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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/10/2020 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    If I told the first guy I would hold it for him until next week, then I will keep my word and sell to the first guy. If you're the type of person where your name and word mean nothing, then you will do whatever you want anyway. Does not matter if it is a complete stranger or your best friend. Your word is your word IMO.
  2. 3 points
    When we had our 1st kid in 90 this old Waitress told my wife to let the kids play and get dirty drink out of others kids drinks, take a bite out of this or that its no biggy, if they want to play and ones sick who cares. It will keep them from getting sick in the future. SIL had a kid, The ripped out the carpet ,put concrete in the back yard, because of the possibility of asma (sp). he couldnt play with other kids toys at there house, Birthday parties were a hoot to go to NOT! he would pick up a toy and mom would come running over and wash it, then give it to him etc etc. kids almost 30 and get sick just with someone walking by him, hes on tons of meds too. Seen this with many kids over the years clean freaks always get sick, normal kids not as much.
  3. 2 points
    There’s a reason why kids eat boogers!
  4. 2 points
    i have found the ability to say 'no' without an apology is a sellers best asset after honesty. a clear and credible NO when they want to modify your terms. some buyers make 'causing trouble' a sport. follow the terms you set forth in print and 'no' to modifications they think up. grifters do exist. lee
  5. 2 points
    I thought this post was gonna be about Lark.
  6. 2 points
    God made them Curly so they don't poke You in the Eye!.................BOB!
  7. 2 points
    Always pissed me off how little the military got paid. but if they excell in it and stay in they make good money, My Father did for 23 years. My point of this wasnt to high 5 the military but to laugh at the complainers about there jobs. a f'n conviences store worker has a more dangerous job than a cop because they cant protect themselves. alot of teachers are a bunch of cry babies. My wifes Best friend is one and has been for dang near 25 years. she worked her butt off to pay for her schooling and never complained. she makes pretty good money now and shes happy. too many people want the money but dont want to put in the time, everyone thinks they deserve top pay when they start.
  8. 1 point
    Coach ,God bless Your friend. Thats probably why NY has had so many deaths coinsidiing with their fabrication numbers. .........BOB!
  9. 1 point
    I've listed a few items for sale and included my phone number. I get a PM from one guy and a text from another. Well, the PM came first but I wasn't notified, so the text was actually my first verified offer. The PM guy was upset because he was technically the first offer. In wanting to be fair, my policy now is whoever shows up first with the money gets the item. But I'll still do my best to give preference to the first to respond when possible.
  10. 1 point
    Let me guess you Wear a Mask while in the car alone too
  11. 1 point
    This one turned out as they all should, if your not dealing with flakes. Thanks Dan.
  12. 1 point
    If the first guy said he would take it in a week, I’d tell him no first money gets it. Then the first guy would start a thread saying how he messaged first and the seller screwed him.
  13. 1 point
    Hopefully powders and reloading supplies are getting restocked. I went up to my Ace Hardware to grab a shell holder and sure enough there was some H-1000, Varget, IMR 4064 among others as well as plenty of primers. Good to see they're getting it back out after all the panic hoarding. I picked up one each of what I needed and naturally forgot the shell holder. My excuse to go back and use my other 10% off coupon! Good luck, hope everyone is starting to get what they need.
  14. 1 point
    I will take it if it's not spoken for .. I'm in Tucson PM sent
  15. 1 point
    Dang Dang Dang why you gotta be in Tucson? sent pm
  16. 1 point
    Thanks for the info. I might still throw the kids in the garage instead.
  17. 1 point
    There is no smaller measurement than a CH. So many animals been missed by a CH.
  18. 1 point
    Susan wow been on the net since Al Gore invented it and never heard that rule before. Maybe you can sue him for time you wasted?
  19. 1 point
    I have sold several items here over the years and with the exception of a couple of low ball smart arses that I ignored most of the guys I have dealt with have been straight up. Some good people here. Craigslist is a completely different story
  20. 1 point
    An “I’ll take it” or a “pm” mean absolutely nothing until you exchange money for item. Ethics mean nothing, your word means nothing, and any quoted phrase means nothing until you actually buy the item. It sucks, feels wrong, and betrayal comes to mind but it is what it is. I’m sorry you had a bad experience but that’s how some people are these days. All you can do is be respectful on your end.
  21. 1 point
  22. 1 point
    I picked this folder up at a swap meet near Seattle, decades ago. This lil ol Asian gal had a large jewelry box opened up on a table for folks to rummage through. The moment I picked it up it felt special. I motioned to the seller what I had, "one dolla" she said. It's about 4" when folded, 8" opened. Stag scales, Sterling silver hilt, guard and bolster. It's a good steel, holds its edge and sharp as a razor. When open, she locks solid and has no play. Tang reads: Henry Sears Co. Prussia (Pennsylvania) A little research tells me this knife was built between 1865-1879. 150 years old, built to last, built with American pride. Valued somewhere between $1 "dolla" and priceless. My youngest daughter loves knives and she's already asked for this one.
  23. 1 point
    Pretty safe to say, very old knife. Why a knife; there was pine tar on the blunt bottom end to help hold it in a handle. Only the edges are sharp, like razors. A spear point would have had a sharp tip. And it's nearly 4" long.
  24. 1 point
    Have to dig a little to get more but here is the Western knife and hatchet plus a Buck skinner.
  25. 1 point
    Iv'e heard of a lot of guys going to Cali.for 4 legged. Another option is here in N. Dakota for 2 legged The Females are big. Go to any local bar.............BOB!