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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/09/2020 in all areas

  1. 3 points
    Offer to loan antelope decoy to us has been accepted. Thx to those who replied!
  2. 3 points
    Monkeying with muzzleloaders is painful on the wallet.
  3. 3 points
    I am not sure that I understand the question. There are about 50 head. The weights will very from about 600 on up. On the lighter stuff that would still need feeding we would just weigh them and do market price on the weight based upon the most recent report from Marana Stockyards.
  4. 3 points
  5. 3 points
    We didn't have any muzzle loader tags in 2019. In 2018 my wife shot her bull at about 140 yards and I shot a Coues deer at about 220, both with the Match/Hunter bullet. The Black Max had not come out yet at that time. Bob suggested taking shoulder shots with the Match/Hunter to get better expansions (especially on Coues, not as important on elk) which is what we did. Shortly after our hunts, the Black Max came out which uses a polymer tip instead of aluminum and was developed for better expansion. They shoot just like the Match/Hunter, but we haven't yet tested on an animal. Parker's have a longer more streamlines shape than most muzzleloader bulllets (similar to long range rifle bullets), and so you probably also need the spin jag made for them (also on Praker's website). I plan to use the Black Max going forward.
  6. 3 points
    It was awesome what they did for BJ, flag ceremony at tonto national Bridge, then escort thru Payson, streets lined with residents giving last respects, then to the casino to be with the rest of the fighters then escorted to Florence. They respect him as there own. He had just dropped of hydration supplies to the helitac crews fighting the fire.. God bless and thank you for your service , and saving our towns..
  7. 3 points
    Now that's a good Owner. Trying to get his best freind layed..
  8. 2 points
    We have a number of steers and heifers for sale in Globe AZ. Price is dependent upon weight. Large steers ready to harvest would be about $1400. Something smaller that you would feed for a time are less. Heifers are cheaper as well. These are straight off the ranch. 500# steer $800 600# steer $900 700# steer $1000 800# steer $1100 Heifers of the same weight would be $50 less than steers. Thanks for looking. Tyler
  9. 2 points
    Don't let the nay sayers get you down. 7, or I should say 7 east, because I have no experience in 7w, is a great unit for both deer and elk. 1000 tags, yes, but split between 2 huge units. A majority of hunters will hunt within less than a mile of a road and most of them will be in higher deer density areas. There are a lot of places you can go and probably see only 1 or 2 other hunter your whole hunt. 7e is a great glassing unit so use that to your benefit. Tons of knobs, hills and vantage points to get up on and cover a lot of ground. Whatever binos you have, put them on a tripod and spend a lot of time behind them. I find it funny how 7e gets such a bad wrap, even amongst the primo guides. It's not that big bulls and bucks arnt there, it's just a tougher unit to hunt. These sheds on a fake skull are from 2 years ago. This buck is still alive and should be an absolute giant this year. The trail cam pic is from Dec. So another buck walking around right now in 7.
  10. 2 points
    2020 needs to be over. At this rate the entire state is going to burn down and put more firefighters at risk. Where the F are the monsoons?
  11. 2 points
    thanks- I have a 2006 Polaris Ranger and done a couple of things - super large commercial grade trash bags - 80 gallons - they work very well also Christmas storage bags - large bags with zippers also work, but the zippers don't hold up very well. This is a tough choice, anyone with experience with NorthStar and the Can Am Defener Max - both have heater and AC- with sealed cabs.... pricey
  12. 2 points
    Be careful with the black max on elk. Not sure if this thread is directed toward elk or deer but I killed two muleys with the black maxes last fall. One hit just under the throat patch on a head on deer. Hit the spine and vaporized. Broke the spine and obviously crushed the deer but didn’t exit. Thank god it didn’t as it was a giant shorthair buck and it would’ve destroyed the cape. I wouldn’t have wanted that to be an elk shoulder though as it wouldn’t have penetrated at all. That was a 300gr black max at 2350fps out of my ultimate at 120 yards with open sights. The second deer was 368 yards with my bad to the bone muzzy which cranks the same bullet at 2650. He was above me in his bed at a 45 degree angle. Shot him through the front shoulder (the heavy bass of it) and it angled up through his heart. That one completely fragmented as well. Awesome deer bullets and I’ve heard the match hunters will pencil through a deer but I think if I had a muzzy elk tag this year I’d take the match hunters instead. Even if they don’t expand at all they’re still .45 cal which is a nice size hole.
  13. 2 points
  14. 1 point
    Forums in general are far slower now. Mainly because sensitive people took the fun out of them bec
  15. 1 point
    Nice scope, great guy. Sorry it doesn't quite fit my need. Is as represented. Pretty much like new.
  16. 1 point
    Thanks. Hold off for now. Let me do some research on the tire first and I'll let you know. Thanks, Eddie
  17. 1 point
    At least give us a few more fishing sub topics to post under and he can moderate those!
  18. 1 point
    21 mule deer hunt. Most guys will shoot spikes and 2ptrs. Bucks in that unit don’t get age on them.
  19. 1 point
    This thread seems to have all the answers, just a combination of the increase in population and/or good hunter recruitment and/or new "types" of hunters, better technology, and social media making early season hunts just as desirable, etc. Hunting does seem to be a fad for various reasons right now. Are non-residents causing leftover problems if there is a 10% NR cap? A thought I've shared here before - before it gets taken away entirely, OTC archery should be residents only. AZ protects its draw tags for residents, why not OTC? ($ for now, I know)
  20. 1 point
    Slick trick Viper trick 100 grain
  21. 1 point
    With all the mayhem going on ...looting,rioting,killing and hatred, I thought I would pass along something positive. On July 4 (yesterday), I went to Sportsman’s Warehouse and picked up some gear for a camping trip coming up. I got home and realized my wallet was missing. After a quick search in my truck , backtracking the few places i’d been, I raced back to the store. I looked in the parking lot where I had parked, and then went to customer service and asked if anyone had turned in a wallet. YES!, someone had found it- it fell out of my packet while getting in my truck, and turned it in. $65 in cash and 7 credit cards intact. To whoever you are...thank you!!! It’s so good to know there are still people out there who are honest and will do the right thing.
  22. 1 point
    Title sounds like you want trade your wife for a 223. Lol. It will work, remember whitebutt's are pretty durable, good shot placement..
  23. 1 point
  24. 1 point
    85 may have been a straight axel carburated in the deluxe but EFI in the SR5 package.
  25. 1 point