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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/28/2020 in all areas

  1. 3 points
    The family and I have started hiking on Sunday mornings to try and get more excercise. This weekend my wife was hoping to see some of the donkey's at Lake Pleasant Regional Park so we decided to hike Pipeline Canyon trail. 300 yards in with my 8 year old in the lead we find exactly what we didn't want, a 2' rattler crawling the trail too. I was right behind my 8yr old and yelled to stop and grabbed him. The snake went up to that little rock and curled up and got defensive. We backed off for about 5 minutes hoping he would leave, and when we moved back up toward him he decided it was best to get off the trail. We hiked the rest of the trail with no issues. The "floating bridge" must have been taken out by a flash flood because it was washed down river. We were 85% of the way done with the trail and had pretty much given up on the donkey sighting when I came around a corner and found these guys hiding in some shade.
  2. 2 points
    Perhaps you know more than me....but disagree with your no attempt comment...I took this video At 2:52 pm on Friday go to inciweb and see what time they arrived on scene ...there were also two helicopters with buckets flying til dark on Friday fire moved so fast on Friday it was scary... IMG_2907.MOV
  3. 2 points
    Running solo this morning without any velvet.
  4. 2 points
    Update: we found him this morning. We are going to sound like idiots... but we drive to our hunting spot, park.... something really smelled and we looked to the right and we were parked 2 feet from him. Maggots everywhere.... we cut the horns off, punched his tag, and I went after another one. His shot ended up being perfect and even broadside I wouldn’t wish for a more perfect shot... it just didn’t bleed well.... he didn’t make it more than 200 yards, however the trick was he circled back away from where we last saw him. Ended up in a ditch on the side of the road. No elk deserves to rot like that... maybe Hillary Clinton.. but not an elk. We had looked long and hard but unfortunately we came up empty last time looking for him. A definite blessing to have found him today, but sad about the meat
  5. 2 points
    Hate to be a total dick but the crossbow and now airbow thing is getting out of hand. It's one thing if you sustain an injury after a draw but putting in for archery knowing you can't shoot a bow.... I guess any advantage right? End justifies the means etc. 40 year old guys who can pack out an elk but can't draw a bow? Whatever
  6. 1 point
    are there pangeros that will take gringos out in lobos, cholla, guaymas? not a single one in Kino-seems strange..... also very interested in the santa rosalia ferry-does anyone have any experience with it? lee
  7. 1 point
    I just bought it a few months ago and never been out to hunt it’s complete setup 28” nothing cheap on this bow I paid over 1800 for the set Let it go for 1200
  8. 1 point
    Winchester model 94 ranger ( I won this in 1987) 1-box Sierra 125 flat nose about 150 Speer 130 grain Hcfn 2-300 Extra brass (rem win fc ) around 130 loaded rounds Rcbs dies seat and full length lee crimp Unknown round count / these brass were given to me not fired through this gun 550.00 Cant use iron sights anymore / so I’m just cleaning house,
  9. 1 point
    Got the Unicorn Antelope back from Rossislider Son and sitting up there with the rest of the boys. Matter of fact Rossisslider son has done them all Ha ha.!!
  10. 1 point
    REMINGTON 700 3006 SPR. For sale. It comes with a perfectly lapped set of Talley rings a Timney trigger and a PTG firing pin assembly with an aluminum shroud. $400 It shoots factory Barnes 150 TTSX into 5/8 inch and shoots 180 gr. Nosler Partitions, H 4831 into a .66/.67 group with very little load development. The rifle has about 140 rounds through it.
  11. 1 point
    I heard of an elk hunters ranger getting stolen over the weekend and I’m at the den right now and a patron stole a wallet from a worker and the cops are here. There’s some real douche bags up here.
  12. 1 point
    Not sure if any of you guys need this. https://www.azsci.com/events Stanley sent this to me a few months back. My 12yr old has a tag in 36a. We plan to be out there for a few days. Don't forget the companion pig tag for like $25 if in 36a. I have stop reading half post from my small a$$ phone... sorry duplicate info.
  13. 1 point
    Tired of the damned forest service just letting fires burn. Homes were lost, people evacuated. Lake access closed etc. They need to get head out of ace and try putting them out quicker. Homes by sears ranch were not in the direct path at first but while copters were flying past them working other Hot spots . It spread in different directions. These homes shoulda been a priority. No attempt was made to save them !
  14. 1 point
    Well there's your problem.... Two things that seem to be in short supply these days.
  15. 1 point
    I didn't see where the guy threatened, intimidated, assaulted, or acted in a disorderly way. If he chose to sit 30 yards down the bank on the tank it would certainly be unethical but highly doubt illegal.
  16. 1 point
    Were you on a road that continued on a substantial distance? If the road you were accosted on dead ended within a reasonable distance, say a 1/4 mile or less, I could see the guys point. In that case, park and go for it. A civil conversation could have avoided negative contact with a fellow hunter. If the guy was trying to stop access an ongoing road system for his own benefit, I know what I would have told him.
  17. 1 point
  18. 1 point
    Uhhh, wait it doesnt feel like theres a hole in this toilet seat...
  19. 1 point
    "Eating that Antifa dude gave me indigestion"
  20. 1 point
    4 at once happens all the time in my line of work. Sounds like they got a batch laced with some bad stuff. I feel bad for all those who had already paid for and waiting to board for the next trip!
  21. 1 point
    Please bear with me while I have a seat.
  22. 1 point
    I can do more damage in an Ace Hardware than my Wife can do in a Kohls. Seems like I always find stuff I didn't know I needed. Staff is always helpful too.
  23. 1 point
    Nature hiker in distress.
  24. 1 point
    Very grateful for the opportunity to help you out....you put the work in for sure and was equally rewarded!
  25. 1 point
    Yeah, had a heck of time getting the collars cut off😁