Interesting, you knew it was going to happen when they closed down the camp areas!
The Apache-Sitgreaves National Forests have seen record visitation over the past couple of weekends. Recreating comes with responsibility. Every sport has rules for safety and fairness and that applies for all recreational activities on public lands. These rules exist to protect each individual, young and old, wildlife, and the natural resource.
This weekend, a majority of the recreators on the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forests did not show respect for any of that to include public law.
Most visitors recreating with families have little children, with big bright eyes and the ability to remember just about every detail. They are watching every move mom, dad, grandpa, aunt, uncle, and cousin make, soaking up everything, from the way the forests smelled to how their role models treated the forest during maybe their very first camping trip, bike ride, hike, or hunt. Was the camp site or trail treated like a post-apocalyptic wasteland with trash and feces everywhere a human laid foot? Was a tradition of destruction created or tradition of caring for the lands?
Camping, hiking, biking, and hunting are ways to connect to the land as well as connect with friends and family. Destroying the land and having no remorse while doing so displays selfishness and disrespect. When recreating on public lands, please recreate responsibly and help minimize water contamination, spread of disease, and social and aesthetic impacts. Use Leave No Trace, Pack it in, Pack it out, and Tread Lightly ethics and guidelines to keep the forests and its visitors safe. It is up to you.
How to dig a cathole: