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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/02/2019 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    Cousin went out solo today since wind finally went away for one more chance. Found this little guy. 275 yd shot. What a buck
  2. 1 point
    Well this is my first attempt at this... Got a backstrap portion and some sirloin steaks. Cold smoked an hour then low smoked on pellet grill one hour. Seasoned with salt pepper and garlic. Sous vide 3 hours at 135. We will see how it turns out. Good or bad I will report. Planning on making some au jus with the bag juice.
  3. 1 point
    I was fortunate enough to take my biggest coues buck to date this last Saturday along side two of my very good buddies Patrick and Trey. I wanted to hunt a new area that I have always thought would hold a good buck or two. I’ve just been very hesitant to go up in there because the country is so rugged. Saturday started off early. Our alarms went off at 3:15 am and it was finally game time. I was very excited as this was my first coues Hunt since my last one in 2016. We started hiking at 4:30am and finally arrived to our glassing spot just before 6:15am. 45 minutes into glassing I found what looked like a deer. Sure enough it was a little buck. I was excited to see this deer cause up till then all we had seen is one doe. As I was looking at this little guy I noticed a deer in a shadow underneath him. I zoned in on this deer and he finally picked his head up and right away I knew he was a good buck. I quickly called Patrick and trey to head over to where I was at. Patrick and trey finally got to me and we busted out our big glass and started examine this buck. After about 10 minutes of looking I knew I wanted to kill this deer. He and his two buddies ended up bedding at about 8am. After coming up with a game plan, Patrick and I bailed off the mountain as trey stayed back to keep eyes on the deer. An hour or so later Patrick and I finally got to the spot where we thought we could get a shot. 5 minutes into glassing Patrick finds him bedded 515 yards away. We quickly set up the 28 nosler on a rock and I settle in. Boom! My first shot goes off. Patrick says “you hit high shoot again”. I rack another round on and try to find the buck again. I finally found him still laying there in the same spot. I settle in again.... BOOM! Patrick again says “dude you hit high again aim lower!” At this time the buck is standing and is aware something is not right. I’m startled because the scope is dialed into exactly what the dope sheet says and I’m laying prone as steady as can be. BOOM! I shoot again this time hitting low. At this point the buck is terrified and knows something is not right. He runs down the mountain 30 yards and I find him again. BOOM! WHACK!!! I could hear the billet finally connect. Patrick is telling me “you hit him you hit him!” Finally a sign of relief on my end. The buck runs down the mountain 200 yards where he finally expired in a patch of oak trees. Patrick and I load up our gear and call trey on the radio to tell him to head on over that we had got the buck. It took Patrick and I about 45 minutes to get across the canyon to my deer. I finally got to him and I was in disbelief that i had just killed this beautiful coues buck. Trey finally got to us about an hour or so later and we quickly took pics and then started on cutting the deer up to get off the mountain. We finally got back to camp where we met up with my dad. He was nice enough to drive all the way out to camp to bring up some steaks to celebrate my best coues yet. Special thanks to Patrick and Trey. I couldn’t have done it without you guys!!! Special thanks to my dad Steve for coming out and bringing us food! 🤣🤣. Hope you all enjoy the pics. Steven
  4. 1 point
    Sweet buck, congrats to you both.
  5. 1 point
    Is this glass half full or half empty
  6. 1 point
    275?!?!?! Does he have a cloak of invisibility?
  7. 1 point
    I have been hunting the refuge on and off since 1990. The times I chose not to hunt the refuge were when the refuge police harassed the heck out of every law abiding citizen utilizing their right to state and federal land. When illegal immigrants, coyotes, and drug cartel and their mules made it too risky to sleep at night or hunt certain areas on federal land. You folks that have history down there know exactly what I am talking about. the amount of taxpayers money and federal resources spent on reintroducing these mystical quail is embarrassing, a travesty, and downright criminal. Common sense tells you that if you are trying to reintroduce a species that has trouble surviving in the Hilton resort environment, that you may want to control the predator population congruently. The birds of prey are abundant, coyotes, bobcats, and mountain lions are more prevalent on the refuge than ANYWHERE that I hunt in the entire state. The quality and population of deer that have been diminishing over the last four decades is a testament to that! The idea of the feds managing anything in our state is sad and this whole debacle needs to be exposed. Give the refuge back to the people, the state of Arizona... heck, give it back to the families of the ranchers that homesteaded it in the first place. Anyone would be better stewards of that land. Whoever it might be I’m sure would mitigate the fact that I see 3-5 different mountain lions in a small area in the month of January alone. Possibly even clean up the dozens of dead deer carcasses behind the berm of the dirt tank? I apologies for my ramblings. This is a great topic and I look forward to reading others perspectives and comments. God bless!
  8. 1 point
    24a spring turkey and 24b archery pig.
  9. 1 point
    That's a awesome looking buck. Congrat's.
  10. 1 point
    Congrats that’s one helluva buck.
  11. 1 point
  12. 1 point
  13. 1 point
    Very Nice buck!! Congrats
  14. 1 point
    Matching kickers and a giant g3, congratulations on a beauty.
  15. 1 point
    Fantastic! Congratulations on an excellent buck!! Thanks for sharing your story and pics! Very nice!
  16. 1 point
    What an absolute stud. Beautiful buck has a little bit of everything.
  17. 1 point
    Dang good deal!! If we could figure out how to get it to ND easily I’d buy it just to leave my weed sprayer on!!
  18. 1 point
    You can get a replica that will be hard to tell the difference
  19. 1 point
    8,000 for a trophy unit like 4B is a good deal.
  20. 1 point
    The coincidence of nobull350 posting live game camera photos of this bull prior to it being poached is astounding.
  21. 1 point
    He's big, but I am not seeing 430+ unless A3 tapes him.
  22. 1 point
    With that many points I would have made the same decision. A large part of the fun with Antelope hunting is the scouting. It would be a let down not having the time to scout and enjoy learning the country.
  23. 1 point
    Archery coues my a—
  24. 1 point
    Is that your best work
  25. 1 point
    You guys rock! Congratulations to all on beautiful memories