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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/11/2020 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    Guaranteed it’s better than duck.
  2. 2 points
    Story of my first deer. (Shortened) After glassing, and stalking other bucks I eventually found myself at the top of a ridge overlooking a wash filled with cattle. As soon as my eyes focused on a calf I saw the white bottom of a 2 point buck jump behind a bush. I briskly started walking to get even with the buck as I was on top of the ridge and he was in the bottom of a wash. I was using an ultimate predator decoy, a silhouette of a doe that I Velcro on my bow, to hopefully lure in the rutting buck. I chased him from ridge to ridge til eventually I cut him off and waited for him to walk right in to me where the wash ended. Seconds after stopping my movement he emerged from behind a bush at about 65 yards. His eyes immediately locked on me, the doe decoy, and began walking right towards me. I ranged the cactus 17 yards in front of me that he would have to go around. I drew my bow without him noticing because of the decoy. When he approached the cactus he turned broadside to go around it and that’s when I let the arrow fly. The Rage broad head penetrated deeply into his vitals from what I could tell at the moment. Instantly blood spurted out of him and he took off down the wash he came from. After waiting an hour I started tracking. After finding little to no blood I eventually made my way back up the wash where I thought he was. I found a large puddle of blood and 10 feet farther there he was; crashed in the wash. I had finally killed my first buck and it was an archery otc hunt. It took a lot of hard days, sleepless nights, and practice to get it done but I did it. Super happy for my first buck. He’s not a monster but for my first deer I can’t complain. Thanks everyone for all the tips and advice. I couldn’t have done it without y’all. 9F8FCEC8-3952-4732-83AF-844D2E2DF364.MOV
  3. 2 points
    I missed a nice big one the other day, I was shaking so bad I didn’t have a prayer to hit him
  4. 2 points
    It's "You're" not "Your." About 60 years ago, a female English lit professor told our class that anyone who can't articulate his or her thoughts in conversation or writing without using some form of the F-word likely has the social skills and intelligence of a kumquat. At the time, I laughed along with the rest of the class even though I had no idea what a kumquat was, much less if it could talk or write. Still, I never followed up on it to find out. So now...after reading your messages on here for a few months, I'm wondering; if I look up "kumquat' in the dictionary, will your photo be there along with the definition?
  5. 2 points
    It’s pretty popular in Italy and France. But what do they know about good food, right
  6. 2 points
    Now for the best part of all!! The top one is a ribeye my wife sousvide and then cast iron seared. The bottom one I just hit hot and fast on the grill. Both were exceptional!!
  7. 2 points
    As usual, your reading comprehension deficit has kicked in. Below is the pertinent exchange in order for the quote you used. Someone with a minimal sense of logic would deduct it has absolutely nothing to do with a conspiracy theory or how much watermelon sells for in Bangladesh. In fact, your almost sane reply to the last quote was that you were off hunting.
  8. 2 points
    I would quickly apologize if I had been wrong about something I personally stated. But nothing I said fits that description. Here are all my pertinent posts. Maybe you missed a few. Feel free to post anything I said that was "wrong." As for the name calling, once a dumb A$$HAT, always a dumb A$$hat because you earned it. And now, I guarantee this one below isn't wrong.
  9. 2 points
    Iran's missile designer at work. No doubt went to school with trphyhntr.
  10. 1 point
  11. 1 point
  12. 1 point
    How old is the $1750 pair? I’m a little confused by the post
  13. 1 point
    Here’s a little one I missed the other day. Not sure how that happened, shot right over him. Guess I still get too dang excited... heres one I had at about 45 yards a few days before that. He busted me trying to range him and then he turned around instead of stepping out. Another real amateur maneuver on my part.... anyhow, been seeing a lot more movement in person and on trail cam this week. Seems like it’s heating up to me. You should have a good hunt
  14. 1 point
  15. 1 point
  16. 1 point
  17. 1 point
    They have been shooting them for years there along with the wild horses . Fact.
  18. 1 point
    Got it all unloaded in the freezer. That’s a 23 cu ft chest freezer that was completely empty. That’s only about 60-70% of the meat!! The pic of my dog licking the skull really puts it in perspective. She’s not a big dog but probably 50 pounds!! I ended up scoring him to the best of my ability and came up with 115 6/8 which makes book by a few 8ths.
  19. 1 point
    They’re just as edible.
  20. 1 point
    I used it intentionally so the other dumbass would have something meaty to comment about. 😎
  21. 1 point
    Rugermack if you are the lucky 1 congrats you will love it!
  22. 1 point
    Wonder why that plane was even allowed to get off the ground with missiles flying around.
  23. 1 point
    My cousin actually runs a feedlot for bison. They grain finish them similar to beef. I have a hunch this bull will be a lot different then the meat I’ve had from him. Still looks incredible though. We just got home tonight and there’s some thawing in the sink so I’ll have an update likely tomorrow.
  24. 1 point
    Skinned the two cats, stretched and dried them and sold them at a fur sale. One for $900 and the other $820. Brian
  25. 1 point
    long, Australian and boring. but some of the best underwater photography i have ever seen. by the way trphy said he went fishing but is sandbagging us..........