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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/07/2020 in all areas

  1. 6 points
    Masks are a fashion statement and something to show that your “#staying strong #alone together #whateverthefuck. The fancy bandana cotton types do no good to help anything except your online status.
  2. 5 points
    I think the murder hornets ate all the worms.
  3. 5 points
    The Gooberment is dropping this litter all over our national forests and my trail cam is a problem, wtf.
  4. 4 points
    Any buffalo hitting the dirt? Heard a guy killed a Boone and Crockett Buffalo no where near the salt chit show. Went renegade and got it done.
  5. 3 points
    My sister-in-law is an emergency room nurse in the valley. #1, she's been furloughed for a month now because the hospitals are empty. #2 she says these masks people are wearing are total bullsh!t. The virus is, in technical terms, "very very small". The holes in cotton masks made out of socks, bandannas, underwear, etc are, well, not so small. Sorry for all the high-tech jargon.
  6. 3 points
    I have a hard time releasing crappie unless they're small fish. Too dang tasty....my catch and release is into hot grease.
  7. 3 points
    Those look like pet potbelly pigs, not eatin pigs...
  8. 2 points
    Used to play against Beth Soulhime or something like that in summer tournaments back in high school, her grandfather invented Ping clubs and she had the carbon shafts before they existed..
  9. 2 points
    Last Year...
  10. 2 points
    The media just will not even slow down on the covid $hit. 75% of people are going to claim PTSD and collect social security. Don't know if my estimate is accurate, but it will probably happen. The media is saying excessive heat today, wtf it's Arizona. Just tired of hearing bs.
  11. 2 points
    I’m not gonna talk you out of it i have a ca ridgeline in 300wm with an nf nsx 5.5-22x50 c505 paired with a sig 2400 abs. It’s perfect in a light weight hunting setup for all game animals at almost any range.
  12. 2 points
    Well, they say your is just for hunting, a recreational sport, theirs is for real science, they are trying to prove if terrestrial inbreeding causes Dems to have irrational thoughts, and ideas that make them make crazy decision like a Bernie or a Biden. Now if you were doing this to get rid of Covid, your cams can be paid and sponsored by the Dept of Waste.
  13. 2 points
    Fixed - wanted to suck you in first with pictures! LOL
  14. 2 points
    My family and I went up past Woods Canyon Lake last week, for 4 days. It was crazy how busy it was. I've been up there multiple weekends for the last few month too, shed hunting. The amount of campers, and squatters is insane. We stopped at an old camp site (that some dipsh!ts left) and picked up 2 HUGE bags of trash. My kids hated doing it, but I'm trying to teach them respect for our public lands. I always leave the forest a better place than I find it. If I can teach that to my kids, I've done a good thing as a father.
  15. 2 points
    I have a pelican. I’d say for anything under 7 days all the top brands will work fine.
  16. 1 point
  17. 1 point
    I do/did a lot of sanding on mesquite. N95 was all I used. Now the world knows what they are! I haven’t sanded a table top in 6 weeks!
  18. 1 point
    You the guy Adam referred to I'm guessing.
  19. 1 point
    I've had them on camera before, but this was way too close for comfort, my initial thought was please don't let any cubs be around! But, I'll be back out the next 2 days, and hopefully tag a bird.
  20. 1 point
    Near Mormon Mountain... Had 2 birds gobbling yesterday afternoon, and went over the hill to close the distance and ended up about 40 yards from a black bear milling around. Seemed like an eternity staring down each other, but we both decided it’s best if we go our separate ways.
  21. 1 point
  22. 1 point
    Regardless if it was right or wrong 1) Governors dont have legal authority to make laws on a whim. certainly have no authority to make “laws” that shut down entire industries over night and assess fines and jail time for not being in your home. The legislative branch makes law, not the executive branch 2) my rights dont end when you get a runny nose 3) there will be a lot of civil suits against the states for unlawfully shutting down private business without going through the legislative process
  23. 1 point
    You don't have to hope that a lot of people have already been infected, it's a fact! There's are now studies coming in from multiple states, Cali & NY among them, and many European countries showing that this crap has been burning through the world's societies for a lot longer than admitted and it is already waaaaay past the point of containment. Every decision has a cost associated with it. The decision to stomp on everybody's freedoms & make the populace effectively prisoners in their own homes has already netted an uptick in child & spousal abuse, child molestation, alcohol & drug abuse, suicide, and people dying from lack of health care because they're either a.) too afraid to go to the hospital, or b.) the hospitals won't treat them. The "b.)" factor here has hit my family personally. I have a young nephew that has suddenly started having violent seizures. Hospitals won't schedule him for an MRI because their capacity has to be saved for Covid. He's up to I think 10 or so seizures in less than six weeks. This is a mild example, there's people around the country dying at home, because they can't or won't go to the Dr. A week ago a UN spokesman announced their predicting up to 130 million deaths of starvation world wide if the economy doesn't get up and going again very soon. Poverty kills more people than any virus around the globe. The cure was worse than the disease right since the beginning. Many people spotted this as the wrong move to make, it's been a political game right from the beginning. The people that are dying from suicide & poverty & lack of care will be swept under the rug & reported on very little if at all. The only thing that will make news is the covid crap and the number of covid deaths will be used as a sledge hammer to swing back & forth in debates & attack ads. Fear mongering makes the media money and it keeps useless politicians in office. I would be willing to bet that 90% of the "covid deaths" were people that were really short on time anyway, and would have died just as easily from any ailment. Any common cold or flu bug is sufficient to finish off someone that's already terminally ill.
  24. 1 point
    The black boxes At sportsman’s are hornaday 140gr American gunner. There are 200rds in there. I may have some extra $30 off $150 coupons around here somewhere. I shoot the black box stuff and it works really well.
  25. 1 point
    Don't really want to change subject but this kind of relates. How close do you put salt licks to one another? Is 1/4 mile to close. I would rather have one good salt lick location than 3 or 4 so so locations. Strictly archery most likely from a double bull blind. Thanks for replies.