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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/05/2020 in Posts

  1. 6 points
    im still trying to figure out how you guys have an attention span to listen to podcasts. i tried listening to one once, bored me to death.
  2. 6 points
    Wouldn't some of the empty shelves be due to supply side shortages (CHINA!) rather than all demand driven shortages? If nothing else perhaps this bug will demonstrate to American consumers, stop relying on Chinese crap and demand American made goods.
  3. 5 points
    dang need to go by a few tbousand gallons of fuel now too, and generators, light bulbs, screw drivers. Now the day i see a the liquor at Costco run dry, i will then panic.
  4. 5 points
    They say alcohol kills the virus. I have been on a bender since this nonsense started, to keep myself safe. They better figure this chit out or im gonna need a new liver!
  5. 4 points
    Brian Call can pound sand. He’s a sellout BHA Green Decoy. That being said, i wish G&F would make January archery deer a draw hunt for non-residents. A game warden told me that out of all the people he checked in a particular unit, 80% were nonresidents.
  6. 2 points
    Here are some bucks from that area. You’ll have to turn your head and cough to view..
  7. 2 points
    I blame Rinella, Newberg, and facebook for leftovers being a thing of the past.
  8. 2 points
    Backcountry Hunters and Anglers Doesn't Meat Eater lie Pole to Hole with them also?
  9. 2 points
    Just buy rotisserie chickens from Costco. UrbanNorthern – Urban Northern Coops https://www.urbannorthern.com/
  10. 2 points
    At least it’s a break from mass gun hysteria.
  11. 2 points
    A couple years ago while on my sheep hunt they were everywhere. About time they act on the removal and controlling the herd size up there.
  12. 2 points
    End of next week sounds about right. Then we will know if we are hunting cows or pot-bellied bulls.
  13. 1 point
    So, I was listening to Brian Call’s podcast with Jim Heffelfinger(sp?), where he basically invited the world to come Bowhunt deer in Arizona in January. Seems like all the hunting personalities are now doing this. I’ve seen this from Hushin, Randy Newberg, The Hunting Public, etc. Of course, G&F is supportive of all the license revenue. Apparantly, we are an untapped resource for all hunters everywhere. To me, this public invitation is somewhat unwanted. It’s crowded enough out there, let alone an invitation to the world to sample our fine hunting opportunities on public land. what think ye?
  14. 1 point
    I was thinking Kirkland Vodka.
  15. 1 point
    Truth is, I don’t. He’s like watching golf. Seriously. I only watched that one with heffelfinger because he was advertising every one to hunt AZ.
  16. 1 point
    One card pays for a group so the whole group would be rejected. If you were next in line on a group app. You should get a tag ,unless you had more in your group. I think?
  17. 1 point
    If you're talking the North Rim Kaibab archery deer hunt it has been a draw for at least the last 8-10 years and non-residents have been capped at a max of 10% of the tags.
  18. 1 point
  19. 1 point
    I was at a Water and Ice store for my usual weekly trip on Sunday and I was the last one to get water cause they were OUT. Frys was wiped out of hand sanitizer. Did people not wash hands before this media scare?
  20. 1 point
    2020 and people still buying worthless supplements. sad.
  21. 1 point
  22. 1 point
    Kinda went thru the same scenario last year with trying to pattern a big buck. A coworker told me about a giant buck that he had seen a few times over the years and wasn’t hunting anymore. I went out and set 5 cameras over salt in the area. Does and fawns hit it multiple times daily and some decent bucks as well. Not the big guy though. Not one pic on any camera. Both my kids killed smaller bucks during the youth hunt off the same mountain, but no sighting of the one I was after during the four days hunting. My late hunt came and I hunted that spot the first day, 5 bucks but nothing big. Next morning we spotted a shooter but it wasn’t him either. It disappeared into the flats and we didn’t even go after him. Checked trail cams again, no pics of him. Decided to hunt a different mountain that afternoon and got trigger happy on another buck. I thought he would break 100 but he was a bit shy. A bow hunter killed him in January while he was sparring. Knarly looking old buck with a double main beam on one side. I pulled my cards in February and still don’t have a single pic of him alive. 5 cameras and prolly 10 days glassing ( hunts and scouting) and never saw him. Good luck with finding him. Let us know how it works out. Hindsight would have me position the cameras more toward the bottom of the cuts. 3 of my cameras were way up the mountain. Pain to check them and they produced less pics than my low cameras.
  23. 1 point
    Not sure if I would shoot or not. Thinking not, but suppose it would depend on how close the dogs were (a mile vs. a few hundred yards.... spur of the moment judgement call...). That being said, the thing that caught my attention on this topic was that when I saw the title I was immediately taken back to the mid-late 70s when I took hunter ed as an 11 year old. Does anyone remember the film they used to show called "Shoot / Don't Shoot"? It was a pretty cool deal where they showed several different sort of real life scenarios and then had the class make a determination whether it would be OK/safe to shoot or not in that given situation. I still remember a couple of the scenarios all these years later. Sorry for the hijack....
  24. 1 point
    What the helll is your problem? Who gives a dang, unless you're trying to call him a liar? Jesus, I've pestered my wife for sex less than you are about round count.
  25. 1 point
    I believe Dennis Olsen (Montana?) is still doing work. Seems like there is a company called Canyon Creek that was making some nice wood stocked customs. At the next price point up would include the guild builders. PL Holehan inc in Tucson builds some great rifles. Here is my guild member built .257 Roberts Mauser sporter, is this what you are thinking of?