Both correct. I've spent a great deal of time working on fires, both as a firefighter and resource advisor. I've seen all wildlife (deer, elk, bear, turkeys, etc.) back in the burn perimeter before the fire is contained. A typical western fire burns with about 10-ish percent high-severity damage, 30-40% moderate-severity, and the majority is low-severity/unburned. Mosaics are the natural process of a typical western wildfire. Its also very important to differentiate between flame intensity and burn severity. They are not correlated. I've seen plenty of low-instensity flames create high-severity effects because the flames are moving so slow. They sit and burn everything deep into the mineral soil. I've seen high-intensity flames move so fast that there is barely any damage to any vegetation. Of course,these aren't all typical, but they are burning fairly close to a typical fire behavior. A light, steady rain is best to keep erosion minimal, and that will help the green up and keep the deer in there longer.
25-06, I have an inside scoop if you're referring to the Bighorn Fire and you're hunting area. I might be able to get you some info on burn areas if you PM me where you are looking. No promises, to be clear, but I'll see what I can drum up. And, rest assured, you're honey holes are safe with me. I don't roll like that.