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2 points... all I see is homemade bratwurst!!!!!! 10.2 pounds of javelina, mixed with an equal amount of pork. 64 total bratwurst. And yes, they are incredible! Oh and 6 pounds of bacon from pork belly. Not pictured. Trying it for the first time.
2 points
2 pointsSorry had my ear plugs in because of my muzzle break, I didn't hear any dogs.
2 pointsAre houndsmen good fist fighters? I thought they were just guys that run dogs. The fact that some guys think hounds dropped, means that any animal within 5-10 miles of them is theirs is absurd. I have followed behind hounds multiple times and understand the pace. I also understand the chance you take when you drop those dogs and they cover 5 miles fairly quickly. No different than bumping a deer over a ridge and he gets shot by another deer hunter. Just because I saw you parked 3 miles away and a deer comes running toward me from your direction, doesn't mean I am going to give it a pass. Different story if they have an animal treed and you go shoot said animal before the guys get there.
2 pointsAs far ahead as a lion or bear can be when they are being followed, if I glass a lion up moving across a hillside across me and I heard dogs at some point that day, I’m still shooting the lion. I’ve glassed up deer and elk that are sneaking out from an area where dogs are being run, I’m guessing that happens all the time with other lions or bears that aren’t being trailed.
2 pointsIt's ready for the wall. With the thorough cleaning, I was able to read the serial #s for the first time. Turns out it's chambered for .38 S&W. Was black powder built between 1909-1941. Has low, low serial numbers so probably manufactured about the time AZ gained statehood. Next I'll turn my attention back to the .25 H&R...
2 points
2 pointsMy wife has been drawn early archery bull every other year since 2014, so it's not impossible.
2 points$60 bucks for a youth elk tag is a no brainer. I got 5 kids, been filling the freezer with cow tags the last few years. 4th kid turns 10 this year! That has definately made it easier to build points.
1 point
1 point
1 pointI tagged my first javelina in February of 2011. It took me four years just to see a javelina, and five years to finally get one. At that time, I set a goal to tag 20 by my 40th birthday, which will be in February of 2022. I figured I would have to rely on reservation tags to reach it, but when the Department increased the annual bag limit to two, the goal became a whole lot easier. With a mix of leftover and reservation tags, the goal looks to be in sight (hope I don't jinx it). Since that first pig in 2011, I have been a part of 48 javelina harvests...either helping others or tagging them myself. 17 of those have been mine. This is the story of number 17. I picked up a leftover archery tag in one of the central block units thinking that I would have plenty of time to get out in January. As it turns out, I only had one day to hunt. January 10th. Unfortunately, none of my usual hunting partners were available to accompany me. My wife has a rule against me hunting alone (which has saved me at least once), so I called her cousin's husband who had once told me that he would like to observe a hunt some time just to see what it is like. He was free that day and jumped at that chance. So, I picked up my babysitter at 5am and we hit the road. I was a little slower to get moving that morning. It was clear, but very very cold. A somewhat dry front had moved through the night before and left us with a stiff north wind. In the past, that has made for very productive javelina glassing, usually all day. There had been a bright full moon all night, but with it being so cold I didn't think it would factor into our day much. In my estimation we would have a lot of time to find them, so there was no use in putting ourselves through a cold and dark ranger ride when a cold ranger ride at sunrise would give us the same result. The destination was a drainage that I had glassed from several miles away three or four years ago. It looked good from afar, and I have always wanted to get in there and look around some. It seemed to have everything I was looking for, including plenty of south facing, succulent-covered hillsides. We crested into the basin at about 745 and I got the feeling that I need to stop and look at the hill in front of us before moving on to the high point I had in mind. Within 30 seconds I caught two javelina slowly feeding their way near the very top of the ridge. I called my babysitter over to have a look (his first time ever seeing javelina in the wild), and while he watched them they topped out and disappeared. I wasn't sure if we had been looking at a satellite group of boars, or if we had caught the tail end of a larger herd, but it was certainly worth investigating. As we made our way up the ridge, there was fresh sign everywhere, which suggested to me that we were on the trail of more than just two pigs. After some huffing and puffing we made it to the top, where there was a secluded bowl that I was certain would be full of pigs, but it was empty. The ground doesn't lie. It was clear that they had been there recently, but now all was still. I decided to walk slowly up the side of the bowl in the general direction our two tail end Charlies had been headed, and within a few minutes I caught sight of a large herd walking along the spine of the next ridge over. They were not in a hurry, but they certainly had a destination in mind. After some quick adjustments to make sure we could keep the wind in our favor, we hurried off in pursuit. It only took us about 15-20 minutes to get to where we last saw the herd top out for the second time. Again, I approached a secluded bowl, arrow ready, expecting to be in the middle of a herd. Once again, there was nothing to be seen. Stumped, I started searching the ground for sign, hoping to see evidence of where they had gone, but the ground was frozen solid and wasn't telling the story. I started up the new ridge, but for some reason turned and looked to the left. Across the canyon about 300 yards away I could see a herd of pigs, some feeding, and some sound asleep in the sun. I still can't say with 100% certainty that this was the herd we had been trailing, but it sure seems like it was. They had managed to cover about 600 yards as the pig walks from where we had last seen them, down a nasty hill and half way up another. Not only that, they had done so with enough time to allow half of their crew to start their nap. Where they were now bedded was about a mile where we had caught sight of the first two. If it weren't for the fact that the herd was the same size with the same ratio of young pigs to big pigs, I would have guessed that I was looking at a new herd. Even if it was a new herd though, what surprised me is that after an ice cold and windy night, we had a herd of pigs that was down and sleeping by 9am. Where they were laid up, it was easily 15 degrees warmer and completely out of the wind. It was strategic. All of my previous experience told me that this was the time for them to be up and about doing their feeding in the sun, but it looks like this particular herd filled their bellies under the cold full moon. At a time I expected movement, all they wanted was sleep. With the wind the way it was, there was only one approach for me to get to the herd. I had to down the nasty slope, completely exposed to them and then right back up at them. I left my babysitter to watch the show and started slowly down the slope. One by one the rest of the herd made its way to the growing pig pile until only one individual was left out in the open. When I was 80 yards away from the herd, but still on the wrong side of the canyon, that single pig caught my movement and locked in on me. I held perfectly still, half in the catclaw and one foot on uneven ground for a good 10 minutes before she turned her head to feed again. No sooner had I started to move than I rolled a rock and she flipped back around to investigate. This time she stared my way for even longer...however long it takes for my thigh to cramp up. About the time I thought I couldn't take any more she turned and started feeding again. A few minutes later I was in the bottom and out of her field of view. I checked in with my babysitter and he reported that she had moved over towards the rest of the herd to join the group nap. It had taken me over an hour to move 100 yards and to drop about 200 feet. This was the babysitter's view as I finally made my way up the hill. The formerly alert pig is in the pile of two on the left, and there are 10 or so pigs in the pile on the right. I slowly made my way up the hill, and eventually found myself 20 yards to the left of where you see the smaller group of pigs in the photo, but I couldn't see them through the grass. I sat down on a flat rock and just waited. Every five minutes or so a pig would stand up and shift, and more than once I started to draw back, only to have my target lay back down and out of sight. I passed the time ranging various rocks and bushes while I waited, and prayed that the wind would remain constant. After about 20 mintues on my rock, and several balking draws, something tipped off the herd and they suddenly blew out from their tree in all directions. I can only assume that my scent somehow found its way to one of them. In any event, one of the pigs in the closer group (I believe it was the same one that gave me the cramping stare down) suddenly appeared in front of a cactus that I had previously ranged at 18 yards. I drew back and hit her a bit high on the shoulder, but it was enough to put her down and she tumbled down the hill. Her reaction to the arrow brought some of her herd mates, and I was soon surrounded on three sides by woofing pigs, some no more than two or three yards from me. My babysitter had never seen that before, and thought for sure that I was about to be attacked. Here I am approaching the sow after she had stopped rolling down the hill. And here is a close up of javelina number 17: It was a memorable day, and I learned a lot. Each time I think I know what they are going to do, they surprise me. Nearly four hours passed from the first sighting to when I let an arrow fly. They covered a ton of ground and weren't doing what I thought they'd do, but that's what makes it "hunting."
1 point
1 pointLance is right about the lower power 3-3.5X minimum power scopes. I've been with buddies hunting thickets with a 5-6X min power scope, only to have them not be able to acquire a moving target at close range. A 3-3.5 x minimum will allow you to get on target fast at closer ranges, although many buyers today are going for the 5-6X minimum higher power scopes. Typically 1x per hundred yards max is nominally appropriate for most hunting/sniping applications.
1 pointMillennial anti-theft device...sweet accessory.
1 pointNegative they don’t own it. But would you go run the PF Chang’s marathon and start 200 yds from the finish line?
1 point
1 point
1 pointsomebody evaporate this thread. the facts are well noted and often stated but will not have any impact on the tidal wave of popular opinion as seen in the much larger media frenzy. should go 'poof' before our little online community gets identified in a manner that would be detrimental to all. lee
1 point
1 point
1 pointI’ll bite, I bought my 12 year old the ruger American compact in 6.5cm. I can shoot it comfortably and so can he. 6.5 is a pretty solid round that penetrates deeply. Very little kick.
1 pointMakes no sense, but that's normal for you. Also appears as if you're not only trying to achieve dickhead status, but we can also count you among the idiots who skirt the laws, right? Probably why you still haven't answered this from another thread: Sounds as if you have some experience on the other side of the fence?
1 point
1 pointif you want to keep it quiet, stay away from an AR-15. They are LOUD. Plenty of cheap bolt action 22mag and 17's being made anymore. Look at Marlin or savage. I have one of the first Marlin 17 hmr's ever made. probably got it around 2003? Shoots amazingly well and i've killed several coyotes with it out to about 200 yards.