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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/25/2020 in Posts
12 points
7 pointsThis gets my vote for worst post of the year. Grandparent transfer: The number of tags grandparents can donate to a kid in their 8 years of eligibility is minuscule when looking at the total number of applicants. Looking for ways to limit child/youth tags is a pretty selfish and short sighted way to try and get yourself a little ahead in the draw. Waiting periods will make almost no impact on draw odds in the current scenario and even less if we are ever dumb enough to square bonus points. Squaring bonus points only helps the people at the very top of the point pile and does marginally at the expense of the vast majority of applicants who are below max. What gives me a superior right to hunt an animal than someone who was introduced to hunting just last year? What about a kid who just turned ten? Why don’t they have an equal right to hunt the strip? Just because they were born later, what does that have to do with it? What value does it add to hunting if we make it an old man’s sport and no one gets to hunt while they are young enough to enjoy it? Continuing to tip the scales in favor of a tiny minority who apparently don’t like to go hunting all that much cause they are fine waiting 20 years just doesn’t make sense. Someone brought up preference points. This is the worst idea in the history of hunting. Once it goes this way, it will just cut the legs out of any hunter recruitment. What’s the point of starting something if there is literally no hope of ever being able to achieve your goal? Eventually western hunters are going to have to accept that there is more demand than supply. And we will have to take a long look in the mirror to assess whether it’s wise to continually prioritize opportunity for one small group of people at the expense of all others and every future generation to come. Why should the draw favor those who have applied longer? Does that somehow make them more deserving? In actuality the more we complicate the system by adding provisions: bonus points, preference points, point guard, tag transfer, etc. The more opportunity for exploitation we create and the more the system favors the few at the expense of the mass. Someday we will have to bite the bullet or lose our future. It’s just a matter of time.
5 pointsThere are people in AZ who apply 10+ people a year and have for some time. Doesn’t take very long, especially with point guard, to get to a spot where you draw primo tags every single year by piggy backing. I personally hate point guard and it is abused by a LOT of people. People should be able to turn tags in for emergencies but their reasoning should be reviewed.
5 points
4 points1. More wardens in the field. Last year in NM, I saw 3 different wardens on my 3 day pronghorn hunt. Got checked twice. That really helps deter violations. 2. Stiffer penalties for game violations. Not talking about the honest mistakes. But the serial poachers or even 2nd time offenders need more than a slap on the wrist. There should not be a third time. 3. 25% higher tag prices, but 20% fewer tags. No loss or gain in revenue. Just a gain in game population. 4. Tag surrender, to me, should be on a case by case basis, and not just because you can't find a good animal during your scouting trips. Most guys have an idea if it is going to be a good, mediocre, or bad year for antler or horn growth before the draws. Don't think it will be a good year? Get a BP only. Most guys with max, or near max points are the ones turning in the tags for this reason. This would be hard to enforce though.
4 pointsThere’s some abuse, not sure how often it actually happens. In theory my wife with 14 points and me with 2 apply together for something like 12aw early. We average to 8 and both draw. She turns hers in and continues to build points for a strip hunt someday. I hunt the kaibab with 2 points. Under the current system she can do that for me once. Under your system we do it every year forever.
3 points
3 pointsI wouldn't mind seeing a ban on Non-res OTC tags and a ban on non-res sheep tags. Never will happen because of funding but I would like to see all the 60-70 year old guys draw a sheep tag before a 12 year old does from out of state.
2 pointsHeading up to the Kaibab in 5 days! Pretty stoked. I have 9 straight days blocked out and ready for the blind, books and movies too. More long weekends if needed later. First hunt looking for penises to confirm sex on an animal... Forecast has no rain in the 10 day, so hope that keeps them moving out of the park. Not using Jacoby, but will coordinate some to keep hunting good for all. I Have a buddy helping who has been part of half a dozen or more bison hunts. Hoping his luck rubs off, he shot his cow in 1.5 days in the blind. PM me if you will be up there. I intend to document and video my adventure, will share the good stuff. Here's to a buffalo on the ground.
2 pointsFierce CT Edge 28 nosler with Murphy precision titanium scope base. Less than 200 rounds down the barrel. This rifle has shot excellent groups with nosler factory ammo, out to 1000+ yards. Minor blemishes on stock from rubbing on pack [ pictures will show]. Kuiu Vias camo pattern. $3250 scope and rings not included.
2 pointsYes , Year long Lion season is needed! Don't give in to the Anti's. This isn't California! And last Kids get to many tags handed to them and Great tags too! they don't even know what they have or no idea what they are doing . It is Bullcrap that the older guys like me have to wait years for those great tags. Screw hunter Recruitment , there was 1 million people when I came here in 77 Now 5 million just in metro Phoenix. There will always be plenty of kids hunting without tags handed to them. Here's an Idea.If we can hand tags to Kids Why can't we hand em to Seniors who have kept this wildlife thing going and spent 10's of Thousands at Banquets over the years I know I will piss off some of You Daddy's , But make it a level playing field. Maybee now that I am retired instead of spending all my $ at Banquets I will lobby for old Hunters. Not a bad Idea ....................BOB!
2 points
2 points
2 points
2 pointsI’ve got it! ...if you are going to buy Point Guard you must apply solo...lol
2 pointsAZ used to be just like NM. Guess what people started bitching, so it began. First elk goes to 3 year wait between tags. Guess what people sitting out 3 years were getting back in game and drawing tags again before other people had drawn their first tag. This was decades ago when there were way less people hunting then there are now. Statistically proven 3 year wait not helping with drawing tags. I believe 1991 enter the BP game except bison and sheep may have already had Bonus points. Honestly I don't remember the 20% phase of the draw in the beginning, hunter education point or loyalty point so I'm pretty sure the BP system has been tweaked since its inception and guess what people still pissing and moaning. I personally am happy with the way AZ does it and NM can keep their system.
2 points
2 points
2 points
2 pointswell on the point guard I guess I just dont have a cheating mind, I couldn't come up with a downside. I stand corrected. I guess since the bad folks can come up with these loop holes it keeps us good folks from benefitting from a good thing since someone will always find a way to turn it to a bad thing.
2 pointsYou have the perfect right to write to the G&F with your brilliant ideas. The web site is AZGFD.COM. Every year after the draw people who did not get drawn will come up with changes to improve THEIR chances to get drawn. LOL😷
2 pointsI don't want max point holders to all be able to surrender tags year after year on a stretch of bad growth years yet remain max point holders. IMO, point guard is great insurance against unexpected events that can and do happen in life, not a way to get cut in line every year regardless until everything is perfectly aligned. The fact that you can buy a point if things have happened prior to the draw and surrender 1 tag after the draw seems more than fair to me.
1 point
1 point
1 pointThe first person physically at a spot, on any given day, will hunt any spot I visit - even if it is someone else sitting in my treestand over my camera.