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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/12/2020 in Posts

  1. 5 points
    Come take mine.. please
  2. 4 points
    I didn’t turn down the tag due to me thinking I wouldn’t shoot a bird. I turned it down due to me not actually getting to experience the full hunt. I wanted to scout, find birds, and have some fun calling to them. I also wanted to take the wife and drink some good wine down there. With me not being able to get the full time off from work and have others to enjoy it with, it just wasn’t right for me. Turkey is what got me started in hunting and I have always looked forward to one day getting this tag, but not like that. My time will come and I will enjoy it as much as I can with calling and just seeing what those birds will do.
  3. 2 points
    a friend caught some slobs up at Big a week or so ago, looked like footballs with fins. He and his wife caught their limit.
  4. 2 points
    I had an engineer draw it, then from there I subbed out the work - I still have the names and numbers - shoot me a PM and I can text or email the info
  5. 2 points
    I got a call from G&F lady last Monday asking if I wanted to burn up my 19pt for unit 31 so I said heck ya. Little did I know is that the forest is closed down on Mt Graham April 8-June 30th do to covid-19. Haha would of been nice to know before I took tag. Good thing my uncle knows a few areas. Found birds night before and called one in first light next morning. 19pt was over in 30 mins. Thanks Billy!!
  6. 2 points
    You mean: Caught his wife banging the landscaper.
  7. 1 point
    You wanna thin em out before the Monsoons so the wind can blow thru em and not hit them like a wall and blow them over. Put a hose on them and deep water over nite . take them off the drip system ,unless you let it run for 12-14 hours. Deep water is better for all plants. not 25 minutes a day with your drip system ., Water only goes 4 inches deep. On a mature yard do that once a week in the summer thats all ya need ,roots will follow the water deep and keep trees from blowing over. .........BOB!
  8. 1 point
  9. 1 point
    I always use ServiceArizona for my renewals. Hopefully they don’t have the issue. Still waiting on my truck tags.
  10. 1 point
    I like Leupold mk5hd 3.6-18, Zeiss v6 or v8. The MPR is a slick rifle and if it were me, I would go with a lighter caliber like .308 in a 20" with a can on it. I, also am thinking about doing a similar setup and am seriously considering going with the XLR magnessium chassis. I am torn on whether to just get an MPR or use one of the tikka actions I have, add a carbon fiber barrel and XLR chassis. Costs are very similar but I personally like the tikka action better than the 700 clones. If you are thinking a long action magnum caliber for sure, I would eliminate the Tikka just based on magazine limitations.
  11. 1 point
  12. 1 point
    yeah there was a big write up last year - i built my pool two years ago save about 30%
  13. 1 point
    Was this the fellar? He aint there to help, his name is Tricky Ricki, turns a stop into a "service call" charges 87 bucks.
  14. 1 point
    So here’s a question, if you turn a tag in using the point protection during the hunt, do you keep your points if you are the one turning the tag in?
  15. 1 point
    tough choice. lots of turkeys in that unit. I guess it also depends on where you live? the hunt last 2 - 3 more weeks. most guys harvest in the first weekend so very little pressure the rest of the hunt. you never know what could happen tomorrow.
  16. 1 point
    What are you looking to do with the rifle? To me a backpack rifle is shorter, lighter and will have an effective range of about 600 yards. Caliber is more than I would choose too for a backpack gun. Pretty much any caliber works unless you are really looking to shoot big bears. Here is my two pennies. I would go with a much, much shorter barrel. Think 20-22". You will loose a little velocity but not enough to matter at 600 yards. Having a shorter barrel will make a ton of difference in how it handles out in the field. I run a Swaro on my "backpack" gun and with a custom turret it gets me out to 650 yards with a .308. In a 300 you will easily get out to 750-800 yards with a custom turret. I also run a 3X18 power which is way more power than is needed for a backpack gun.
  17. 1 point
    You made a good decision. When you wait that long you want to experience the entire hunt. Plus this year was crazy hot. Definitely not the best Turkey year!!!
  18. 1 point
    I still have my 19 points plus loyalty and hunter Ed point so I should be getting close
  19. 1 point
    Well yeah. I told him what makes it worse is that he was paying the landscaper to do it.
  20. 1 point
    Be careful with who you chose. One of my employees just caught the landscaper banging his wife.
  21. 1 point
  22. 1 point
    If you have 10+ points this year you will definitely be guaranteed a 20b tag. With the same points you can draw the Oct rifle kaibab tag which IMO is a better hunt.
  23. 1 point
    (5) people with 9pts put in for 20b late rifle tag last year. (4) people drew in the bonus rd. 21 does not have a dec hunt anymore. They moved it to 20b last year. 21 is on the decline for big Muleys while 20b is in its prime. The 20b dec Hunt is more of a pre rut hunt until after Christmas. Jan is when they rut hard in there.
  24. 1 point
  25. 1 point
    I’m heading back up for part two of my hunt on Thursday evening. If luck shines, I’ll keep a bunch of tail feathers for your friend. 🙏🏼 S.