Special thanks to the MSA for a great time. I didn’t have a lot of time to scout, all I had was a few “plan b” spots. Open day we were pointed to a great canyon, but all we could find was does. We sat water that afternoon, all we got was sunburnt. It was brutal. The good folks at msa pointed to some spots on the map as suggestions, and I marked them on my gps. The first marker turned up a couple does, so we decide to head to the next spot. A couple miles down the road, and I pulled over to check onX, to make sure we didn’t miss the turn. I’m sitting in the sxs fooling with my phone, and my son says, I think that’s a deer. I looked up, saw nothing, and continued to look at onX. 10 seconds later, he says, that’s a buck! I looked up in time to get a fleeting glance of a forked horn. He grabbed his rifle, and bailed into the creek. I heard a bang, and he yells up, I dropped him! Unfortunately it was out of my field of view. But I jumped in the creek bed, and there he was. We found a puddle in the creek bed he was drinking out of , apparently. 6.5 creed, dropped him, probably 50 yards.