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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/07/2020 in all areas

  1. 3 points
    I’ve never bear hunted. But I might go because it kinda looks like the world is coming to an end so I might as well go
  2. 2 points
    They will come in anytime,take a ice chest,a towel,and its not that bad.The last buck I killed on a water,scored 85 2/8,shot at 9:30.It comes down to how bad do you want it?
  3. 2 points
    Can be any time, but also can usually pattern them. My hunt I was able to pattern a couple bucks using the same water hole between 11-1 most days so that’s when I sat and tried spot n stalk the rest of the day. Ended up killing mine on that water hole around noon.
  4. 2 points
    We have hunted both public and private. Have stretched a lot of fence for the privilege of hunting some of the private that we have. Either way I get to be with my children doing something we love, building memories and filling the freezer.
  5. 2 points
    I went to west fork black river Sunday morning, off the road to reservation lake and walked south. I caught a couple browns then the weather got bad.
  6. 2 points
    I cant answer to the pro but the astro you are correct, no correction. Their are other options with correction tho. You can also run a delta with the astro and it has correction. Downfall is dogs are wearing 2 collars and you have 2 remotes. The positive side of that is, if you are not hunting or doing something where you dont want tracking the dog can wear a much smaller collar. And you have have all the GPS attached. I personally run the Astro with DC50S and the garmin Delta sport XC. I chose this method as I dont always want GPS but do want correction and dogs dont have to have a huge color on for just correction. Especially helps for training puppys
  7. 2 points
    Anybody called in a bear? I remember that one dude used to always talk about that. I was thinking of trying it in my cam spot that I get lots of bear pics
  8. 2 points
    HI Im at scottsdale airport, when would be a good time for me to check out the rifle thx
  9. 2 points
    That’s what creedmoor shooters think their projectiles look like......... I know nothing about it, but that thing is pretty cool
  10. 1 point
    Anybody heading out tomorrow for the opener? Its going to be a hot one, stay hydrated.
  11. 1 point
    Slide fire burn produced baskets full of morels for me first few years after the fire but I barely find them anymore. April- May time period. Lobsters can be found anywhere. Coolest find for me so far is Lions Mane and Cauliflower mushroom. Also Porcini, Portabella and Oyster mushrooms.
  12. 1 point
    They will come in whenever they get thirsty, which can be any time during the rut when they are running off other bucks and chasing does. The problem with sitting a few hours is that very often those goats will be within sight but not within range. So getting in and out of the blind without spooking them can be challenging. But sitting water is by far the most successful strategy for archery goats.
  13. 1 point
    I play the wind, but it’s just not a rut hunt to me if I don’t smell like cow elk urine
  14. 1 point
    I’ve found wind in my face always works best for me
  15. 1 point
  16. 1 point
    If I was still in that 17 to 30 year old age group I would be out there for sure. Hope to see some bear pics.
  17. 1 point
    I don't see how this bill applies to tutors at all. I read original link and I think the information in it is misleading. Here's the text of the law: https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billTextClient.xhtml?bill_id=201920200AB5 I think it applies to companies not individuals. And even if it did apply to companies, it looks like there is a specific carve out for tutors. https://www.dwt.com/blogs/employment-labor-and-benefits/2019/09/california-ab5-employment-law It looks like this law is the codification of a court case where some employer tried to hire employees but then claim they were independent contractors so they didn't have to pay benefits like workers' comp. My vehicle would be illegal in CA because of the cold air intake so I don't like the state personally but I like the truth. I don't think the bill means what the DeMaio Report thinks it means. I'll go farther, I think the DeMaio report article was not just intentionally misleading, I think it was a lie because it doesn't look like this bill even remotely applies to parents hiring a tutor. I don't think it applies to babysitters either. Or the neighbor kid cutting a lawn. Don't get me wrong, I like getting righteously indignant just as much as the next guy but when I do, I want to be right.
  18. 1 point
    Build the she shed and she will come...
  19. 1 point
    Here it is! I'm in Flagstaff. Thanks for the suggestion.
  20. 1 point
  21. 1 point
    The desert muley range is not all that big and they like to stay around their favorite water all year even when they’re not watering often. The main problem with muley bucks outside of the rut is that they are nocturnal
  22. 1 point
    It all depends on when and where. For example, the entire deer herd on the N. Kaibab moves many miles when they migrate out of the high country. If you find a Kaibab buck in the aspens in Aug./Sept., he'll unlikely be there during the late season. In contrast, a desert mule deer will have a much smaller territory that might expand a bit during the rut.
  23. 1 point
    This was the warm up group. 5 rounds at 38.5gr including the cold barrel shot.
  24. 1 point
    God smiled on me. More to come, but at first light second day, I took a cow on the Demott Park, half mile from the park entrance. Jacoby did awesome getting everyone in the coop out there to shoot. You can see two tiny dots over my shoulder in the selfie, two cows went down there, one is mine. She is a mature cow with her right horn rubbed down. Such an awesome trip. Over so fast, but was epic!
  25. 1 point
    They’re good for Varmint hunting. We have the 25-06 and 257 Roberts. There is a Gunsmith I know that likes the 250 3000 AI and he seems to do really well with them. I’m talking one hole, 5 shot groups at 100 yards. The 257 Roberts was the rifle I had all of my firsts with. First Coyote, first running Coyote, first long range shots on whatever. It was my dad’s Remington 722, which I still have. It still performs. We would always talk about that rifle as one that will never disappoint you. It’s one that will hit what’s in front of it every time.