! Any tips to running a profitable tight ship without being an as$hole?
  11. 2 points
    Whale, Don't you know a 4b tag is good a week before it's start date and in surrounding units🤣. I just screwed the pooch having brunch then starting the next round. Consolation prize
  12. 2 points
    Only the buddy heaters are safe. For insurance i always bring a battery powered carbon monoxide sensor. Not sure what your budget is but a cot will keep you off the ground, camofire has sleeping pads for sale prerty often
  13. 2 points
    While I sit her watching naruto and freezing my wind blasted tail off. Here is a pic of the bull I just missed. His main beams And mass are deceptive at this angle.
  14. 1 point
    Exactly. A couple years ago I started saving the lead I find. Now I have enough to start molding bullets for my muskets.
  15. 1 point
  16. 1 point
    Thanks for not price gouging...aligns with the going online rate for now at least.
  17. 1 point
    Don't expect a sleeping bag rated at 20° to keep you comfortable at 20°.
  18. 1 point
  19. 1 point
    I suppose, but I’ve killed a pile of turkeys. Now I can hunt jr hunts with my kids or friends kids now for the foreseeable future.
  20. 1 point
  21. 1 point
    So about a month ago I posted a picture of a buck that I knew was going to be something special. For one reason or another I had some nay sayers say that it would score 135”😂😂😂 Another person had the audacity to say “why I posted a picture of nice buck and ask the score if I already knew what it would score”??😆 Really now? Crazy how inept some people really are... Then to top it off they post pictures of deers killed over 35 years old in the kaibab😂 You keep tootin your horn homie😆 But nontheless I only care about True Desert Southern Arizona Mule deer bucks. It truely is something special when a person kills a DIY 180” Southern Arizona Archery Desert Mule Deer. After countless stalks and days of hunting this monarch I managed to close the distance to 39 yards and shot this bad boy in the jugular! Finished him off with a shot in the boiler room. Buck has 6” bases and all mass measurements are 5 inches+🤙🏽 Good luck to all you hunters I hope y’all get some good ones. And to you nay sayers just picture me rollin🤙🏽😎😂🦌🤘🏽#GodIsGreat #MuleDeerPutasos #BigBuckDown #180+Club
  22. 1 point
    Hey everyone sorry I haven't posted on here for a bit as my work and family life has picked up. I haven't been draw for a rifle hunt in about 5 years or so but have been helping out Tom Wagner on some veteran hunts. I finally got drawn and it was our second choice 6a mule deer. On the second day just at opening light I was able to harvest this magnificent buck for the unit. The weather being so dry we knew some good bucks had been hitting this water source as it was the only water around. I caught him moving from water to his bed and at about 175 yards I dropped him in his tracks.
  23. 1 point
    Also already shared. Daughters last youth tag, she usually gives it all and suffers on her hunts so this was a great ending! Could not have done it without our buddy Jeff!
  24. 1 point
    I posted my sons 23 youth hunt in another section but I’ll put it here too.
  25. 1 point
    My brother took this buck the day before we had to leave at 440 yards. Great blessing.