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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/19/2020 in all areas

  1. 15 points
    My body, my choice... Do you agree libtards?
  2. 14 points
    Wearing an unapproved mask 5 months into a pandemic is like using contraceptives at your baby shower.
  3. 10 points
    I wear one every time I go out if I'm going to be around other people and can't social distance. It's easy. I don't think it's the boot of an authoritarian government on my neck. I think it's common sense. It's an airborne virus that can be passed by coughing or sneezing (maybe even just breathing close to someone). Does a mask stop every virus? Probably not. But if you cough out 1000 viruses and only a couple make it out past the mask, that's still helpful. We all have to assume that we are asymptomatic carriers. For those who think it's the first step to gun confiscation I'd say those people are irrationally attached to slippery slope arguments. For those who say "My body, my choice. Do you agree Libtards?" I'd say they are irrationally attached to false equivalencies. Donning a mask for a couple hours while out in public is nothing like the emotional and physical pain of being the victim of rape or incest (which is also rape) then having to carry the baby to full term and give birth to it. Argue against mandatory masks if you want, just be logical and intellectually honest about it. I wear a mask mostly to show respect for other people. The check out person at Home Depot is working hard but comes face to face up to 100 people a day. I bet me wearing a mask makes that person feel better. Really it's to protect others. Here's an analogy: https://stevenpressfield.com/2020/04/how-the-spartans-would-fight-covid-19/ In the end, if you don't want to wear one, you be you. To each his own. Nobody's going to get cited for it. If I see you in public, I won't say anything to you. Like I'm sure if you see me wearing one in public you won't say anything to me. And I hope you don't get the dang virus and that nobody you love gets it either because we're all in this together.
  4. 8 points
  5. 7 points
    This type of attitude is 100% bullshit
  6. 5 points
    Having a wife that is an RN she busts her butt everyday not to be a vehicle of the covid -19 dumbasses need to wrap their mugs up. Yes there are illnesses and hazards everywhere no sh1t. This virus spreads like wild fire. It’s the rate that it spreads that is concerning.Doesn’t mean we don’t and shouldn’t take precautions. joe public is idiotic hence they have to print “hot” on coffee cups and Signs to denote not to light a flame next to a pump station. problem with this. The medical staff is at the end of this process and are responsible of irresponsible people.
  7. 4 points
    Didn't know what to think when all this started. Lots of people compared it to the typical flu. Had to go see doc last month so I picked his brain. He's a fellow hunter whom I have a pretty good repor with. Main thing he said was the common flu never killed 70k people in 7 weeks ever in history. Yes it is bad and we should all be cautious. He also said he didn't think civil liberties should be taken away from people but he made it very clear it was not something to take lightly. Keep in mind this is a small practice in SV and we have very low numbers compared to you guys in tucson and Phoenix. He has no possible reason to lie for financial gain. Just honest opinions that I asked for. I get nobody wants to be told what to do. So at the very least at least consider keeping hand sanitizer in your ride and use it before and after entering public spaces. Just imagine its your mom your protecting or your little girl. God knows I want to keep my family around for awhile and being a little extra cautious is a very small price to pay.
  8. 4 points
    I wont be wearing a mask, last time i checked i woke up in a free country. No one will tell me what to wear or where to stand.
  9. 3 points
    What Say You? One more requirement or regulation is just taking away from peoples' freedom in my opinion. This is supposed to be a free country. I agree with the below. APACHE JUNCTION Masks are not required. The mayor released the following statement: “I've stated this is up to the individual. If you feel you're at risk stay home. I also hope that folks don't get upset at businesses that require PPEs as that is their right also. People need to take responsibility for their own lives. I think it's sad that some put their safety in the hands of a Mayor, councilmember or Governor. We must learn to live in the modern world on our own eventually. There are always going to be risks and illnesses out there and we'll get through it. Also everyone is essential and every job is essential to providing for a household.”
  10. 3 points
    This rifle is a pawn shop rescue. I purchased it earlier this spring because despite its rough exterior, the barrel borescoped beautiful. It looked to have been on many hunting trips, and fired very little. Stock has been stripped and refinished with oil and finished with 2000 grit for a satin finish. The rest of the rifle was disassembled, degreased, media blasted and now has a graphite black Cerakote finish to a satin sheen. Took it to the range this morning with 4 different lots of ammo. (winchester 150 gr factory, Federal 150gr factory, and two sets of handloads that I developed for a rifle now long gone. Three of the four loads grouped right at an inch gross at 100 yards from the bench (Roughly 3/4" net). This rifle did not like the 150 gr, Winchester ammo. (2.5 inch triangle). Now this could be that it was the first group after two shots fired to ensure zero, but it is what it is. I did not bed this rifle nor did I float the barrel. If you like to tinker with this kind of thing, I believe this rifle has a lot of potential. Because it is a .270, I know it is not suitable for hunting anything bigger than cottontails and packrats. Taking that into account, I am asking $400 for it. This includes the rings, but not the scope. I would also consider trades as I am working on my last project and could use another to keep me busy for the rest of the summer Rifle is in Catalina I am happy to meet in North Tucson, OV, Marana. Buyer pays shipping and if going out of state i have to ship to an FFL.
  11. 3 points
    Sorry bud. I know of people with one case in the house and no one else contracted the china flu.
  12. 3 points
    Even the CDC said they don't really work.
  13. 3 points
    Free bump the price is fansatic, nice job redoing the stock too. ruger 77 tang safetys are the best shooting rifles out there. If I could I'd buy that in a heart beat. I have many rugers the old tang safety ones are the most accurate.
  14. 3 points
    inceweb needs to update their map.
  15. 3 points
    Today was the day Axisworks called and said it was time!!! Huge thank you to the team at Axisworks. Eric is a great dude and has a great team. I dropped in this afternoon and picked up the new and improved 257 Weatherby Mag. Time to dust off the reloading bench and start pumping out some ammo to do load development with.
  16. 3 points
    looks like Edwards Park and Bushnell Tanks are going to burn. is a shame Edwards park is a beautiful place hard to get to but beautiful.
  17. 2 points
    Fair chase buck that came from central AZ. Not reservation buck either. A friend of a friend, I think it had the nick name “Big Sweets” killed a few years back!!
  18. 2 points
    I tested the theory that the mask wearing is BS. I had to load some carbon in a pressure vessel for a small water treatment system. Took my mask off when I was done and I was black everywhere under the mask from the dust. They protect from hitting someone or getting hit from a cough or sneeze when chunks come out. That is it. I get that some people are more susceptible to dying from this, so they need to wear a mask or stay home. Not me.
  19. 2 points
    Just do it because they say too..
  20. 2 points
    Might want to repost the title as 5.56. .223 will limit some potential buyers.
  21. 2 points
    Thank you, Casey! 😁😁 I was going to say that it is not quite as gay as a 6.5 creed.... buut I have only had two drinks to this point!
  22. 2 points
    If your not for wearing a mask go volunteer on a covid positive unit. No biggie.
  23. 2 points
    Roomy for you probably a lot different than roomy for me...I'm the fat guy in camp,lol
  24. 2 points
  25. 2 points
    New camo for unit 22