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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/11/2020 in all areas

  1. 4 points
    My 12-year old son has been fortunate enough to get two javelina in the last two years on opening weekend. His first year, he used his 7mm-08 and that hunt was filmed by The Mountain Project. Last year, he used my AR. After two successful pig hunts using modern rifles and quality optics, he decided he wanted a challenge. He asked me if he could use my 1956 H&R M1 Garand. I couldn't tell him no, but I told him he had to carry that 11-pound beast and he needed to be prepared to not fill a tag due to iron sights and needing to get in close, which I know isn't really a big issue with javelina. We took it out a while back to sight it in for the Barnes VOR-TX 150gr TTSX ammo he'd be hunting with and he was center-punching a 12-inch black splatter target at 100 yards. This was after he took one shot at my 12-inch gong and hit one of the bolts that holds it together, rendering it useless for the rest of the session. Opening weekend took forever to find pigs and ended up with a 6-mile round trip hike in the heat with no food, but plenty of water. Long story short, he didn't get a javelina and we both ended up being thankful. I gave him the choice to switch back to his 7-08 to increase his chances, but he said "I'm using the Garand or nothing!" and was willing to eat tag soup all for the challenge of iron sights! Yesterday was beyond epic. It was Garand! After last weekend, Jacob showed amazing perseverance and dedication to his commitment. We took off with our friends again to fill two youth javelina tags. Another friend came along to glass. We found a big herd of javelina by 0750 yesterday morning in a STEEP canyon. A little over two hours later, we were above them and had two boys set up at 74 yards on two broadside pigs. Jacob shot first with a solid hit on the rear javelina and our friend's son shot the front pig seconds later for a great double at 1020, including the other boy's first javelina! The pack put was hot and brutal, but we did it. Of course, Jacob had to affix the bayonet I carried for pics! I asked and its not legal to use a bayonet as a method of take in Arizona. I carried it strictly for pictures and he couldn't wait to put it on the rifle. I can tell you that carrying a quartered javelina and 11-lb (loaded) rifle is not for the meek. The rifle was actually unloaded for the hike out, but a loaded clip doesn't add that much more weight. I'm so stinking proud of Jacob for his perseverance, determination, and commitment to the challenge! A little Beastie Boys made the drive home even more epic! Later last night, after showers and dinner, I walked upstairs to watch a movie with him and found him with his feet in the foot massager!
  2. 3 points
    The Swine flu killed 13000 people in the US in 2009-2010 during the Obama era. There was no market meltdown. No, OMG!, the world is ending. There was no 24/7 media coverage blaming people that have no business being blamed. This is a coordinated effort by the media to crash the market. It's purely a political scheme to hurt President Trump before the election. Period.
  3. 2 points
    Selling some pelts to pay for my hobby.
  4. 2 points
    The youth cow hunts have become my favorite hunt of the year! Bulls are usually screaming and cows are everywhere!
  5. 2 points
    Yeah I wish doomsdayers would stop buying all of the masks. Pretty soon we wont be able to use TP either Idea stolen from my friend Ronnie thought it was quite funny.
  6. 2 points
    Work is cancelling non-essential travel and conferences, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing. I work in healthcare IT so we’ve got extra work to do for integration of screenings, reporting, surveillance, etc into our systems. I heard they may cancel the elk draw results and issue tags to everyone who didn’t draw...
  7. 1 point
    Yes, 3' up in a saguaro....
  8. 1 point
    Winchester model 1890 in 22 long and a Springfield 1884 45-70. Both very well used but seem to work good. Bores are poor. The Springfield might shoot ok but the Winchester probably not. Located south Tempe area. $350 each.
  9. 1 point
    You got friends in 5000ft high places. As the man said your covered when it comes time..
  10. 1 point
    That ones just not gonna get old for years to come.
  11. 1 point
    Try bonecollector777......wait.....he might be banned from anything having to do with antlers......
  12. 1 point
    I usually take 4 flights per week and its business as usual at airports for domestic travel. No change in my schedule or work load. Just my 401k and investments are taking a beating.
  13. 1 point
    No issues and business as usual. This is no different that the usual flu, so media hype to drive out Trump. Unless you're fraile just like all other flues, there is nothing to stress about if you are healthy. Probably one of the best times to travel on the cheap. Great rates now on hotels, planes, cruises, and destination trips. Smokin deals now to Alaska for the summer trips.
  14. 1 point
    Dr.308. I think I understand what you are saying. He has a scope that has a reticle that has hash marks and he knows what those mark represent. So should he use the hash marks to add 12 MOA to his dope or should he dial 12MOA? I've done both and I've also verified that the hash marks in my scope are actually what they say they should be out to 1000 yards. Personally I would dial. In regards to the colder temps and increased elevation "canceling" each other out I think is INSANE. They don't cancel each other out. I just ran my dope for my gun shooting in the valley at 70 degrees and then shooting in Flagstaff at 20 degrees. At 1000 yards there is a 1.5 MOA difference. That works out to 15" and a complete miss on any animal in the state. Now the difference probably ins't a big enough deal from 100-400 yards but after that it will cause you to miss critters. Goats and whitetails are really easy to miss. So this is what I do. First you have to know your speed from shot to shot and it needs to be less than 15 FPS over a 10 shot string. Less would be even better. Then I zero my gun at 200 yards and set my zero at that distance. Then I run my dope for the elevation where I will be hunting and take a guess and a normal temp. Probably between 45-65 degrees (temp can change your point of impact too but normally you will know a tight range of temps before you leave. I rarely hunt when it is zero or 95 degrees outside). Then after I run my dope I make my chart going out to 1000 yards and tape it on my gun. The two externals that affect the point of impact the greatest are the elevation and angle of the shot. A steep up or down hill will change your dope dramatically. I've never really had to deal with a huge change in elevation for a hunting shot at long range but it could happen.
  15. 1 point
  16. 1 point
    The NR quota doesn't have to be filled in the pass.
  17. 1 point
    78 year old dad drew unit 8 late rifle. His third tag in 4 years. Lucky guy for sure!! Will be there to guide him & hopefully pack out a bigger bull than his 2017 6 x 6.
  18. 1 point
  19. 1 point
  20. 1 point
    Heres a drawing I just finished. PM me if you want prints.
  21. 1 point
    Here's one I did of the Dan King Buck a lil' while back. DAN
  22. 1 point
    Mike Fabritz does great work. He did many of the designs we use on tshirts, which are based on bucks members have killed. Here is one based on the buck Josh killed several years ago. I use that design on the envelopes I mail people stuff in. I love it! I haven't heard from Mike in quite awhile though. But his designs have been used on recordbooks and sold at wildlife auctions and he does great framing too.
  23. 1 point
    I got one I'm working on. Now if I could just finish the dang thing.
  24. 1 point
    I'm sure I could commission something up for you in any medium. And I'd be willing to donate a piece for the site!
  25. 1 point
    I'm interested in acquiring coues deer art as well. I have a friend who's an artist and does pointillism sketches. Here' a photo of one. It's not a good picture, I'll take a good one later and repost.