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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/08/2020 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    Hey guys check out my new video.
  2. 1 point
    Have about 100 rounds for $80
  3. 1 point
    The point guard saved him from it being a REALLY expensive accident.
  4. 1 point
    just don't be on ultra's when you are loading those trophy rounds. congrats. lee
  5. 1 point
    Globe front sight?!? These guys aren’t even giving the animals a chance anymore!!
  6. 1 point
    Flatline map & OnX app.
  7. 1 point
    Hire this guy. I heard he was the guide for the world record powerline buck....
  8. 1 point
  9. 1 point
    It's all good man. I am giving you a hard time, but I am also being a realist. I have hunted the unit a lot over the past several years for both elk and deer. By some crazy luck, my family has probably had more elk and deer tags in 3A3C over the past 5 years than anyone. The honest truth is that the late rifle hunt is probably one of the tougher bull elk hunts in the state. Even the best outfitters struggle at times to turn up decent bulls on that hunt. Have realistic expectations, and if you are willing to work, you will find something. But you should consider shooting the first bull you see with antlers. Lastly (and I mean no offense, but since I don't know you, I don't want to assume anything), make sure you know the difference between a buck and a bull before you go. You are more likely to see bucks than bulls on that hunt, and you don't want the trouble that will befall you if you accidentally shoot the wrong one. FYI, if you bought point guard you can turn the tag back in up till the day of the hunt. Scout it hard the week or two before the hunt. If you aren't seeing what you are looking for, and if you burned a lot of points on the tag, I might consider point guard. But if you only had a couple of points, go and have a good time. The worst day in the mountains is better than most any day in the office.
  10. 1 point
  11. 1 point
    You are going to make friends REAL FAST here. Rossislider is a great guy. And an insanely hard hunter.
  12. 1 point
    What tag? Pretty terrible sounds pretty good right now for some of us 😀
  13. 1 point
    Buy a Flatline Map. Use OnX Hunt app. Find areas with steep, nasty, thick canyons and zero roads within a mile or more. Hunt there. Find those canyons as early as NOW, and start hiking them looking for sheds. Find elk sign and sheds, and you might find areas the bulls will escape to after they start getting pressured. I don't know 3A/3C, but I would be looking at lower elevations in the Pinon/Juniper areas for a late hunt. Tougher to hunt though. If you DO find a good buck, just take him to some powerlines for the photos.
  14. 1 point
  15. 1 point
  16. 1 point
    Well then you got a good start if you have an elk tag and are seeing elk
  17. 1 point
    If you land a buck during a bull elk hunt your gonna be in trouble.
  18. 1 point
    In 40+ years of trapping and hunting coyotes I have learned that you can not cover your sent with anything and still move and breathe. If a coyote is down wind from you, he knows what you had for breakfast and what brand of sent cover you are using. It is vital to have the wind in your face or a crosswind . Not always easy a thing to do if you want to sit in the shade with the sun to your back. If you hunt with a buddy, set him up as a sniper to watch downwind 100 to 150 yards. 20% of the time a coyote will come in downwind pick up your sent and be gone and you will never know it was there. You learn a lot by reading tracks in the snow. Good luck
  19. 1 point
    PRDATR did a pretty good job giving some good info. Approach your stand quietly, cant walk too far from a vehicle, but a min of a 1/4 is my rule. set up with sun at your back if possible, in the shade if possible, and always with a bush/ tree breaking up your outline. Mouth or e caller, start very low volume for the first 2-4 min, then increase volume. Mess around with different sounds and different calls. get out and have some fun. you will mess up more than you don't, but when it all comes together it is a blast. Limit your motion in the stand as well. Move slowly and move your eyes more than your head. stop frequently for a min or two; keep their attention but make them look for you. Lastly, always try to stop a running dog before you shoot ….. not always possible but try. Whitey
  20. 1 point
    My wife harvested her rifle pig, was a rough one this year. Last weekend we spotted 5 herds while scouting. Opening day we spotted 2 herds but they were on the move and never fed. Spent the whole time relocating those herds. Saturday it rained all day, no luck. We could only hunt til 12 today and at 1045 after walking several miles they were just below us 400 yards, snuck in and she took a poke at the largest pig and it was over.
  21. 1 point
    Here you go. From my scouting trips on 2015. The buck in my last 5 pics was my number 1. Sure he’s long gone now.
  22. 1 point
    The refuse? A bunch of dink’s. But that’s mostly what you’ll find throughout the unit anyway wouldn’t spend money on a guide on that hunt. This was the nicest one I saw
  23. 1 point
    I have 7 days booked at alamo in march. Cant wait. Been doing spring break there for 30 years, started with my pops. love it. Just got a new to me boat so really excited to go again.
  24. 1 point
    Ok bud - thanks for the input. I'm simply sharing what I found and the reasoning behind my suspicions. Believe it or not. I could give a shoot.
  25. 1 point
    I wish G$F would throw in iron sighted straight wall cartridge lever actions for the HAM hunts. But I guess that is what the general hunts are for.