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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/23/2020 in all areas

  1. 9 points
    A lot of things have changed and the world is a crazy place at the moment but anticipation of the draw results remains. The 180” buck I’m getting this year doesn’t know about covid. Plus he’s probably racist
  2. 6 points
    Here's a few coues bucks harvested with Ward's Outfitters last season. We're really looking forward to 2021
  3. 4 points
    Wow, you are coming onto a public forum and admitting you own a Ford? Ouch, that is just inviting trouble!😂
  4. 4 points
    BYOBr (bring your own bottle rockets)
  5. 3 points
    People have asked if elk will water with cattle, so I am posting a couple pics. There were at least 50 head of cattle.
  6. 3 points
    I doubt anything is going to open on the Rez anytime soon. Newest info from yesterday... Public Information Announcement: Monday, June 22, 2020 the Tribal council approve the following: 1. The Fort Apache Indian Reservation is now a Dry Reservation and you can not sell alcohol or consume alcohol effective today. Alcohol and Drugs are NO LONGER ALLOWED ON THE RESERVATION. Consequences begin with the 1st offense being $5000 fine; 2nd Offense would result in the loss of Tribal Member benefits for 1 year; 3rd offense would be the permanent loss of Tribal membership. 2. A resolution approving Hon Dah Casino as the Quarantine Site which will house Voluntary and involuntary people. If a person is running around with the virus that is no longer tolerated and will be placed in a quarantine site by way of law enforcement and court. 3. Resolution to authorize the purchase of 300-400 COVID-19 testing kits for use at various testing events on the Fort Apache Indian Reservation. 4. Tribal Council passed a resolution to implement a Reservation wide Lockdown beginning at 8PM June 26 and ending June 29, 2020. Thereafter, immediately, a shelter in place will be in effect for 2 weeks ending July 13, 2020. 5. Tribal Council voted to approve Funeral/Burial Assistance to the family of the late former Councilman Wayne Colelay Jr. 6. Tribal Council voted to allow wood cutting to be opened to tribal members beginning July 13, 2020. This would allow tribal members to get wood for the upcoming fall/winter months. 7. Tribal council voted to extend closure of the WMAT indefinitely. This includes the Casino and all Tribal Businesses.
  7. 3 points
    Not saying that it doesn't happen but I have had cameras on two different tanks in unit 6a in the past. Elk routinely came and drank from both tanks everyday but as soon as the first cattle showed up the elk rarely came to the tanks. When the cattle leave, the elk slowly start to show back up. Everyone can believe what they want but I know what I know from my own experiences. If I have a choice of hunting an area without cattle, I will do it every time over an area with cattle. I also know of a great tank that gets hammered with coues but the cattle move in during middle of August and the deer sightings drop to nearly zero.
  8. 3 points
    I keep waiting for someone to complain about Sitka Blacktail and Columbia Blacktail being a racist name and demand a name change. Any day now
  9. 3 points
    You boys don't really go up there to hunt, do you?
  10. 3 points
    When is the big firework extravaganza in Payson...all of us from the city are ready to head up...
  11. 3 points
    Here are a few pics of my dad in Vietnam in 66. He was there two tours May 66-Nov 67. He taught me how to get back up when life knocks you down. Sometimes he was "life". He died of a heart attack related to his PTSD on April 10, 2004. My first child, our daughter was born 15 days later. I'd give anything to be able to talk to him now about being a dad, especially to a teenage daughter. The last one is from our last fishing trip together at Lake Tahoe in June 2003, while at his Army Unit Reunion (173d Airborne Brigade). Dad is the skinny one kneeling in front of the mortar tube, crouching in front of the tube, and in the middle with his Bronze Star. I pray every day that my kids see through my faults and see me the way I saw him, after looking beyond his faults. Happy belated Father's Day to all you great dads out there!
  12. 2 points
    Tic Toc cant wait till Friday morning good luck every one
  13. 2 points
    (Where am I disclaimer, not my pics, an acquaintances.) Powerlines were edited out to protect the identity and location of the innocent.
  14. 2 points
  15. 2 points
    Are you going for a hybrid this year? I have been told you can drive right up on them.
  16. 2 points
    You and I both know you’re not killing a 180” this year. Maybe a 150”.
  17. 2 points
    That's why I had to cut the cord for everyone one but me and my wife, fees, cards, and ungrateful people. So easy now.. Never under stood how people can hunt but no nothing about how the draw works. Kudo's to all of you who do it for everyone else.. Goodluck
  18. 2 points
    Just made mini Street tacos. Really good . Some body said something about brisket tacos, they are a genus..
  19. 2 points
    I'm glad to have my dad still around. 73 years young and still trucking. We were both a little hard headed when I went out on my own. We didn't talk for about 12 years. Glad that's over with.
  20. 2 points
    Closure for San Carlos was extended to June 22nd at yesterday's tribal council meeting but here's some Bass for you from Talkalai Lake efforts yesterday. DAN
  21. 1 point
    Ya at least I've had my Ram 1500 since 2001 , even have original transmission
  22. 1 point
  23. 1 point
    I'll take them. Please pm the details. Thanks!
  24. 1 point
    This is my Dad. I miss him so much. For you guys that still have your Dads around don't take it for granted one single day.
  25. 1 point
    With only burning 4 or 5 points, hunt it no matter what rather than turning the tag back in. You’re playing with house money at this point!