Why is it on here or social media it I point out facts about automobile death rates, swine flue facts, or regular flu, and media scared everyone resulting in no rational thinking that they come on and assume everyone here is not caring about whats going on or doing their part, and saying this is not a real thing. I could be wrong but most people on here said nothing about how this is not real. Or say they are not doing their part.
-Swine flu was real! Where was media and everyone else in the country? NO where! Life went on
-Seasonal flu this year in US 55,000 people. Is their life less important then the Covid-19??
-10,000 alcohol automobile death rate and all the domestic violence but we are not shutting down alcohol. They tried that and it backfired.
You can go on and on, all I am pointing out is the fact there are many things going on but we only care about this Covid-19. A friend of mine just told me she found out test results that she has breast cancer. Now she can't even set up a time to go get a mamogram to see how serious this is or if its spreading fast. We freaked everyone out to rush to hospitals, and take all the TP over something we had already gone through before with Swine flu. People keep their cool, news companies stop scaring everyone, and everyone does their part to mitigate the spread, and life can go on instead of cutting our own wrist at the same time.