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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/01/2020 in all areas

  1. 17 points
    Nice buck. You sound like a really nice and humble guy as well.
  2. 14 points
    So about a month ago I posted a picture of a buck that I knew was going to be something special. For one reason or another I had some nay sayers say that it would score 135”😂😂😂 Another person had the audacity to say “why I posted a picture of nice buck and ask the score if I already knew what it would score”??😆 Really now? Crazy how inept some people really are... Then to top it off they post pictures of deers killed over 35 years old in the kaibab😂 You keep tootin your horn homie😆 But nontheless I only care about True Desert Southern Arizona Mule deer bucks. It truely is something special when a person kills a DIY 180” Southern Arizona Archery Desert Mule Deer. After countless stalks and days of hunting this monarch I managed to close the distance to 39 yards and shot this bad boy in the jugular! Finished him off with a shot in the boiler room. Buck has 6” bases and all mass measurements are 5 inches+🤙🏽 Good luck to all you hunters I hope y’all get some good ones. And to you nay sayers just picture me rollin🤙🏽😎😂🦌🤘🏽#GodIsGreat #MuleDeerPutasos #BigBuckDown #180+Club
  3. 7 points
    I'm guessing like high 160s on score. Good Job.
  4. 6 points
    After five years of multiple trips scouting and spending hours in the blind, it finally all came together even though it was not as planned. After a few trips to our spot this summer I quickly realized we were not going to be the only hunter in the area, as we have been for the last four years. There were four cameras and two blinds on the tank on Thursday before opening day. My hunting partner Shrek and I planned on trying to be the first one there, rolling out at 2am on Friday. We passed one hunter on the way that was headed to the waterhole, only to find a second truck with a flat bed trailer on the way, with no UTV. There was only one place he could have went and we confirmed he was ahead of us as we saw him about a half mile ahead near the waterhole. We can only assume he heard us coming as he did not take the time to put away his cot or sleeping bag. If you drive a tan new model Ford F250/350 and slept in the back of your truck Thursday night, PM me, I would love to talk. We did confirm he killed as we saw the boned out body on Saturday. With the main plan shot, we went to a waterhole I had mapped a few years prior. When we got there it had good water and the area looked great. Although the day was quiet with a bear and one doe coming in, Shrek was able to spot a mule deer coming in at 2:30 pm and made it quick work. Although not a giant we had a great time enjoying the success and relaxing. The next morning we thought to ourselves, we got beat at 2am, so there is no way we will get beat at 1am. Well, we rolled out of our camp and hit the first turn only to find out the hunter on the corner had slept at the waterhole. Respecting the fact we got beat, we rolled back to the same waterhole from the day before. The morning started off early with a 6x6 bull coming in and watering for a bit, with a couple barks to wake us up. The bull had white antlers just rubbing off its velvet. Then it got real western at 10:00 am. I stood up to use the restroom and when I turned around, I saw my buck next to the water and my buddy was telling me to stand still. Too late, the buck blew out. We must have moved at the same time for him to make it all the way to the water. After taking the punch Shrek told me he could see a mule deer walking around, so I crawled back to the blind. Shortly after Shrek told me the same buck was coming back in along with the mule deer. My buck got down to the water, I drew and was nearly on target, only to be busted by the mule deer buck walking over the hill from a different direction. I thought there was no way the deer would come back in until later in the day or the next. Well, about 10 minutes later Shrek tells me there was a doe coming in. I got set back up and she came down for a drink. After she reached the water Shrek told me my buck was coming in again. A quick shift of the wind blew the doe out and left the buck on the top of the hill to the water hill. Figuring it was my last chance and he was definitely not coming in it seemed, I drew, leaned out, and let one fly for the front shoulder from 40 yards. It was definitely not a comfortable position to shoot from but the pin was steady on his shoulder. We heard the watermelon pop and saw him go down about 60 yards later. After a five year wait we walked up to a deer I would have been happy with on any rifle hunt, let alone my first archery deer. I have had many chances and close calls over the last five years, it just never seems to come together. As Shrek always says, many animals are alive by inches or seconds. Well, today was the day and he was a stud. After some celebration we cleaned him up and got back to camp, enjoyed the night, and headed home. What a great trip!! When we got home the taxidermist rough scored him at 111" without all the tenths, so he will probably be around 113", with most of his score coming from his mass. Even though he was a good deer, the biggest feel of accomplishment was when my two boys and daughter were so excited about the deer, both the size and finally getting a velvet buck in the house. Next year it will be my oldest boys turn at the archery wheel and hopefully he can enjoy the success, since he already has a couple of rifle deer in the books.
  5. 6 points
    How does a jugular shot buck need a follow up?
  6. 3 points
  7. 3 points
    Will do. We’ll have a smal army of youths at a dairy,, blasting away.
  8. 3 points
    Might need to go on the Aztec just to eat! Dude is killing it in the galley!
  9. 3 points
    call vortex, they will send them to you.
  10. 2 points
    My son and I scouted hard all summer, he named a buck that was coming in regular “eye guards”. After some tough misses on opening day, Saturday about 2:00 pm eye guards came strolling in and Tanner capitalized on him with one 50 yard shot, the buck ran 100 yards and piled up. He is still on cloud nine, I’m super proud of him. For those that care he rough green scored 111”.
  11. 2 points
    So did you post the score just to #proveapoint or #beadick?
  12. 2 points
    Like I said buddy, I have a Mossberg 500 20ga with a reg stock & short stock, and even an 18" barrel for it if you want to borrow it.
  13. 2 points
  14. 2 points
    That's funny but what's even funnier is I see more BP agents sitting at the check station on highway 83 at any given time then there are WM's to cover all of region V.
  15. 2 points
    wait! you saw game and fish in the field? its been 22 years since I've seen G&F in the field...
  16. 2 points
    We moved to Linden (just outside of show low) and couldn't be happier. Its just on the edge of the pines where it starts to turn into juniper. Most of our neighbors have juniper but we have about 60 pines on our property.
  17. 2 points
    If you are hunting I-17 it can only be parked four hours. After that it is subject to be towed. An interstate allows two hours in the city and four hours outside.
  18. 2 points
    Well our 2020 season was over quick but couldn’t be happier! Pops gotta cool lookin buck this morning! Saw some Gould’s On the way back into the truck! What beautiful birds.
  19. 1 point
    Love it! Nice frame, congratulations!
  20. 1 point
    if you post the GPS we can tell you for sure.
  21. 1 point
    True easements are legal documents and recorded. Very specific on who is allowed usage. Usually limited to utilities and other landowners that need the easement to access their property. The easement can be gated and locked as long as all legal users have access. Pretty much just what Vowell said.
  22. 1 point
    If you want to enter your animal in one of the record programs it will have to be from the House Rock Herd. Raymond Ranch is more of a sure thing. Cows are huge animals too. If you aren't worried about the horns and you want to hunt asap, I would apply for cow. Those hunts don't take long at all to draw for the House Rock herd. A mature cow is still pushing 1000 lbs on the hoof. Plenty of meat on one of those. If I was trying to kill a bull I would try to get the longest hunt possible, which is still the spring hunt I believe. Good Luck!
  23. 1 point
    Sleeping is camping. No camping within a 1/4 mile of a waterhole is the law. 1-800-gamethief. Good buck sounds like your second choice should be your first. Too many idiots at the other spot. Post the coordinates. LOL😷
  24. 1 point
    Here is what I have learned from my research. In terms of draw odds it just sort of is what it is. These hunts are hard to draw. There aren't many tags and a lot of poeple apply. Not really any secrets here. First hunt = Migration after snow melt. Basically chasing them back up the plateau. You'll want to commit a lot of time but be flexible when you take it depending on spring conditions. Hides and Capes are in primo winter condition. June and July Hunts = Sitting Salt / Water waiting for buffalo to cross out of the park. Hides tend to thin out as the weather warms up and bulls roll in the dirt to cool off and fight bugs. Cow Hunt July/August = We hunted this one this year. If the monsoon is late then the water conditions can be very good for hunting water/salt. There are young calves on this hunt, so prepare yourself for the potential of hunting females with very young companions. Apply ethics as you feel appropriate. Fall Cow Hunts = I cant say a lot about this but you will be sitting salt/water. Conditions vary with weather. From my experience be aware of moon phases when selecting hunt dates. These animals can become very nocturnal.
  25. 1 point
    Played "Black Panther" in several Marvel movies, 12 Bridges, and others. Good actor. 43 is too young for anyone to die of colon cancer.