Jed was charged and convicted on the illegal take of one bull elk. Not saying it might not be his only offense. In fact, I highly doubt it. I think the penalties were way too light. As do most, if not all others do as well. Including NoBull350, with whom I agree with on this case.
The reason people keep bringing up Blake, is NoBull350 shows no understanding of the severity of Blake's actions. He was the most staunch supporter and defender of Blake, even after the charges were filed and the rulings handed down. Constantly defending Blake, minimalizing the charges and offenses, disallowing the numerous other charges that were dropped, and flat out either lying or blatantly avoiding the truth. Then, laughing about it and flaunting it in the hunting community's faces. Blake was charged and convicted of the illegal take/possession of 4 deer, a bear, a coati, theft of property, and two counts of fraud. I think that is 600% worse. Then, he bragged about one of the illegally taken deer all over the place, took prizes, etc. Which I think were the "fraud" charges.
There are other certain "coincidences" of live photos of animals, who ended up poached very shortly after, that were posted. Not saying there is a connection, but sure is suspicious in my opinion. But...."no one cares what I think".