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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/03/2019 in Posts

  1. 5 points
    Okay guys I went scouting today and I seen something that seemed like I was in a fantasy.... After seeing countless whitetail deer. I spotted some in a pocket really high in a canyon and what I seen next you would not believe......
  2. 5 points
    Thatā€™s quite the machine. I can totally see how it would lend confidence in a crossing. Heavy, All wheel drive, snorkel, with tractor type tires. Plus I bet they crossed many times in it before. I remember seeing it up there before so I know it gets driven enough to understand capabilities. Hindsight tells us itā€™s a bad idea, that crossing probably changed itā€™s output to greater flow every minute and the group got caught up in the fun. I donā€™t hold it against the parents or anybody.
  3. 3 points
    Your ultimate road hunting vehicle? The decision to attempt this crossing will haunt these parents for life. I pray all involved will somehow find peace again.
  4. 3 points
    These are from the late hunt. EDIT: My bad. These are actually from both the early and late hunts.
  5. 2 points
    This was Seans 3rd buck and by far his best. We glassed up this buck along with three other smaller bucks and several does about a mile away. Both my grandsons had tags so with my buddy Dave keeping glass on them we started the hike in to try and get a shot at them. This was around 8 am. It took us around a hour to get 600 yards from the deer and we got set up to try and figure out where the bigger buck had bedded down. Dave was trying to explain to me the tree he had gone into and not came out of. We watched the next biggest buck try and mount a doe and decided to go ahead and try and get close enough to have my youngest grandson Fabian try and take him and then see if we could get the bigger buck when he stood up. We moved into a ridge that was 300 hundred yards from the saddle the three point kept chasing the does in. That put us 385 from where we thought the bigger buck was bedded at. Once we moved down to this spot we could no longer see the 3pt as he had went back into the saddle. For some reason a doe and fawn came out of the saddle and climbed up to where the doe and bigger buck was. When they got up there The bigger buck came out of his bed and started nosing the 2 does. That was when Sean got on the rifle and made a great shot at 385 to put down the big 4. It was kinda crazy watching these deer rutting already. I would also like to throw a thank you to Dave and his son Timmy as Timmi came down and drove his truck a couple miles up a wash to save me about 2 miles on the packout.
  6. 2 points
    My oldest son Auggie got his first deer this morning. Hiked in and got in place just in time. Glassed up a few deer then found this little guy. I said do you want to shoot a spike? He said "I'm freaking freezing, yes!". Got him set up and dialed in the scope and waited for a shot. 1 shot dropped him in his tracks, it was awesome to see through the 15s. Called Pickles to tell her the news and while he was on the phone with her a few deer right under our glassing spot busted out from under us. Of course the one taking it's time and offering some shot opportunity was a nice little 3x3! Go figure! Great morning with my boy though. Love you Auggie! You are one heck of a great kid and you make me proud! Now we gotta get grandma her first..
  7. 2 points
    Lightly used Nightforce SHV 5-20x56 MOAR reticle for sale for $800. Will also include seekins precision low four cap 30 mm rings. Really nice scope just donā€™t need that much weight on my kids new hunting setup. Price is firm please contact me at 520-709-5298 for the quickest response I am located near Sonoita Arizona and am willing to ship at buyers expense
  8. 2 points
    I'd buy these before I bought the non HD Swarovski. You can find them cheaper and I believe outperform the non HDs.
  9. 2 points
    Grown men don't need or ask for credit!
  10. 2 points
    Going Good so far. Thank You Much!.........BOB!
  11. 2 points
    I was in his early rifle 12AW camp. That one on the left was 12AE. After we tagged out my guide helped them get on that big boy. Had a great experience myself. As did my son. Great guides canā€™t say enough good things about Duwane.
  12. 2 points
    First of all, I can't believe he trusted his wife to put them in for sheep, he is braver than I am! Second he should literally go buy a lottery ticket. I have never ever heard of that.
  13. 1 point
    Especially in today's world of Social Media. Pretty sure the buck I saw died of old age. He was already old and well know locally.
  14. 1 point
  15. 1 point
    Congratulations to the young man! That is a nice buck!
  16. 1 point
    Sell them. Then when you buy again buy Swarovski even the non HD 15's are worth every penny
  17. 1 point
    Lucky for her she's a she and not a he, cause she cant hide! If she had antlers, she'd be toast..... even Stevie Wonder would spot that deer.
  18. 1 point
    All my stuff has been in my truck since October. Not unpacking till February
  19. 1 point
    Take/Hunt From A Vehicle (A.R.S. 17-301 B, R12-4-319) Pages 108 and 130 "No person may take wildlife from a motor vehicle, watercraft or aircraft, except as permitted by Commission Order, and under the provisions of the Challenged Hunter Access Mobility Permit Commission Rule (R12-4217). ā€œTake,ā€ as defined by law, includes pursuing, shooting, hunting and killing wildlife. You are unlawfully using a vehicle to take wildlife if you intentionally drive around until you see the animal you wish to harvest and then make an attempt to take. ā€œRoad huntingā€ is illegal; so is pursuing wildlife with a vehicle, chasing or heading off moving wildlife with a vehicle, and driving off-road to get closer to wildlife. You do not have to shoot from the vehicle to be in violation."
  20. 1 point
  21. 1 point
    GO GATORS! I'll be back in Florida spring of 2020 to fish in the Keys and make a trip up to mom and dads in Ocala. Gonna try and do some bass fishing also so I'll keep ya in mind if I run into any issues. BTW I was just down in Vail for my Coues hunt in 34A, my buddy lives off of 83 and I-10.
  22. 1 point
    I personally only do no-gi right now. Knock on wood I have not had any major bjj related injuries. I have aggravated old football injuries, but not caused anything new. I trust most of the guys in my gym, and I am a giant so it helps keep me out of bad positions for damage from newer guys. They will come I am sure, but I keep the ego checked at the door and do my best to not damage others in hopes they will do the same. Muay Thai isn't going to be on my list of things to do. No strikes for me, football gave me plenty of blows to the head to go around.
  23. 1 point
    After I get done waiting for 14 years for my 12b west tag, Iā€™m gonna shoot 2 bucks also. Keep one and buy the other back for a nominal fee, not a bad deal
  24. 1 point
    yeah, i am NOT looking forward to this elk hunt. we've got 4 unit 1 late bull tags this year. gonna be a cold one. the wind picked up to 40-50mph yesterday evening and is still going.
  25. 1 point
    Your buddy put three people in on the same app for sheep tag? I've got to admit that's the first time I have ever heard of somebody putting in more than one person let alone drawing more than one sheep tag.