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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/23/2019 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    After two and a half days and glassing up 16 does I saw this guy and a spike. Made a 500 yard shot and am very happy with him for my first can’t wait to do it agin.
  2. 2 points
    With some of the drama going on in other threads I decided it would be a good time to post some pictures of my elk season. Couple bulls I "guided" Due to work I can not comitt to guiding clients but I get to help kill elk every year. 250 yard shot. Just under 340" 33 yard shot just under 370 Good luck to all the rest of the year!! Its almost archery time and then Mexico!! Some scouting pics
  3. 2 points
    Well, my son has killed lots of mule Deer but this is his 1st coues. Spotted bigger ones this morning but lost them found this guy at 3pm. 380yds and that's all she wrote. Heck of a pack out. We just got home. Unit 21 by the way. We have 1 more tag to fill
  4. 2 points
    Current recommendations for 2020-21 Have 0 hunts in unit 21.
  5. 2 points
    Do whatever you want!! I just told you exactly how things went. Ryan Hatch told me about some bucks in areas also. So I’ll give him a shout out! My friend Mike Miller told me some spots to check out also. So here is his shout out! My cousin Kip gave me info also. Here is his shout out! GMC let me drive their truck. Here is their shout out! Remington let me shoot their rifle. Here is their shout out! Leapould Scope. Shout out! Kuiu let me where their camo. Here is their shout out! Im wearing Carhart pants. Here is their shout out! Nosler let me shoot their 165 ballistic tips. Here is their shout out! My buddy gave me a Spuride hat. Here is his shout out! I’ve got Hanes underwear on. Here is their shout out! Thanks to Sam’s club and Fry’s for supplying me with food. Here is their shout out! Ive got a Ragen toy hauler. Here is their shout out! Thanks to Leica and Swarovski for their optics. Here is their shoutout! Monfrotto Tri-pod. Shoutout!! Yeti cooler shout out!! Anything else I missed Mathews??? Let me know!!!
  6. 1 point
    For sale. Outdoorsmans Med Tripod, Tall Centerpost Ext., Pan Head, neoprene leg covers, 3 adapter plates, and balance rail. Looking to get $800, located in the heart of Glendale. Will post pictures soon.
  7. 1 point
    Here is my 2019 Az strip mule deer. It only took me 19 years to draw the tag!! This was one of the best hunts I’ve ever had! Mostly because I was able to share it with my girlfriend who was there for the scouting trips and the Hunt. She was so excited to be there and watch me take a buck of a lifetime! I couldn’t have done it without her! After finding out I was diagnosed with cancer and had surgery a couple of months ago I wasn’t sure I was going to be able to make the hunt. She was there every step for me!! This Buck is OUR buck!!
  8. 1 point
    It's not just the Cartels you have to watch out for on Mexico Hunting trips...
  9. 1 point
  10. 1 point
    TTT still have this. would love to sell it or Trade for pistol or Rifle + cash on my end.
  11. 1 point
    Mathews is just pissed that hes in second place, behind me in the fantasy league 😂😂 I dont give a dang about the behind the scenes drama, killer buck!
  12. 1 point
    Porcupine was a name given to him from guide friends of mine. He wasn't even on anyone's hit list (not too many at least ) since he won't score well, just a unique bull that we hope breeds a cow that has genetics of giant fronts and beams. then maybe his offspring will be shootable.
  13. 1 point
  14. 1 point
    I agree. I’m keeping 50 of them for my old guns. Figure that will last me a while
  15. 1 point
  16. 1 point
    Nobody said your a bad person. Just saying your acting like a punk and making yourself look bad.
  17. 1 point
    OPs story was very short and to the point and your calling him out like an effing turd throwing shade on him and his hunt. If Jason has a problem let them hash it out, don't come here knocking someone on a public forum for trying to share their hunt.
  18. 1 point
    I know nobody in this whole mess but you are coming across as a douche. If there is an issue let the other dudes work it out. Why even get involved in the drama? Who cares? This is Facebook and Instagram BS.
  19. 1 point
    Well no one asked you did they?!! You guys really amaze me. You think you’re the only ones who can go hunt and find deer?? He could have told me where to go look for deer but they aren’t standing in the same spot as they were even the day before. Still gotta go hunt! Sounds like you’re really making a name for yourself on CWT being a jackass!! I’d really love to share a hunting camp with you prima donna hunting guide! You’re one of those guys who saw a deer standing on a hill 3 years ago and told someone and needs your name mentioned in Muley Crazy aren’t you??!!
  20. 1 point
    Ignore the jealous guys, but I hear you. I don't post pictures on here for the same reasons.
  21. 1 point
    Here we go!! Let the drama begin! This is why I don’t post often because of guys like you who surround themselves in the drama! Do you know how my hunt went?? Or do you even know me?? NO! Jason B is a buddy of mine and we’ve known each other for close to 15 years. Yes of course he helped me. I made 1 scouting trip with him and checked cameras and learned a little about the unit in a day and half. We talked about options and where we thought would be good spots to start the hunt. He and I have talked about 13B and A for the last couple years and if it was a good idea to put a 2nd choice this year instead of just hunting 13B. My girlfriend and I went up 3 days before the hunt started and scouted on our own also. She and I decided where we would hunt opening day because of all the outfitters and pressure. She and I decided where we’d go the 2nd day and where to glass and how we would hunt the area. It was she and I who found the buck and put him on the ground. It was she and I who took care of the deer after he was down. In the end did Jason B help me?? Of course he did!! No doubt about it. I used info from his cameras on where bucks were at, I set my own camp, he didn’t guide me and tell me where to go or what buck to shoot or cape the buck and help pack it out! I also guide clients and have guys call me every year looking for info. Do I need my name mentioned or slap my own back cause I gave guys info where to go find rams even though I wasn’t there for the kill. NO! I do it cause I want guys to be successful and find sheep and have a great hunt! What Jason B and I have worked out between us is just that!! Between us! Have a good day!
  22. 1 point
    For Arizona fly fishing advice I highly recommend you check out azflyandtie.com. It's the best website for Arizona fly fishing information.
  23. 1 point
    Welcome. Grew up on Long Island so I am well aware of the fishing bug and spent most of my time there chasing anything with fins. I went to Fort Myers last spring for a remembrance of a good childhood friend who passed and some of our crew came down from NY, Carolinas, New England for a few days. While I was there I chartered a guide out of Cape Coral and went in search of Tarpon, Permit and Snook. It was February so pickins were slim but I managed to land a snook after a few brok off, a permit and although we were on tarpon in a residential canal they had lock jaw. Very cool to watch six footers roll on the bait. Here I only fish the mountain lakes but the desert lakes have plenty to offer. Some decent action to be had out of San Diego, I hear they even have bonefish. Another bucket list fish for me, as soon as I master the fly.
  24. 1 point
    in fact snook is an occasional catch while spinning or flyfishing the beach for roosters from the mulege river south around the east cape of baja sur. lee
  25. 1 point
    I barely know your wife and only know you slightly better; however, the best thing she can get you is a shock collar with adjustable settings on the FOB she keeps!