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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/22/2019 in Posts

  1. 10 points
    Here is my 2019 Az strip mule deer. It only took me 19 years to draw the tag!! This was one of the best hunts I’ve ever had! Mostly because I was able to share it with my girlfriend who was there for the scouting trips and the Hunt. She was so excited to be there and watch me take a buck of a lifetime! I couldn’t have done it without her! After finding out I was diagnosed with cancer and had surgery a couple of months ago I wasn’t sure I was going to be able to make the hunt. She was there every step for me!! This Buck is OUR buck!!
  2. 9 points
    After two and a half days and glassing up 16 does I saw this guy and a spike. Made a 500 yard shot and am very happy with him for my first can’t wait to do it agin.
  3. 4 points
    And she is loving it. Says its the best firearm she ever shot. Look at that smile.
  4. 4 points
    Here we go!! Let the drama begin! This is why I don’t post often because of guys like you who surround themselves in the drama! Do you know how my hunt went?? Or do you even know me?? NO! Jason B is a buddy of mine and we’ve known each other for close to 15 years. Yes of course he helped me. I made 1 scouting trip with him and checked cameras and learned a little about the unit in a day and half. We talked about options and where we thought would be good spots to start the hunt. He and I have talked about 13B and A for the last couple years and if it was a good idea to put a 2nd choice this year instead of just hunting 13B. My girlfriend and I went up 3 days before the hunt started and scouted on our own also. She and I decided where we would hunt opening day because of all the outfitters and pressure. She and I decided where we’d go the 2nd day and where to glass and how we would hunt the area. It was she and I who found the buck and put him on the ground. It was she and I who took care of the deer after he was down. In the end did Jason B help me?? Of course he did!! No doubt about it. I used info from his cameras on where bucks were at, I set my own camp, he didn’t guide me and tell me where to go or what buck to shoot or cape the buck and help pack it out! I also guide clients and have guys call me every year looking for info. Do I need my name mentioned or slap my own back cause I gave guys info where to go find rams even though I wasn’t there for the kill. NO! I do it cause I want guys to be successful and find sheep and have a great hunt! What Jason B and I have worked out between us is just that!! Between us! Have a good day!
  5. 4 points
    Let it snow. Been a while since we've had a cold, snowy late bull season.
  6. 3 points
    Going to save 20 bucks in ice! Gonna be chilly
  7. 3 points
    its been a while since I saw her with that big a smile, she sent me the pic below the other day of her in her flack jacket and kevlar with her m 16 thats looks at big as she is. . tuesday she finishes MCT training. she got her orders today . going to fla Wednesday for aircraft training .jet mechanic got changed from enlisted flight crew and thats what she wanted was jet mechanic org. she is super excited , I am hoping like heck she gets stationed in Yuma. its really cool to be able to talk to her again. during the 13 weeks of boot we just got letters.
  8. 2 points
    Nice buck. Excellent 1st post. Welcome to the site.
  9. 2 points
    we're waaaaay behind on snowfall/moisture.........it can be an inconvenience, but the critters will definitely benefit.
  10. 2 points
    Personally I would sleep at the casino off I-17 and hunt from there, but thats just me.
  11. 2 points
    Congrats! Both are keepers!
  12. 1 point
    Ignore the jealous guys, but I hear you. I don't post pictures on here for the same reasons.
  13. 1 point
    This was the proudest I have seen my 5yr old. 100% found on his own two days ago. His little brother was happy and proud himself when he was allowed to carry the find.
  14. 1 point
    I preffer a late hunt with snow. . Snow is nothing. I would rather hunt in a foot of snow than 3 inches of mud after it melts. Been on hunts that were almost zero at night in a tent. Adapting to your environment is a main rule in hunting. Plus the meat stays cold.
  15. 1 point
    Just because you knew where it was doesn’t mean the wife had a chance in heck of killing it . Then again you were obsessing over that bull maybe you knew we would take him opening morning and it was more than you could handle so you decided to gun it down ???
  16. 1 point
    My 6-year-old in our natural habitat.
  17. 1 point
    I have A/T tires and have never needed chains. I do carry a shovel, tow straps, a come a long, and an old piece of carpet. The carpet is nice if you have to change a tire or do any repairs. It keeps you out of the snow and mud.
  18. 1 point
    Last year was very cold and snowy in 8 and 7w. I am happy we are going to have another one! Elk don't mind this weather one bit and it keeps a lot of hunters in camp or at the bar in town.
  19. 1 point
    Last one I killed was on the first day of the hunt. After spending all morning glassing and not seeing anything, I walked right into a herd while changing glassing positions. The moral of that story is to always glass all around you even when you’re in the move. The one before that took 8 days (spread through the season, not consecutive days) just to find the first herd.... they can be tough to locate sometimes. They have a pretty big range, but seem dedicated to the spots they like. It may take them several days or even a week or more to get back to a spot you’ve found sign in. I keep track of all the spots where I’ve seen them or lots of sign and make a route. Keep hiking and glassing that route for a few days, don’t give up after just one day. It sometimes takes a little while for them to get back into town, so to speak.
  20. 1 point
    Like everyone else above has said,... glassing is key. When to glass isn't really a question... but where to glass is. On colder days youll find them out sunning, mid day or when its warm, they can tuck up under a tree. I like to give my brother a hard time, on a family outing ... we came across some javelina. At first glance, they looked like rocks... but taking a moment, they moved a little... We took the kids to the wildlife world zoo when that happened. Out in the hill side a funny looking rock might be a sleeping pig, perfectly still. that website someone mentioned above is awesome. I know this is an older post (just got my leftover 37 a tag, so getting excited and thought id cruise this forum) ... theres a current thread in the campfire about tracking old sign. Fresh poop, or old poop is hard to determine... or even worse fresh poop.... Ive hit the same spot two days in a row, only to have them poop in my boot tracks from the day before.
  21. 1 point
    if the ford at childs powerplant is still passable look into that. about 10 years a go 2 local fellows brought back toads from that access to pine mountain. mostly glassing. rough. mules might be best. lee
  22. 1 point
    Also Nick (heat) would be my first pm. Hes a solid dude!
  23. 1 point
    Then they got home and enhanced the photo on their computer.
  24. 1 point
    Glassed up a couple bulls at about 3 miles last Saturday (of course we have cow tags). Stopped a truck passing by and asked the dude what tag he had, he said he had the "any" elk tag. I said I'm watching a couple bulls over on that hill. He pulls out his Nikon Monarch something somethings and couldn't find them. I told him to look through my Swaros, which he did, and went back over to his Nikons and said, "that's exactly where I'm looking". Bet he has new binos before his next hunt.
  25. 1 point
    Just in case, can you give her my contact info and let her know I am a buyer for the whole lot at the prices you "paid for them". 😉