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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/02/2020 in Posts

  1. 7 points
    I have been hunting javelina with a rifle and pistol for a few years now. After several close encounters, I finally tagged one on a rifle hunt last year. This past summer I decided to take up archery hunting. With all the bad luck I have had hunting javelina, I figured, why not try with a bow. Seems like a good idea to me 🤣🤣🤣. After all, I have heard multiple times people say that javelina are gods gift to archery hunters. Well I guess those people are correct!!! Never imagined on my first day out hunting javelina with a bow I would have tagged one. What a way to start 2020. Happy new year everyone!!!
  2. 6 points
    Weve found deer everywhere all times of the day...never give up on any direction. As soon as you think you've got them figured out they will surprise you.
  3. 5 points
    Don’t worry no one will follow those cords and hunt there ever.
  4. 4 points
    I had a Glassing lesson from Duwane, (highly recommend) and his main point was watch the slopes at sunrise that get the sun light. The are really easy to spot during that first hour since they contrast is higher.
  5. 4 points
    The last time I told some one what side of a hill to glass and when, an hour later we were skinning a buck on the wrong side of the hill.
  6. 3 points
    Had high expectations headed into this hunt. Hunted 1 day each weekend when the hunt started then hit it after Christmas when the weather went to crap. Was happy to kill this buck when I did.
  7. 3 points
    My dad, cousin and I wrapped up the late coues hunt. My dad shot his buck with one shot at 500 yards. Mine was one shot at 430. We looked over a lot of bucks and had a blast while doing it. I am grateful to still be able to hunt with my dad. He follows me into some gnarly country. He was able to watch my shot hit home and I was able to do the same for him. Memories that will last a lifetime.
  8. 3 points
    It was awesome! I didn't tag a buck, but learned a ton, had a blast, and saw things I've never seen before. A forum member here had the same hunt and so I got to ask him a ton of questions and chatted in the afternoons which was a huge relief since I was out there solo. I had patterned a group of bucks all the way up until the hunt, found my plan and plan B, and then at 4a on opening morning when I was walking to my spot I got flashlighted by a Hunter that beat me to the spot. I was too far away to make it to plan b before first light so hiked into the unknown and found a spot to glad from. At sunrise I saw how many hunters were inn this area and so pushed around to a different hill and set up. I had not planned for pressure, I can't believe I'd thought I'd be in my area alone, but in the 20 times Id been out there, I hadn't seen a single person. Also hadn't planned for the wind the last couple of days and the cows. It took a couple days to find the bucks again, and a few more to find a way to reach them. My best chance at a stalk ended up empty handed. The most sobering moment was walking a trail and coming across a literally streaming cat scat. Cameras near by suggest it was this guy. I chatted with one group who had taken 5 bucks between them (8 hunters) total with a couple days to go. Last day I got to watch the most amazing sunset. Ended up buying a bow about 3 weeks later and bought my 2020 OTC tag and a HAM javelina. Probably the best week in the outdoors I've ever had, and I can't wait for next October to do it all again!
  9. 3 points
    3 lions, They probably wacked the dude then had lunch. terrible way to go. I'm guessing one was momma 2 were young and they were on a hunting party
  10. 3 points
    These are trail cam pics from last April... this spring should be great as there will be plenty of food after all this winter moisture
  11. 3 points
  12. 3 points
    Good growth, bad growth, no growth... just give me another elk tag!!! Brian
  13. 2 points
    It’s early but I’ve been on a bear crazy mission since last year. I wanna see some pics of bears killed in the spring time.
  14. 2 points
    How do they know the lions didnt kill the individual? That's just the Public Relations guy trying not to scare the public
  15. 2 points
    The deer are going to be where they're going to be, you gotta look everywhere
  16. 2 points
    Great thread; glad I found this! Here's another contribution (originally posted over on forum.nosler.com here). Cow elk, taken with my 7mm-08 pushing a 160gr AccuBond at 2725 fps out my Tikka T3x. I found a small group of cows at about sundown. One stepped out of some cedar trees in a clear grassy spot down hill of where I was at about 360 yards, quartering towards me. I took the shot, and she immediately tensed up & walked a very quick half-circle back behind a tree where I could only see her head. A few seconds later, she flopped over and didn't get back up...no more than 10 seconds after the shoot. Upon inspection/field dressing, I found the bullet (pictures below) had entered between two ribs about 4 inches behind her right shoulder blade and passed through her lungs, liver, and a little of her stomach before coming to rest against the offside hide. My rough measurement says it went through about 22" of elk. Vertically, the bullet hit a little high, in the top 1/3 of her lungs, 4-5" below the top of her ribs/spine. The recovered bullet (after cleaning) weighs 140 grains, yielding ~87% weight retention. My ballistic calculator puts the bullet going about 2250 fps, with 1800 foot-pounds of energy at impact. I had some reservations about using this heavy of a bullet in the 7mm-08, thinking it might not open up well at extended range/lower velocities. Looks like my worries were unfounded, at least for this particular AB. I couldn't ask for any more from the bullet given the conditions. Sorry I didn't have a picture of the elk before field dressing/packing it out. I didn't have my phone with me the night I got her, so the best I could include was the rifle and packed out meat/proof-of-gender.
  17. 2 points
  18. 2 points
    theyre gonna have fronts at a bare minimum. i got 8 points this year
  19. 1 point
  20. 1 point
    If everybody realized how cool crossbows were there would be a lot more guys buying them for the ham hunts. Heck some might even use them for their rifle hunts. I had a Parker Cyclone and it was a killin machine. Good luck with sale
  21. 1 point
  22. 1 point
    I'm sitting on 23 points SMH.. Hope this is my year..
  23. 1 point
    Very cool! thanks for sharing. Like you said, it's probably a leucistic bird. for those unfamiliar with the term it basically means the bird has a mutation that makes the pigment not deposit in the feathers normally. more info on leucism https://www.thespruce.com/bird-leucism-387342
  24. 1 point
    Awesome buck! Congrats
  25. 1 point
    Here’s another!! Started off as a 200gr XTP from a 10mm... then met a great Texas whitetail on our low fence lease! 183.0gr weight retention, 27 yard shot, deer dropped in its tracks-