I think you guys don't get how this whole thing works. Until he's convicted he can guide, hunt, fish, trap or whatever he pleases. Once he's convicted then comes the punishment. It's not punishment and then conviction as much as most people want since they read about it online. He may be the worst poacher in the universe but geeze people don't hang the guy yet. For all we know everything is "suspected" and he could still get off even if he truly did it. And I'm talking in a general sense here not just this case. I've seen people already saying need to take everything he owns away and kick him to the streets, never let him set foot in the forest again etc. Why doesn't everyone just wait for the conviction and then argue what punishment you'd like the dish out. Before anyone says I'm defending him I'm not. He's a shady dude for sure. But let the process work how it's supposed to before we light our torches and grab the pitchforks. Gonna be some mighty disappointed people if this dude manages to sneak out of all this without any punishment. Crazier things have happened.
Love how 777 defended him. Right there we now know he had something to prob do with the 4b bull poached recently. Acts like he knows how it all works.