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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/11/2020 in Posts

  1. 14 points
    Special thanks to the MSA for a great time. I didn’t have a lot of time to scout, all I had was a few “plan b” spots. Open day we were pointed to a great canyon, but all we could find was does. We sat water that afternoon, all we got was sunburnt. It was brutal. The good folks at msa pointed to some spots on the map as suggestions, and I marked them on my gps. The first marker turned up a couple does, so we decide to head to the next spot. A couple miles down the road, and I pulled over to check onX, to make sure we didn’t miss the turn. I’m sitting in the sxs fooling with my phone, and my son says, I think that’s a deer. I looked up, saw nothing, and continued to look at onX. 10 seconds later, he says, that’s a buck! I looked up in time to get a fleeting glance of a forked horn. He grabbed his rifle, and bailed into the creek. I heard a bang, and he yells up, I dropped him! Unfortunately it was out of my field of view. But I jumped in the creek bed, and there he was. We found a puddle in the creek bed he was drinking out of , apparently. 6.5 creed, dropped him, probably 50 yards.
  2. 10 points
    You know, jackrabbit, coyotes, non-game species are all open right now. Not much better practice than shooting rabbits and ground squirrels out past 1000 yards.
  3. 6 points
    Struck out again today. Got really close this morning but they saw us before we saw them. Went to a few spots that some members on here suggested. One was REALLY good. Unfortunately it was REALLY good for someone else right before we got there. We were at least able to render assistance to the dad and 3 boys who had killed an elk and had no way to get it out. Hopefully Karma comes back quickly. lol Will try again. Thanks to all who have sent help.
  4. 4 points
    I treasure the time in the kaibab. We both were looking forward to a few days in pine trees and somewhat cooler temps, brought enough chow for at least 4 days. We arrived Thursday..someone in our favorite spot (turkey hunters I think) so we just found another spot down the road and set up camp. Friday morn we head out and get near the spot we were heading towards..and by 7am it’s all over. I told him next hunt just to bring a cot and a sandwich. We decided to head back home and put her in the freezer. Ethan gets it done in 2020. Only 1 year left - hope he gets drawn 2021.
  5. 4 points
    FOC=more weight on the front. More weight=less speed. What is the purpose of having more “foc”? Your 412gn arrow at 289fps will kill any animal in north america. 5-6” group at 70 isn’t good enough? You sure increasing foc will be the end all? People get too caught up on the small details and forget the big picture. I’ve ran 400gn arrows through a bunch of animals and i don’t think any one of them wondered what % foc i was shooting. Sorry, FOC is a trigger term for me.
  6. 4 points
    I get what your saying but my last few hunts have been so exhausting all I’ve wanted to do was have a whiskey, eat, and go to bed. Fire was my last concern. I have had a few hunts where a fire was a must. This year I think one of those propane deals would work just fine. Good luck if you decide to go out.
  7. 4 points
    Turning in a tag because you can't have a campfire at night.....sheesh. This is why I hate the point guard system.
  8. 3 points
    Hey- hey hey!! Congrats and also so amazing he had the golden ticket and won the new tripod and bino! Great meeting you in camp! God is good!
  9. 3 points
    Did mine Friday. Applied for everything this year instead of buying points.
  10. 3 points
    Only your girl can whack a ground squirrel past 500 lol.
  11. 3 points
    It’s still freaking hot! This is almost the middle of October and I’m sweating in the shade! Da*m those farting cows!
  12. 2 points
    Well I guess its time to quit procrastinating and get my picks in.. And then throw some brisket and pork shoulder on for big lake trip this week.. Who else is down to the wire. Gonna try unit one this year for turkey bird..
  13. 2 points
  14. 2 points
    Well we pointed bigbrowns and his 2 guns to success this morning, love killing Kids.
  15. 2 points
    New, never fired. Heavy, stainless barrel, Accutrigger. Has Bushnell Trophy 6-18x50 scope and 100rounds of ammo. Sold in Peoria Greg 602-826-7517
  16. 2 points
    I used fix blades and sent two through my 2014 bull and have 0 idea what the FOC is.
  17. 2 points
    Well, onX got us to the place, had to make sure we were at the right spot, lol. so it’s not too bad.
  18. 1 point
    Just kosher salt
  19. 1 point
    I’m in with 6 turkey points
  20. 1 point
    sounds like jerky but I like the hefty slices
  21. 1 point
    done deal. thank you Sir. lee
  22. 1 point
    Word is she has a small tattoo behind her ear, Inflate to 20psi.
  23. 1 point
  24. 1 point
    I have a blue.... she is the best thing that ever happen to me 😄 really though
  25. 1 point