I’ve been browsing this forum for some time now, but have been hesitant to post because of reactions towards new guys asking for help. Figured it’s time to ask though. I’ll apologize in advance for the long post.
Until last October I had never hunted in my life. A nice gentleman at Sportsmans Warehouse convinced me to go squirrel hunting in 6A, and I was bit by the hunting bug. I attempted to go do some predator hunting in 24A in the spring without any luck. I applied for the draw in unit 24A for white tail because it’s really the only area I’ve been in. I was drawn for the 11-6/11-12 hunt and I’ve been out “scouting” 5-6 times. I’d like to mention I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT IM DOING! Obviously the northern part of 24A is still closed so I haven’t scouted that area, but I’ve scouted/glasses the Dripping Springs Mts, I’ve scouted Pinto Creek Road, I’ve scouted north of Timber Camp, and I’ve scoured the area between US60N and the reservation that’s still open. My hunt is in 20 days and I’m getting discouraged.
What I am hoping for is that some experienced guys can give me some advice. Pretend as if I already have the gear (12x50’s, tripod, can shoot comfortably to 500y), but I have no idea where to start.
I’ll try to post more detailed questions in the comments. Thank you for any advice given.