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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/19/2020 in Posts

  1. 13 points
    Here is my 2020 archery bull, I believe they are still in the pre-rut. Opening day I passed on a 3x3, then Saturday I missed a 7x7 had to estimate his range and just grazed him. Sunday morning I was after a 6x6 that was with a 4x4 but they gave me the slip. A hour after that I let a spike and small 4x4 walk right past me at 18 yards. Wasn’t sure if I made a mistake on that one. Monday and Tuesday I headed home to fix my house air conditioner. Wednesday morning I headed back up. Got to camp and unloaded the quad to head back to a small water hole where I missed the 7x7. Got all set up around 5pm. Tried calling to locate the bulls and nothing. So I sat till about 6:10pm and from a distance I seen some cows coming, told myself there has to be a bull with them and sure enough he pops out and starts to bugle. Then from a distance another bull bugles. Then the cows come to the small water and before I know it the bull is there. I draw back while one cow is staring at me then the bull lifts up and looks at me. I release the shot and wasn’t sure if I hit him well. He runs and I’m cow calling him, he stops about 50 yards and in about 10 seconds he is down. So I call my 2 friends who where up there with me on opening weekend and give them the news. Now the fun begins while it’s starting to get dark. I finish about 10pm and back at camp about 10:50pm. Talk about a long cold ride back to on the quad. Thanks Austin Nagel, Steve Holowell , and James Guin
  2. 7 points
    My Archery bull .Unit 18A,public land. So I hired James Fleming to do this hunt with. I have been talking to him since before the draw.A few thought I was crazy burning 9pts on a marginal limited opportunity area. I went with a gut feeling and it paid off.James knows the area like no one else.Day 1 was slow with only a few elk spotted and no shooters. sat water for 8 hours in middle of day till evening with only javelinas coming in. Day 2 up at 4 and into another blind for barely an hour when I received text bull spotted. James picked him up at 4 miles away and it appeared he wasn't moving to another zip code. He then disappeared into a sea of junies . we estimated where he might be and made the trek. About noon we lucked out and he bugled. We had to assume it was him as they weren't active calling at all. we estimated him to be around 500 yards away so we moved in a couple of hundred yards where we would remain on the ground for 4 plus hours. Around 5 he bugled once and on went the sneekee feet and we closed to about a hundred yards. we hung the cow decoy in a cliff rose, I set up and James got behind me about 20 yards. 2 cow calls set him off tearing up a tree(sounded like a train breaking limbs).he did this for 15 minutes without bugling and stopped. I was shaking like a leaf. More mews and I could hear him coming in on a rope. Still having not seen him his swords appeared( knew it was him at that second )above a juniper in front of me. he turned to get around the juniper and downwind and as he was walking in to a 3 foot shooting lane I was drawn and calm. I was preparing to shoot him walking but he froze with vitals exposed to look at the decoy . I released arrow and center punched him at 30 yards. At this point I practically collapsed.It was very warm and I guess years of frustration and missed opportunity were coming into into my thoughts.The arrow was complete pass through 4 blade wacem. we waited about 20 minutes to start the recovery. quite a bit of blood at first...but it tapered off.Fortunately his tracks were easy to follow in the dirt. This beast made it 500 yards and expired. James was as excited as I was. after lots of hugs and high fives we set about the work. we carried what we could.hung the rest and got back to camp at 430 Am. we slept for a couple of hours then made the 3 mile trek to pack out the rest.
  3. 7 points
    Who else was an idiot like me and kept trying to push the play button. (?!) 😂🤣
  4. 5 points
    The war camel story reminds me of another interesting fact. It was the Turks that first used sheep intestines as condoms. It was the Europeans that perfected the practice by removing the intestines from the sheep first.
  5. 2 points
  6. 2 points
    I followed it for a bit but thought I would not want to spook it up for someone to have to trail farther. I waited to see if anyone came on it or not. Will look tomorrow.
  7. 2 points
    36c is crazy right now...Elkhorn Ranch living up to its name.
  8. 1 point
    5 days until my archery elk hunt... but who is counting?
  9. 1 point
    Love days like this! Opening evening, lots of action morning and then evening, bugling like crazy and 7 different bugles. Pulled this one away from cows and across a canyon in a bugle fest. Love having these experiences with my children. He wanted a branch antlered bull and to have a great call in experience rather that passing and waiting for a larger bull. Not always about the antler size but feeling great about the experience. Would not trade the hours in the woods with my man cub for anything in this world! Also picture of Daughters first elk, OTC. She was so excited! Love being with her on this hunt and look forward to many more.
  10. 1 point
    Outstanding bull, congratulations.
  11. 1 point
    what did it score by the way? Sorry forgot to ask
  12. 1 point
    Congrats. Wow now that sounds like a hunt I dream of! Great job thou. But Now every E-scouter is looking up 18A as i write this and now the unit is probably gonna get super crowded now. Lol
  13. 1 point
    A HUGE congrats and what a beautiful bull. Eddie
  14. 1 point
    That's a beauty of an 18A bull. Congratulations!
  15. 1 point
    Good looking bull, congratulations!
  16. 1 point
    Very nice bull! Congratulations!
  17. 1 point
  18. 1 point
    seems like this is the first bull of the year!!!! nice work
  19. 1 point
  20. 1 point
  21. 1 point
    Congratulations very nice bull!!!
  22. 1 point
  23. 1 point
    We gotta get rid of that rule. It’s worthless red tape. I don’t think any other state has a quarter mile archery rule. It’s utter foolishness.
  24. 1 point
    Posting this for a friend Schmidt &Bender 5-25x56 PMII LP with mounts, MRAD if you are interested and want anymore details and info let me know i will text you his phone number he is asking $2000.00
  25. 1 point
    next time you take the trigger assembly out and the bolt out. look at the shell catch(for lack of better term and see if its broken. its about 4 inches long on the right side of the reciever down low, see if broke or loose. basically its spring metal that is staked in, in 4 spots. if its broke or loose that may cause a jam. I havent had any of mine part in forever so I might be forgetting sme things. I'll see if I can find a print online somehwere. generally the only thing that causes jams on a 1100 is the gas rings. but broken parts do as well but its rare.