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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/09/2020 in all areas

  1. 4 points
  2. 4 points
    Reference at the end for another good thread.
  3. 4 points
    dust circa 1990
  4. 3 points
    It's probably hanging in Shawn Wagners office 😂
  5. 2 points
    That dam deal of the day has got me 3 times in the past 2 weeks. It’s stuff I didn’t even know I needed! 😁
  6. 2 points
    Don’t know what he picked but if it was me I’d have a new BTX and a set of 12x50 EL’s !!!
  7. 2 points
  8. 2 points
  9. 1 point
    Like new hilleberg enan one man tent. Red in color $420 tyd
  10. 1 point
    Took the kids on hike yesterday to let them get out of the house for a bit. We didn't find any sheds but did turn up a nice coues dead head.
  11. 1 point
    Wow 294 posts about A3 but most are not about A3. Maybe by 300 posts we have will have a comment from the management team. It is none of my business but I guess that their reputation has taken a big hit. Lots of rumors over the years but this not a rumor. A federal criminal conviction.
  12. 1 point
    BTX-95 and a pair of EL range 10-42 binoculars
  13. 1 point
  14. 1 point
    Every hospital I have been to has had no problem taking my "stockpile" of money all while bending over my insurance for ridiculous amounts of money. Maybe they should start stock piling on a few essential supply's with all this money they make. The hospital/insurance gig is as corrupt a business as any out there. They are a business that makes tons of money its time start spending it a little wiser. It's not the governments fault they dont have what they need. They might not have masks and gloves but I bet there are plenty of fancy $75k+cars in the parking lot...I am sorry the nurses, doctors, CNAs etc have to suffer because of the people they work for ,it's not fair to them for sure. A business should supply PPE for its staff. And yes a hospital should should have a stockpile. It's not a matter of if things like this happen, it's when.
  15. 1 point
    Big overall frame, decent mass. Ok tines. I bet he just barely breaks 100 gross. Also not a pro but I still like to guess.
  16. 1 point
  17. 1 point
    Not to mention, the whole intent of the OP is to illustrate the general hypocrisy of the members here for having what he perceives to be inconsistent reactions toward poachers. Meanwhile he's talking about his dislike of poachers and how they should all be punished equally out of one side his mouth, while bragging about how he's going to pay off a $20K fine for a convicted serial poacher. You seriously can't make this stuff up.
  18. 1 point
    Jed was charged and convicted on the illegal take of one bull elk. Not saying it might not be his only offense. In fact, I highly doubt it. I think the penalties were way too light. As do most, if not all others do as well. Including NoBull350, with whom I agree with on this case. The reason people keep bringing up Blake, is NoBull350 shows no understanding of the severity of Blake's actions. He was the most staunch supporter and defender of Blake, even after the charges were filed and the rulings handed down. Constantly defending Blake, minimalizing the charges and offenses, disallowing the numerous other charges that were dropped, and flat out either lying or blatantly avoiding the truth. Then, laughing about it and flaunting it in the hunting community's faces. Blake was charged and convicted of the illegal take/possession of 4 deer, a bear, a coati, theft of property, and two counts of fraud. I think that is 600% worse. Then, he bragged about one of the illegally taken deer all over the place, took prizes, etc. Which I think were the "fraud" charges. There are other certain "coincidences" of live photos of animals, who ended up poached very shortly after, that were posted. Not saying there is a connection, but sure is suspicious in my opinion. But...."no one cares what I think".
  19. 1 point
    Kinda funny but not a bad idea. Panties for a face mask. I'm in headed to the hamper. 😈
  20. 1 point
    I got sniped several years ago, never told my wife. Naturally we’ve been “trying” like crazy.
  21. 1 point
    They gotta be Kardashians.
  22. 1 point
    I think A3 should fire the guide. I think he got off too light. I think Blake should be in jail. I think NoBull calling this out is hilarious, and one of the biggest hypocritical threads I have ever seen.
  23. 1 point
    I’ve known about this for years. Jed is dirt bag...all poachers are dirt bags. Glad the dirt bag got caught, too bad he avoided serious penalties..... i know someone who’s only job was being a guide and he got caught shooting a “robo-buck” with a foot on the pavement. Pled the same as Jed, got all hunting and guiding rights revoked for 5 years. Money makes a difference and A3 has a LOT of money behind them. Let’s see how the case against them running down elk with snow mobiles in the 27 late hunt this year pans out.... NoBull, maybe tell your brother to stop driving through locked gates to find shed antlers too. 🤫
  24. 1 point
  25. 1 point
    Biggest hoax ever perpetuated. It's a test to see how people react when given something to be scared of in turbulent times. The results are scary.