Since you brought him up, Al Pastor promised to show me all his best hunting areas. I drew tags in unit 23, 27, 32, 33 and 37b. He hasn't gotten back with me, so please post the the coordinates of your best secret spots.
Hot seller’s market on RVs right now. My friend sold the trailer he bought from me in about 6 hours for $1k more than he paid me for it and more than I paid for it here on CWT about 5 years ago.
There's this barrel of water in the desert..
Put a cam on it. Video shows..
At night, this guy comes up to it, and pulls a dead bird out of the barrel, and then proceeds to drink from it.
Not something you see every day! The location is kinda out there, but not like you couldn't see a community from a nearby hill.
Time is off. Date is correct.
On x is nice because you have the option of satellite view. Flatline is really nice with the shading, it really shows smaller differences in ground contour that On x doesn't as well
"If I dont hit the animal they rarely die". Tell us about the rare ones that did die.😄 and cause of death.
Sorry, I thought that was funny. Maybe I have the bat flu and a fever.
agreed. you can build an awesome custom rifle minus optics for under $3K.......Or you could spend 10K and build an even more custom rifle!!!!!! I put $2,700.00 into mine but it isn't super crazy with options. I just want tiny holes.