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  1. 4 points
    I'm not terribly thrilled with the photos on my camera, and there are probably 200+ photos on the other phones and cameras that were there with us. I want to take the time to write it up properly in it's own thread with the best photos, but for now, a few of my current favorite photos are at the bottom of this post. šŸ™‚ No, it wasn't that ram. He disappeared. Honestly, the ram she killed might score a little better. The photo I shared in that other post was that ram's best angle. (The power of the Internet when you want to show off šŸ™‚ ) He was gorgeous in just about every way, but didn't have the mass her sheep has. Plus, we never saw him in person. Her ram has very nice bases and carries it all the way through. I never saw her ram on any cameras or while while scouting--though he was with two smaller rams that I did have on camera. Everyone is absolutely thrilled.
  2. 4 points
    Well, I couldn't hold out for long. My best scouted ram is down. Not the biggest or oldest in the unit, but my lifetime desert bighorn was taken at 8:30AM on my 33rd birthday. Most of my hunting partners, as well as my dad and brother all had a heavy, contributing hand to make this one special. More to come, but for now..
  3. 3 points
    Was finally able to get out yesterday, took two trucks ( Chevy and a Ford for those wondering) to yank me out. Ford connected to me, Ford connected to the Chevy to get it out. Unfortunately the guy recording forgot to start the video so we never got footage of the rescue
  4. 2 points
    Okay guys I went scouting today and I seen something that seemed like I was in a fantasy.... After seeing countless whitetail deer. I spotted some in a pocket really high in a canyon and what I seen next you would not believe......
  5. 2 points
    It would make one heck of a Detroit blind.
  6. 2 points
    Thank you! Actually my dads but probably one of my favorite memories.
  7. 2 points
    Does it have good heat? Adam ( bigbrowns ) wanted a blind for Kansas in the cold.
  8. 2 points
    Pics or didnt happen šŸ˜€
  9. 2 points
  10. 2 points
    These may be sold to a buddy of mine pending wife approval....
  11. 2 points
    I'd rather be shot in Wisconsin than tortured in mexico, just my opinion though.
  12. 2 points
    Third Day Update: TAG FILLED. As I finally have a chance to relax and look back on it, wow what a day itā€™s been! We decided to go back to the spot I posted about yesterday morning. While we had seen some bulls yesterday, we werenā€™t entirely sure if theyā€™d be there again since we didnā€™t scout this area before the season started. (It was a whole new spot because we couldnā€™t get to the spots we had scouted and wanted to hunt due to all the snow.) We looked at a map last night and decided on an area to sit and glass and wait in the morning to see if the elk would come through that same area. We got up early and hiked in about a mile to sit and glass. About an hour after sunrise, we decided to cross the ridge we were sitting on to get a better view of a tree line and valley that we had seen tracks in yesterday. 30 minutes later, as Iā€™m loudly clearing snow off a log to sit on, my buddy spots the first cow. She was coming from a saddle connected to the little valley we were sitting on about 150 yards from us. He tells me to shut up and look and I see her clear as day. A few more cows follow her and I think to myself ā€œwhere are the bulls?ā€ After what seemed like forever, but was probably about 30 seconds, we spot a bull following the cows. Heā€™s a decent 4 pointer and being the third day I think ā€œgame on, Iā€™m gonna tag my first bull!ā€ All of a sudden 5 more bulls come into view from that same saddle but thereā€™s one (potentially major) problem. The lead cow is now at the bottom of this valley we are sitting right on top of about 80 yards in front of us. She can either keep going down or turn directly towards us. There were tracks all on the hillside we were sitting on, so Iā€™m just praying she doesnā€™t head straight for us. My prayers went answered and she continued leading the group down the valley. I turn my attention back to the bulls, but Iā€™m starting to get so excited that not only will I get a shot at one, Iā€™ll actually get to PICK the one I want to shoot. And they are only 125 yards away! I quickly look at each bull through my scope and pick out the one that looks the biggest. Honestly, I probably should have looked at each one longer but I was worried that I would miss this awesome opportunity because the group was moving steadily through. The big one stopped and I had a clear shot at about 125 yards. I pulled the trigger. He went about 30 yards and dropped on his side. He was down! I couldnā€™t believe it. Clean, double lung shot. I was shaking so hard and for some reason my left hand was tingling like crazy. We waited about 10 minutes but he was down and gone. I walked up and he was a beautiful 6 pointer. I honestly couldnā€™t have dreamed of a more perfect way to fill my first tag. Thank you all again so much for your tips and words of encouragement! Iā€™m really glad I got to finish this thread with a success story and a great bull. Until next time, John
  13. 2 points
    chainsaw and shovel are your best friends if you dont have a winch or any help. Kid and I got stuck in unit 8 one muddy year turkey scouting. all we had was a shovel and chainsaw. dug a ramp cut a bunch of tree limbs and crawled right out
  14. 2 points
    So does this mean your single now? you hot? got any pics?
  15. 1 point
    We were ready to tough out the weather on Friday. We didnā€™t realize visibility would be near zero. Friday afternoon after the weather cleared a little we glassed 11 bucks and a handful of does. No shooters. Next day we hiked in a ways and after spotting small or young bucks we found 2 shooters. Classic scenario, waited til they bedded then made our 2 hour stalk and they werenā€™t there anymore. Started glassing the surrounding areas and spotted this buck just 248 yards away and buddy decided he was a shooter. The crazy part was that 30 seconds after he died a bunch of ravens showed up and landed in the tree above him.
  16. 1 point
    Any one else like Me and hate unpacking and unloading the truck from a hunting trip. I would allmost pay some one if they knew where to put everything. To me its depressing even with a successful hunt. Cause You know the fun is over, back to work and you are tired as chit...I did get a Average Coues ,so i am happy, but You look all year for that hunt and now its over. When I get energy I will post a pic.................BOB!
  17. 1 point
    Iā€™m too big of a geek to not run numbers on this. If you take 170 (b&c eastern) times 0.65 you get 110.5 which is darn close to 110 (b&c coues). For p&y I had to do 0.55 to get 125 to roughly equal 70ā€. So if you split the difference and use 0.6 and just divide or multiply depending on which direction youā€™re going that seems to be the nerdy way of doing it. So your sons buck would be about equivalent to a 100ā€ eastern. I would say any coues is a bigger trophy then any eastern in my opinion, thatā€™s even coming from a guy who spends much more time killing easterns then coues.
  18. 1 point
    Stop it, youā€™re gonna make me blush. Just got bull #3 off the mountain. Un-bull-ievable year. I donā€™t do it often but iā€™ll have to write something up after my back, blisters and snowburn heal up.
  19. 1 point
  20. 1 point
    Terrible news. Sounds like Mexico is almost as dangerous as Chicago or DC.
  21. 1 point
  22. 1 point
    I'd come help but I'm watching a great soccer game..
  23. 1 point
    4 people were shot opening day in wisconsin, pick your poison.
  24. 1 point
    Personally, if it is not for an unforseen medical issue, I am not a fan of pointguard. Turning in a tag because of weather, or you couldn't find a big enough buck/bull during the preseason, or antler growth had a bad year? BS. You don't want to hunt? OK, don't go. It seems like a "participation trophy" to me.
  25. 1 point