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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/15/2020 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    Dont feel bad, we all have a handicap. Catshoot was actually supposed to be my avatar name. dang auto correct.
  2. 2 points
    I think it is very hard to make correlations of different barrel length velocities in different rifles, or even when switching barrels on the same rifle. Different barrels will shoot different velocities, even at the same length. A tight bore will get you more velocity than a loose bore. Groove numbers, design, twist rate, shape, cut will net different velocities. Factory ammo can vary a lot by each shot, each box, each lot. Powder selection can make a big difference in velocities vs. barrel length. Faster burning powders are more efficient in shorter barrels. So they see smaller gains in longer barrels or losses in shorter. Cartridge case capacities can make a difference in barrel length vs velocities. If you are trying to burn 100 grains of Retumbo in a 20" barrel, expect a huge fireball at the muzzle, because I would bet a lot of that powder won't be burned by the time the bullet leaves the barrel. But a .221 Fireball in a 30" barrel with 20gr of Benchmark powder has probably all burned up by 16" of barrel length. Nothing left to keep pushing velocities for the next 14". Bullet weights can have an effect on velocities in different barrel lengths. So many variables go into the equation, it is hard to have the same results every time. Only your rifle, barrel, cartridge, and load will tell you what YOUR rifle will do. To me, there are a few reasons to want to shorten a barrel from 26" to 20". Lighter carry weight, stiffer barrel, more handy in the thick woods. You can probably change your loads, even with the same bullet, and lessen your drop in velocity when cutting off 6" of barrel length. Powder, primer, seating depth. As for physics, I have no clue how cutting off 6" of barrel length, with all other factors staying unchanged, will not effect velocity. But it does happen. I would place my money on powder burn rate.
  3. 1 point
    I got a hit on my card!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was my application fee … the only thing I've paid for on Elk in 18 years. Good luck boys and girls.
  4. 1 point
    Couldn’t find much in the usual spots so we headed to a cool little canyon we discovered last year, a nice hike out of sight from the road and we got to glassing. At first we glassed up fresh digs a good 500 yards out and kept glassing, we figured the pigs were bedded down for their midday nap. About 2 pm we caught movement of pigs and the stalk was on. We arrived and only one pig was out. We were 112 yards away. My pops is confident at 100 with his TC so he let me shoot first with the new muzzleloader. I hit my pig and she went down screaming, that woke up the whole herd and they came into view. Pops got the pistol settled on a pig at 103 yards and it was over. Usually the HAM hunts kicks our butt with us walking miles and miles for 5 days. It was refreshing to harvest on the first day out!
  5. 1 point
    If the sale doesn't come up here, you should definitely try a bowfishing site. Tons of guys use these for bowfishing and will pay good money for them...
  6. 1 point
  7. 1 point
    For whatever it's worth, some long forgotten gun writer claimed that with a .308, velocitys didn't change given different barrel lengths. At that time I had a Remington 700V with a 24 inch barrel and a Remington 788 with I think it was a 20 inch barrel. With the same load they did chronograph the same velocity.
  8. 1 point
    that looks like chief butte on the pinal parkway(az79). we found lots of tank training evidence and a couple of tank traps farther north at the edge of ninety-six hills where they reach the parkway. i was told it was tank training from ww2 by an old fellow in aj i met at aj imports say 1994. could it have been an effort to create a mud bog for driving tanks through for training? long shot. lee
  9. 1 point
    Several yrs ago I played with barrel lengths and what effect a shorter barrel had on velocity’s. Long story short. I started with a 26” barrel on a 7 stw and cut one inch off at a time. From 27 inches down to 23 inches I lost 60 FPS....Then a funny thing happened....From 22 inches all the way down to 18 inches Velocities returned back to what I was getting with a 26 inch barrel. No powder or bullet changes and all testing was done under the same conditions. I have confirmed this several times over the yrs with different calibers....
  10. 1 point
    Usually plus or minus 30-40fps per barrel inch.
  11. 1 point
    our grandfathers would have swung a loop, saddled and swung a leg over
  12. 1 point
    I'm sure they are. But it isnt a matter of that. To make space for other stuff and get us some cash for other things and maybe set someone up with some killer cast iron that's cooked more hunting meals then most families, it's all a win. We just dont need 8 dutch ovens lol
  13. 1 point
    Just playing, I knew what you meant. I suck at spelling they'll tell you.
  14. 1 point
    I grabbed a couple to see and there was for sure 1 Wagner, and I think the other was a Best Made? It was dark but I can check tomorrow and see what I can find.
  15. 1 point
    I got a chance to go on my first Barbary Sheep hunt this year. We hunted in New Mexico's Unit 34. I killed my ram on the first day. When we glassed up the group of sheep we were sitting at 4300 ft elevation and I killed the ram at 6700 ft. This was definitely one of the most physically demanding hunts I have been on and if we would have had to do it multiple days I think it would have about killed us. My 9-year old son came along on the hunt and made the entire climb up to the sheep! He is not a monster ram but I was thrilled to kill him. I look forward to hopefully getting a chance to hunt these animals again. These animals live in some seriously rugged country and much of their diet appears to be yucca plants. They eat the yucca leaves like spaghetti noodles as seen in this photo. The ram I shot is the sheep you can barely see in the center of the photo. I shot the ram at 430 yds with a 25 deg. uphill angle. It took almost an hour to get from where I shot to the ram. My brother was able to take a freeze-frame photo from the video just as the bullet hit the ram. Notice the dust flying off his back. I got to share the hunt with friends and family which always makes it more enjoyable. Just wish it would have lasted longer!
  16. 1 point
    WOW, I'm in the market for an AR pistol, but unfortunately it's more than I can spend. I bet that thing is crazy loud with that muzzle break! Droool.................
  17. 1 point
    Boarman, I posted it $500 without an OBO option...pretty straight forward. the for sale not on sale is a reference to...for low ballers. thanks for the kind words, burglars should have a season on them
  18. 1 point
    Clay at Mogollon does awesome work and has the equipment to do what you are looking for. He would be my top choice.
  19. 1 point
    Yes, I am aware of that. I am also aware that a lot of reputable taxidermists that do not have have a freeze dryer just leave them in their freezer for a year before they mount them.
  20. 1 point
    Now 3 weeks is too long to wait? Holy balls, some of you would complain about free money. AZGFD has streamlined the process 10 fold from 10 years ago, still not good enough.
  21. 1 point
    I don't think a three week wait is horrible. We still find out before they drop last year's antlers
  22. 1 point
    Yeah, mogollon. You can do it yourself. Just leave the antlers in the freezer uncovered for a year or more. I’ve done that with several bucks and they’ve always held up good. Sounds like the 2018 buck should be done.
  23. 1 point
  24. 1 point
    Ifs it’s pinned or treed by the hounds then no, I would not shoot.
  25. 1 point
    Since Delw and AZLance have superior moral authority to me since they would never use a discount in a store twice I think we need them to settle this one.