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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/04/2020 in all areas

  1. 6 points
    No one is hunting near rez fence without knowing exactly where it is and when you cross it.
  2. 3 points
    Some good news in the midst of things - After several of the busiest months I've ever had, I was finally able to bring my oldest out fishing for a daddy-daughter day. Roosevelt didn't disappoint. This angel fished from 8am to 4pm and wasn't the reason we had to come home. We caught and released well over a dozen of the recently stocked black-nose crappie - A few spiny yellows- And kept some slabs - After a decade, the outlook for Roosevelt is finally shaping up in my humble opinion. Stay safe and enjoy what you can, CWT!
  3. 2 points
  4. 2 points
    I have a Cabela’s grinder he can have for $0.00. Pm me. It’s a medium duty.
  5. 2 points
    dang I been doing it by the book and y’all cheating. seriously tho to assume we knew about this is idiotic. I find it funny the guy who says he known about it for years is calling everyone else out saying we all knew. Lmao thats a bit skewed. nah Bro I didn’t know otherwise I would report. I support conservation not cheaters
  6. 2 points
    Is the question of the day whether or not Jed should still be employed by A3? If that's what it is I will say no. Also, personal opinion, a convicted poacher should lose the ability to earn revenue, in any capacity, off of Arizona wildlife.
  7. 2 points
    You haven’t seen much out rage for a couple of reasons for me I thought he was convicted a year ago and there’s kind of a lot of big deals going on in the news right now in my opinion a guide getting convicted of poaching is like a hooker getting convicted of prostitution. I don’t think you can even claim to be a big-time outfitter without a couple of poaching convictions Hunting was meant to be a fun activity to go on you own and enjoy. It’s been completely perverted to the part where is long as you have a couple bucks you can go get a picture next to a dead animal. like any industry you mix in money and Measure success in inches there’s gonna be corruption
  8. 2 points
    Blake Owens = Joe Exotic Jed Larson= Carol Baskin
  9. 2 points
    I’m not a vet or a dog whisper but that labs eyes dont lie. That goat has not been castrated.
  10. 2 points
    I’ve known about this for years. Jed is dirt bag...all poachers are dirt bags. Glad the dirt bag got caught, too bad he avoided serious penalties..... i know someone who’s only job was being a guide and he got caught shooting a “robo-buck” with a foot on the pavement. Pled the same as Jed, got all hunting and guiding rights revoked for 5 years. Money makes a difference and A3 has a LOT of money behind them. Let’s see how the case against them running down elk with snow mobiles in the 27 late hunt this year pans out.... NoBull, maybe tell your brother to stop driving through locked gates to find shed antlers too. 🤫
  11. 2 points
    Took a plea deal, just like Blake Owens. Sounds familiar.
  12. 2 points
    Not sure we were given him and was told he was wasnt castrated but dont see nuts dangling lol but our white lab male isn't convinced lol
  13. 1 point
    I wonder if they would have made that honest mistake if they were going after a cow instead of a big bull.
  14. 1 point
    Just a heads up if ever go on this website just make sure you are a liberal loving democrat. if you post anything calling out the snowflake liberals on the political forum it gets deleted. The founder will delete your post if one of his little snowflake liberals cry to him. I will no longer go on monstermuleys or support any of his sponsors. Tired of the liberal agenda of agree with me or your voice isn’t heard. Rant over
  15. 1 point
    I don’t know Blake or No Bull never met them I know of the guy in this post but that’s it! What does it say about our hunting community when a guy like No Bull is the one to bring this up? Lots of people here knew and they kept it quiet. Don’t believe for one second that they didn’t know the Bull died on Rez property! Not saying that the guide is a bad guy but it only takes one awe shoot to get rid of a lot of at a boys!
  16. 1 point
    I just finished a CE webinar and a few people project AZ will be by far the least effected. I sure hope that is right.
  17. 1 point
    The only year we want 100 degrees in April.
  18. 1 point
    1. Yes! After seeing the over reaction and run on tp and then food I will definitely be better prepared next time. My take away thought was if people react this way to a mild threat how would they react if schit really hit the fan. Scary to think how much we count on the "sytem" to keep working and now see really how easily it could all fall apart. Upside is it got my wife more interested in wanting to garden and start canning. I think this whole thing is and will be a BIG eye opener for a lot of the country. I also think it's time to stop giving China all of the production work. 2. Over all yes, but trumps initial plan to have every thing up and running by easter seemed like a dumb idea. I think the call to close schools the rest of the year is a very wise idea since kids are a bunch of little snot buckets. 3. I'm glad decisions like that are not my responsibility!
  19. 1 point
    If it will head butt my kids I want it!
  20. 1 point
  21. 1 point
    Yes the cart was snagged on bedrock where I had found a contact zone on the stream bank. Lots of fines and a couple pickers. I like my new hobby. Locate mineral wealth on unclaimed lands and sell to the ambitious. Papers on this spot are being drawn up today.
  22. 1 point
  23. 1 point
    I’m not a realtor but i don’t see how this won’t seriously change the real estate market. The unemployment rate is climbing faster than the infection rate. Things can’t and won’t bounce back instantly. Millions of Americans are going to be jobless and/or bankrupt by the end of this. I know i’m hangin on to my money right now and i’d bet that is the general consensus of people currently
  24. 1 point
    School cancelled for the year. Gov’nr extends stay at home until April 30. Still no TP......yeah, we’ll have no problem hitting that mythical 100!
  25. 1 point
    I got an archery questionnaire, and my October rifle hunt questionnaire came back in December. Filled them both out honestly online, as I feel it is very important to do my part in helping the Game and Fish get correct numbers on the yearly take of game. Also completed my 2014 javelina questionnaire, and my daughters javelina and elk ones too. People complain about the G&F with tag increases or decreases, but without the hunters honest answers on surveys, they have to make guesses on the animals taken the year before. And then we cry for mandatory reporting, while others throw them in the trash without submitting information. How does that help G&F?